The Way Of The Spiritual Leader - 263 Chapter 5 - Ministering and Giving Guidance to the Members Section 2 - Subject and Object, Cain and Abel [Part 1] 1. Subject and Object
1) The Ideology of the Unification Church - 3
Because you lack one section from the way that you can perfect love, because you lack the factor that can fit you in with the sphere of perfection of the ideal love, according to the amount of your inadequacy, you will be chased out by the universal fortune. That kind of person will walk along the periphery.
According to the law of "Yin-Gua," if you have inherited sin and wrongdoing of your ancestors, then you will have to go outside taking them with you. Since this movement behaves much like the breathing activities of the lung, if there is anything wrong, then you will be pushed out to the outside. Do you understand?
What is the ideology of subject in our Unification Church? [Love] Love. You all understand its content, right? [Yes] Wherever you go, when you stand on a place, it will be expanded outwards to the world from there.
Our life philosophy in the Unification Church is, centering on love under the dominion of such ideology of subject, from the position of applying to the whole one decisive content of a family to lead our lives. |