이 사진은 찜질방에서 찍은 것이다. 나는 종종 찜질방에 간다. 찜질방은 매우 편안하고, 긴장을 풀어준다. 사진속의 장소는 홈스파월드이고 대구 남구에 위치해있다. 새로 지은 건물이라서 시설이 매우 깨끗하다. 수영장과 샤워시설도 겸비해있으며, 친구나 연인끼리 가면 매우 좋을 것 같다.
이 사진은 예전에 바에서 아르바이트를 했을 때 찍은 사진이다. 여기서 일했을 때 좋았던 점은 비싼 양주를 마실 수 있었고, 일하는 도중에도 맥주 한두잔씩 마실 수 있었다는 점이다. 사장님이 매우 친절하셔서 기억이 많이 남는다.
첫댓글실력없는 자가 그냥 쪼끔 끄적여봅니다.. 하지만, 확실치 않다는 것!!1 This photo was taken in a public spa?), From time to time, I go there. I can feel comfortable and relax there. The place in(or on) the photo is Home Spa World, located in the South part of 대구. having newly been built, It's so clean. Further, it has a swimming pool and shower facility. It's a good idea to go there with your folks.
I was taken a shot when I worked at a pub old days as a part timer. The thing I liked at that time was that I could drink expensive whiskys (such as 30 year old Valentine <--참고로, 저두 그런 곳에서 일해봤는데 이술은 한번도 못 마셔봤다는... ^^;) for free and drink a coulple of cups of beer while working. It remains in my memories that the boss was so kind.(<<-- 마지막 문장... 한글로 적으신거.. 애매해서^^;) 그냥 끄적여 본거니.. 참고만 하세요... 다시한번 강요하지만.. 확실치 않다는거... ^^;
저도 그다시 실력은..그렇지만 수정해 봅니다.. This photo was taken in a 찜질방. I often go there because 찜질방 makes me comfortable and relax. The place in(or on) this photo is Home Spa World, located in the South part of 대구 and new building, so there is clean. There has a swimming pool and good shower facilities as well. I think there is a good place to go with your friend or lover.
It was taken when I got a part time job. The most good thing when I worked is I could drink famous whiskys such as 술이름 for free or beers on duty.The owner of this store was really kind to me. So I couldn't forget it.
첫댓글 실력없는 자가 그냥 쪼끔 끄적여봅니다.. 하지만, 확실치 않다는 것!!1 This photo was taken in a public spa?), From time to time, I go there. I can feel comfortable and relax there. The place in(or on) the photo is Home Spa World, located in the South part of 대구. having newly been built, It's so clean. Further, it has a swimming pool and shower facility. It's a good idea to go there with your folks.
I was taken a shot when I worked at a pub old days as a part timer. The thing I liked at that time was that I could drink expensive whiskys (such as 30 year old Valentine <--참고로, 저두 그런 곳에서 일해봤는데 이술은 한번도 못 마셔봤다는... ^^;) for free and drink a coulple of cups of beer while working. It remains in my memories that the boss was so kind.(<<-- 마지막 문장... 한글로 적으신거.. 애매해서^^;) 그냥 끄적여 본거니.. 참고만 하세요... 다시한번 강요하지만.. 확실치 않다는거... ^^;
감사합니다!! 복받으실꺼에염 ^^;;
저도 그다시 실력은..그렇지만 수정해 봅니다.. This photo was taken in a 찜질방. I often go there because 찜질방 makes me comfortable and relax. The place in(or on) this photo is Home Spa World, located in the South part of 대구 and new building, so there is clean. There has a swimming pool and good shower facilities as well. I think there is a good place to go with your friend or lover.
It was taken when I got a part time job. The most good thing when I worked is I could drink famous whiskys such as 술이름 for free or beers on duty.The owner of this store was really kind to me. So I couldn't forget it.