◈ 회사소개 |
기업명 : 넥상스오토일렉트릭코리아 대표자 : Adrian Ardelean
업종 : 자동차 부품 사원수 : 자본금 : |
◈ 사업내용 및 회사연혁 |
넥상스오토일렉트릭은 1966년 독일에 설립된 회사로 사원수 22,000명 규모의 외국 법인기업입니다. 케이블 제조업체로 전세계 2만명의 직원이 근무하고 있습니다. |
◈ 홈페이지 |
www.autoelectric.de |
◈ 모집분야 (업무내용) |
Design Engineer (NX Designer)
Job Responsibilities:
- Maintenance
of international development projects in the area of wiring harness
- Maintenance
the whole design process, starting with the concept phase, the design of the single components
through to complex assemblies/modules
- Compile
design solutions in the range of automotive engineering from the concept-
across the prototype development through to the serial production
- Develop
and design of single components and complex assemblies/modules in the area
of wiring harness
- 3D
math design together with preparation of release data’s using CAD systems
NX / electrical routing and team center applications
- execute
packeting (installation space) and tolerance studies plus enforce /
support assembly researches for the components
- Continuous
optimization of the design concept and implementation in reconciliation
with all involved development departments (simulation, validation, trial
and production)
- Documentation
and presentation of project results
- Work
on a global environment
- Development
of concepts and present them at the customer
- shared
responsibility for the feasibility of the development concepts in a
process reliable and competitive serial production
- evolve
/ engineer of wiring harness and design of complexes wiring harnesses in
3D and release this parts for the serial production
- technical
review with the customer respectively the suppliers, among others
specialized departments like production and testing
- handling
of the work independent as well as in a project team
Job Qualifications:
- Prosperous complete degree / study of
electrical engineering respectively vehicle engineering or alternative
apprenticeship technicians with relevant and connected to the requested
- Basic
handling of CAD-System
- Knowledge in project management ( problem
solution-, communication- and coordination ability)
- self-employed and target focused way of
- Conscientious and self-employment way of work,
high degree of enthusiasm and commitment, creativity, structured workmanship and
Team spirit, as well as communication strength and assertiveness
- Sense of responsibility, reliability and
- solid
user knowledge and safe handling of MS Office applications
- Ideally knowledge in the field of manufacturing
- Good Korean and English skills (speaking and writing), German
- good communication skills
- Good apprehension and decisional skills
◈ 모집인원 |
0명 |
◈ 고용형태 |
정규직, |
◈ 지원자격 |
신입, 4년제 졸업,( 우대조건 : 기계공학 전공, CAD 사용자, 영어 능력 우수) |
◈ 접수기간 |
수시 검토 후 채용시 마감 |
◈ 접수방법 |
이메일접수,jimin.yun@autoelectric.de |
◈ 전형절차 |
전형절차 : 서류전형→1차 영어면접 →최종합격 합격자 발표일 : 면접 후 2주 이내 발표방법 : 면접 일정은 합격자에 한해 개별 통보 |
◈ 제출서류 |
영문 및 국문 이력서, 자기소개서, |
◈ 근 무 지 |
인천광역시 부평구 GMkorea |
◈ 급여조건 |
회사내규 |
◈ 복리후생 |
4대보험, 퇴직금, 중식 제공, 통근버스 운행 |
◈ 인사담당자 문의처 |
담당자성명 : 윤지민 과장 전화번호 : 02-6271-0101 이메일 : jimin.yun@autoelectric.de
헤드헌터 문의는 받지 않습니다. |