Midseason awards for rookie class
Philly's phenom, Michael Carter-Williams, is taking home hardware in multiple award categories below.
2013-14 클래스는 이미 비난받을 만큼 비난받았다. 그래도 또한 밝은 구석들도 있었고, 이번 클래스가 올스타를 하나 또는 둘 배출할 수도 있고 우승후보 팀에서 중요한 역할을 플레이할 선수들 몇을 배출할 가능성은 있어 보인다. 시즌의 반이 지난 지금, 여기 몇몇 의미 깊은 카테고리들에서 정상을 차지한 선수들을 올려 본다.
6 월에 인원이 풍성한 드래프트가 다가오는 상황에서, 식서스의 프론트 오피스는 그냥 막연하게 최고의 선수를 모색하기 보다는 MCW가 내세울 수 있는 점에 상호보완이 될 뛰어난 선수를 찾아볼 수 있게 됐다. MCW가 지닌 최고의 덕목이라면, 드래프트 당일에 강력한 변수가 될 것으로, 다른 선수들을 더 좋게 만들어줄 수 있다는 점이다. 또한 자기 자신도 훨씬 더 좋게 만들 수 있다. 카터윌리엄스는 지금 자신의 재능 깊이에 살짝 발만 담가보고 있는 중이다. 즉 그만큼 앞으로 완전하게 형성되기에 수년이 걸릴 정도로 잠재력의 풀이 어마어마하다. 식서스 팬들에게 짜릿한 시간이 앞에 펼쳐져 있다.
Runner-up: Trey Burke, Jazz
Best Pure Scorer We're keeping track of every NBA rook. Here are the latest Top 50 rankings.
다음에 대해 생각해 보라: MCW는 림에서 좋은 피니셔가 아니다 (50 퍼센트 미만). 미드레인지 위협원은 더더욱 아니며, 3점도 슛하지 못한다 (30 퍼센트 미만). 그닥 힘이 좋지도 않다. 자신이 가장 많이 맞붙는 더 작은 가드들에게 아직 포스트업할 수 없다. 자유투 중 70 퍼센트 미만을 성공시킨다. 하지만 그래도 경기 당 득점 그리고 48 분 당 득점에서 이번 클래스에서 선두다.
저러한 약점들이 있음에도 불구하고 이토록 성공을 거둔 사실이 시사하는 바는 명확하다: 효과적으로 되기 위한 방도를 찾을 줄 아는 스페셜 탤런트. 그리고 분명 앞으로 향상될 수 있다. 어쩌면 다가오는 몇년 동안 저런 각 부문들 하나하나마다 현저하게 발전될 수도.
Runner-up: Trey Burke, Jazz
Best Rebounder Steven Adams, Thunder
Runner-up: Vitor Faverani, Celtics
아담스는 상당한 감정을 갖고 플레이하지만 자신의 피지컬 플레이에 영향을 자주 미치게 하지는 않는다. 그리고 이것이 저런 과정에 대한 열쇠다. 상대방들은 흥분을 못 참는 반면, 저런 성향이 그를 계속하여 절제되고 집중력있게 만드니까.
Runner-up: None
Phil Pressey, Celtics
프레시는 침착하게 돌파하는 한편으로 팀동료들이 컷하길 기다리거나 오픈 샷을 찾는 것에 있어 뛰어나다. 그리고 찾아내게 되면 군더더기 없는 패스로 그들에게 연결시켜 준다. 또한 트랜지션에서도 다이나믹하며, 수비수들이 그가 슛하지 않으려 한다는 것을 알고 있음에도 팀동료들이 오픈을 얻어낼 방도를 찾아낸다. 4 대 1에 가까운 그의 어시스트 대 턴오버 비율은 여러분에게 그가 얼마나 침착하며 생산적인지를 보여준다. 그러나 지금, 이번 클래스의 다른 뛰어난 패서들과 똑같이, 꾸준한 플레잉 타임을 얻고자 한다면 자신이 슛할 수 있음을 보여줄 필요가 있다.
Runners-up: Nick Calathes, Grizzlies; Gal Mekel, Mavericks
Pero Antic, Hawks
그런데 가장 중요한 점으로써, 당신이 덩치 큰 루키로부터 예상할 법만큼 많은 파울을 그는 하지 않는다. 왜냐하면 샷을 블락하거나 바꾸는 시도를 하려 어설프게 팔을 내리고 있기 보다는 팔을 쭉 위로 올려 신장을 최대한 늘리려 하기 때문이다. 호크스는 그가 경기에 있을 때 훨씬 더 수비가 좋아지며, 어느 누구의 예상보다도 훨씬 잘 알 호포드의 부상 공백을 잘 메워주고 있다.
Runner-up: Giannis Antetokounmpo
낮은 수준의 해외 리그에서 그와 같은 모습을 보이는 어린 유망주가 있을 때라면 스카우팅 리포트에 영원토록 그의 이름이 언급될지도 모른다. 이런 종류의 타고난 운동능력은 그의 출신이 어디든 상관 없이 NBA 경기에 이전되기에 충분할 만큼 가치 있다.
Runner up: Victor Oladipo, Magic
우여곡절을 많이 거치는 하프 코트 오펜스의 비중이 큰 느린 페이스의 팀에서 버크는 플레이하며, 어린 선수치고 예쁘게 경기를 운영하고 있다. 기억하라, 셋업시켜줄 필요가 있는 젊고 재능있는 팀동료들과 그는 함께 하고 있으며, 따라서 그의 역할은 단순히 "자기 샷을 얻어내는" 것만이 아니다. 그리고 슈퍼 속도의 식서스 소속으로 있는 카터윌리엄스처럼 그냥 냅다 왕복할 수도 없다. 그러나 버크는 이 도전에 응해 왔다.
식서스가 자신들의 탑 루키를 중심으로 미래 드래프트 빌딩에 들어갈 수 있듯이, 재즈도 자신들의 젊은 빅맨들과 한 포인트 가드에게 완벽한 궁합을 찾아내기 위해 드래프트와 프리 에이젼트 시장 둘 다를 이용할 수 있다.
Runner-up: Michael Carter-Williams, 76ers
그가 훌륭한 대학 팀에서 이토록 큰 도시로 들어오게 됐을 당시, 여러분은 그의 라스트 네임에 대해 생각해 봤을 것이며 그가 농구공을 가진 마법사가 되려 시도할 것이라 생각해 봄직도 했다. 하지만 저 모습은 지금의 그가 아니다. 그리고 그에게 큰 칭찬을 돌려야 할 것이 누군가를 따라하려는 것이 아닌 부드러운 샷을 지닌 매우 좋은 운동선수 그 자체로 있으려 한다는 점이다 (2014 년에 단 세 개의 턴오버만 범했던 한 가지 이유).
Runner-up: Michael Carter-Williams, 76ers
Anthony Bennett, Cavaliers
그의 이슈들은 시간 별로 차곡차곡 정리돼 있다. 항간에는 D-리그에서 몇 경기를 뛰게 하자는 이야기가 있으며, 이는 정말로 이치에 닿는 소리다. 그곳에서 상당한 시간을 받아 플레이하며 파괴적인 모습을 보인다면 아마도 그토록 필요했던 자신감을 어느정도나마 찾게 될 것이다. 드래프트란 것이 오늘보다는 내일을 더 보는 것이라면, 클리블랜드에 살고 있는 (르브론과 카이리의 성공으로 입맛이 까다로와진) 팬들이 짜릿함을 느낄 가능성이 아직 상당히 남았을 수도 있다.
Runner-up: Cody Zeller, Bobcats
평균 15 득점, 4 리바운드, 4 어시스트를 기록하며 지금 시점까지 OK였고, 따라서 다음 몇 달 동안에 큰 도약을 이루기는 상당히 어려울 것이다. 그래도 3점슛 퍼센티지에서 자그마한 상승이 있기만 한다면 커리어에서 최고의 몇 달을 보내고 다음 시즌을 기약할 수 있을 것이다 (2014 년에 이미 그에게서 보이기 시작한 추세).
Runner-up: Giannis Antetokounmpo, Bucks |
원문은 아래 더보기 클릭
The class of 2013-14 has already been maligned enough. But there have been bright spots, and it seems probable that this class will produce an All-Star or two and some players who will play prominent roles on contending teams. With the season half gone, here are the top players in some important categories.
Best Rookie
Michael Carter-Williams, 76ers
From his opening day performance to today, MCW has been the best rookie by a significant margin despite missing games due to injury. He resembles Damian Lillard in that he's a very good rookie who looks like a cornerstone piece moving forward.
With this loaded draft coming in June, the Sixers' front office can look for a great player who complements what MCW brings to the table, rather than seek just the best pure player. The best part about MCW, something that will factor heavily on draft day, is that he can help make other players better. He also can get a lot better himself. Carter-Williams is just touching the depth of his talent -- an enormous pool of potential that will take years to fully form. Exciting times for Sixers fans are on the way.
Runner-up: Trey Burke, Jazz
Best Pure Scorer
Michael Carter-Williams, 76ers
This is a bit ironic, actually, as MCW was projected as a pass-first point guard. In reality, his skill game off the dribble, his ability to change speeds, his aggressiveness and feel for when to drive into gaps, and the space (and rules) of the NBA game have helped turn him into the kind of scoring guard the league covets.
Think about this: MCW is not a good finisher at the rim (below 50 percent). He is not much of a midrange threat, nor can he shoot the 3 (below 30 percent). He is not very strong. He is not yet able to post up smaller guards, which is most of his competition. And he makes less than 70 percent of his free throws. Yet he leads this class in points per game and points per 48 minutes.
The fact that he has had so much success despite those weak spots suggests the obvious: He is a special talent who can find ways to be effective. And he should be able to improve, perhaps significantly, in each of those areas in the coming years.
Runner-up: Trey Burke, Jazz
Best Rebounder
Steven Adams, Thunder
Adams has advanced metrics on his side for this award, but he also earns the prize based just on the eye test. Watch him make the proper rebounding effort on each shot. See him grab, shove, push, all while moving his feet and positioning his body to be in a prime rebounding spot when the shot is released. Adams knows his role and it looks like he has embraced it fully.
He'll likely never lead the league in rebounds per game or rebound rate, but he has been a dominant offensive rebounder with those scorers next to him, and there's no reason to expect that can't continue for years.
Runner-up: Vitor Faverani, Celtics
Tough Guy Award
Steven Adams, Thunder
Adams earned this midseason award awhile ago, after Vince Carter hit Adams with a cheap forearm shiver to his head (in retaliation) and he didn't even react to it. Since then OKC's big man has delivered dozens of blows in the name of just playing hard and physical, and he hasn't lost his cool when opponents strike back.
Adams plays with great emotion but does not often let it impact his physical play. And that is the key to the process, as it helps him remain under control and focused, while his opponents are losing their minds.
Runner-up: None
Best Passer
Phil Pressey, Celtics
This might be the tightest race of them all. Consider that this class has three players in the top 10 of the entire league in assist rate. But Pressey has been a step above Nick Calathes and Gal Mekel thus far. Pressey is a lot like veteran point guard Ish Smith, a super-quick ball handler who lives to set up others.
Pressey is terrific at penetrating under control while waiting for teammates to cut or find an open spot. Then he'll find them with a crisp pass. He is dynamic in transition, too, and finds ways to help teammates get open even though defenders know he doesn't want to shoot. His nearly 4-to-1 assist-to-turnover ratio shows you how under control and productive he is. Now, just like the other great passers in this class, he needs to show he can shoot if he wants to earn consistent playing time.
Runners-up: Nick Calathes, Grizzlies; Gal Mekel, Mavericks
Best Defender
Pero Antic, Hawks
Surprised? You wouldn't be if you watched him play. As a veteran pro, he understands his role in Atlanta's defensive strategies and often uses his size and strength to be in the right place at the right time.
Most importantly, he does not foul as much as you'd expect from a big rookie because he tries to "tall up" with arms straight up rather than lowering them in a poor attempt to block a shot or change it. The Hawks are a much better defensive team when he is in the game, and he has helped make up for an injured Al Horford far better than anyone could have expected.
Runner-up: Giannis Antetokounmpo
Best Athlete
Giannis Antetokounmpo, Bucks
Victor Oladipo has been impressive athletically, but Antetokounmpo strikes fear in defenders when he comes swooping in from the wing in transition. Or when he chases a shooter down to block his shot. His physical characteristics combined with his quickness, speed, jumping ability and balance push Giannis to the top tier of NBA players who impact the game athletically.
He might be forever mentioned in scouting reports when there's a young prospect from a lower-level international league that looks like him. These kinds of athletic gifts are valuable enough to translate to the NBA game no matter where the player is from.
Runner up: Victor Oladipo, Magic
Best Quarterback
Trey Burke, Jazz
Today's point guard is similar to today's NFL quarterback in terms of what is typically expected of him. A point guard needs to make plays as a passer for others, is often asked to be a dynamic scorer, and has to do both of these things while managing the game and organizing the team possession after possession.
Burke plays on a slow-pace team, with lots of half-court, grind-it-out possessions, and he is managing the game beautifully for a young player. Remember, he has some young and talented teammates who need to be set up, so his job is not just about "getting his," and he can't just fly up and down the floor making plays like Carter-Williams can for the super-fast Sixers. But Burke has been up to the challenge.
Just as the Sixers can go into future drafts building around their top rookie, the Jazz can use both the draft and free agency to find the perfect pieces that fit next to their young bigs and their point guard.
Runner-up: Michael Carter-Williams, 76ers
Biggest Surprise
Tim Hardaway Jr., Knicks
Hardaway gets the edge over MCW simply because some people felt MCW was going to be a far better pro and, on the Sixers this season, had a great chance to be the ROY. Far fewer people thought Hardaway would be anything close to an impact player as a rookie on the Knicks. But in a league that values shooters and athletes more than ever, Hardaway is a perfect fit.
You might think that with his last name, coming from a great college team and to such a big city, that he would try to be a wizard with the basketball. But that's not who he is, and to his great credit he's not trying to pretend to be someone other than a very good athlete with a sweet shot (one reason why he has committed just three turnovers in 2014).
Runner-up: Michael Carter-Williams, 76ers
Most Disappointing
Anthony Bennett, Cavaliers
Obviously, when the top overall pick is performing as Bennett has, there's going to be lots of disappointed fans, coaches and executives. He is not playing at all now, having fallen from the rotation the past four games.
His issues have been well-chronicled. There's talk of having him play some games in the D-League, which makes a ton of sense. He should destroy that competition while playing a ton of minutes and perhaps gaining some much-needed confidence. If the draft is more about tomorrow than today, then the fans in Cleveland (spoiled from LeBron's and Kyrie's success) still might have a ton to be excited about.
Runner-up: Cody Zeller, Bobcats
Most Likely To Succeed (more in the second half than the first)
Victor Oladipo, Magic
There are plenty of guys to choose from in this category, as lots of rookies actually get better as the season evolves rather than hit the mythical rookie wall. But Oladipo has too much talent and athleticism to not find a better groove on a team that cares about developing its young talent.
He's been OK to this point, averaging 15 points, 4 rebounds and 4 assists, so he's not far from making a big leap in the next few months. Just a small uptick in his 3-point percentage can send him into next season coming off the best few months of his career -- a trend he has already started in 2014.
Runner-up: Giannis Antetokounmpo, Bucks
첫댓글 부디 2000년 드래프트보단 낫기를 ㅎ
NBA Live에서는 르브론 제임스처럼 성장하는 마일스가 있던 2000 드래프트죠. ㅎㅎ 장담까진 못하더라도 ROY부터 시작해서 그래도 더 낫지 않을까 하는 마음이네요.
@Duncan&Kidd홧팅 마일스 아깝죠 ㅎㅎ 전 가끔씩 위긴스 보면 한창때 마일스가 좀 보이던데 ㅠㅠ
좋은 정보 감사드립니다~!! ^^