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<2018.Jan.15 입트영 Smart
phone games>
Talk about
mobile games.
It seems like everyone has their nose buried in a smartphone screen these days.
Many of them are playing mobile games. These games are very fun and can be a good way to kill time. Of course, most people just
casually play these games for that purpose. However, many of these games can be
addictive. Some people just cannot put their phones down and play constantly. There
are also others who spend too much money on in-game purchases for game items.
Plus, the small screens people stare at can be
bad for people’s eyesight. Most importantly, it’s always important to
play these games in moderation. As long as
people do that, mobile games can be a healthy pastime.
Have one’s nose
buried[베리드] 코를 박고 있다.
In-game purchases
: 게임 내 구매
Stare at = stare
into : 하나를 계속 보는
in moderation : 적당히
pastime[패쓰타임] : 여가
*a good way to kill time : 시간 때우기 좋은 방법
Watching online video clips is a good way to kill
*addictive : 중독성 있는
Social media tends to be very addictive.
Caffeine can be very addictive.
*cannot put one’s phone down 전화기를 내려놓지 못하다
Many youngsters cannot put their phones down.
*be bad for someone’s eyesight(=vision): 시력에 안 좋다.
Inadequate lighting can be bad for your eyesight. 적절하지
않은 조명은 시력에 안 좋다.
Watching too much TV can be bad for your eyesight.
*in moderation : 적당히
You should work out in moderation. 운동 좀 적당히 해.
(이 말좀 들어봤으면 좋겠네요.ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ)
You should take dietary supplements in moderation. 식이
보조제 적당히 먹는게 좋아.
<Expression of the day>
- What are you playing?
- Oh, I’m so hooked on this
- Yeah, you play it all the time.
- It’s so much fun. I can’t stop myself.
I’m so hooked on this game : 너무 재밌어서 멈출 수가 없어.
I’m so hooked on you : 너에게 너무 빠졌다.
I’m so hooked on this music : 이 음악에 너무 빠졌다.
Reading books is good way to
kill time.
Some substances can be very
You should do everything in
Reading something in the dark
can be bad for your eyesight.