이제 우리는 마지막 직선 구간에 들어 섰다. 이제 딱 16 일간 드래프트 워크아웃들이 한껏 치러지고 나면 드래프트가 열리게 된다.
믿거나 말거니지만, 아직도 드래프트 보드들은 확정과는 거리가 있다. 작년의 클리블랜드 캐벌리어스는 드래프트 날 오후가 되기 전까지도 UNLV 포워드 앤써니 베넷을 선택할 결심을 하지 않았었다. 따라서 무슨 일이 일어날지 안다고 주장하는 사람이 있다면 그 누구가 됐든, 걸러서 들어야 한다.
드래프트의 상위 선수들 대부분이 이제 막 워크아웃 과정을 시작했다. 드래프트의 탑 4 중 누구도 (앤드류 위긴스, 조엘 엠비드, 자바리 파커, 단테 엑섬) 한 팀을 위한 워크아웃을 치르지 않았다.
아무래도 워크아웃들이 부풀려 평가되는 측면이 있기는 하지만, 팀들 입장에선 심리적으로 거쳐야 되는 과정의 일부분이다. 저런 워크아웃 방문들이 종료되기 전까지, 우리는 미완성의 정보를 놓고 매달려야 한다. 하지만 일단 지금 다수의 NBA 팀 소스들과의 대화를 통해, 여기 6 월 26 일 드래프트가 어떻게 판이 짜여질지에 대해 우리 나름 최선의 시도를 올려 본다.
우리의 Mock Draft가 우리가 생각하는 탑 플레이어들의 순위가 아님을 명심하기 바란다. 대신 드래프트에서 각자 어떻게 할지 NBA 스카우트들 및 제네럴 매니져들로부터 얻은 우리의 최근 정보를 정리하여 보도하는 도구라 생각하면 된다. 그럼 이제 가보자:
1 Joel Embiid Cleveland Cavaliers (33 - 49) COLLEGE: Kansas HT: 7-0 WT: 250 POS: C ![]()
그런데 저런 말이 있었지만, 만약 엠비드에 대해 캡스의 의사들이 이상무 진단을 내린다면, 그리고 제네럴 매니져 데이비드 그리핀이 구단주 댄 길버트에게 엠비드에 대해 참고 기다려달라 설득할 수 있다면, 나는 엠비드로 결정난다고 생각한다. 일단 저 첫 의문은 화요일에 대답이 시작될 것이다. 엠비드가 드디어 클리블랜드에 도착하여 신체 검사 및 워크아웃을 치르게 된다. 확실히 엠비드가 몇주 전 캘리포니아의 산타 모니카에서 열린 워크아웃 동안 충분히 건강해 보이긴 했지만, 캡스의 의사들이 그에게 그린 라이트를 켜주기 전까지 우리는 모를 수밖에 없다. 그리고 길버트는 캡스가 플레이오프 팀이 되길 조바심내고 있다. 다음 시즌에 임팩트를 가장 적게 낼 가능성이 높은 선수를 드래프트한다는 것은 설득하기 어려운 과정이 될 것이다. 그리고 무엇보다도 나는 캡스가 픽을 트레이드하길 더 선호할 것이라 생각하지만, 이들이 반대급부로 케빈 러브나 라마커스 알드리지 같은 선수를 얻지 않는 이상, 실행에 옮기리라 생각하지 않는다.
2 Jabari Parker Milwaukee Bucks (15 - 67) COLLEGE: Duke HT: 6-8 WT: 241 POS: SF ![]()
만약 엠비드가 1 순위로 빠진다면, 파커가 여기에서 합의를 끌어낼 가능성이 높으리라 생각한다. 비록 새로운 구단주 진영이 자신들이 GM 존 해먼드로 하여금 리빌딩 과정을 완전하게 밟도록 OK를 내줬음을 확실히 표하긴 했지만, 현실은 팀이 지금 도움이 될 수 있는 선수를 드래프트할 필요가 있다는 것이다. 파커는 이 무리 중 가장 NBA에 준비돼 있고 고-투 스코어러의 역할을 해주며 래리 샌더스와 야니스 아데토쿤보 사이에서 4 번을 플레이하도록 배치될 것이다.
만약 파커가 보드에 있지 않다면, 한동안 팀의 흥미를 끌었던 이가 엠비드였다. 엠비드의 공격쪽 위력을 (그리고 샌더스는 완전 부족함을) 감안한다면 엠비드가 좋은 궁합이라 이들은 느낄 것이다. 물론 계속하여 테이프를 분석하면 할수록 벅스는 위긴스에 더욱 설레게 것이다. 이들은 이번 주에 캘리포니아의 산타 바바라로 날아가서 위긴스가 워크아웃하는 모습을 지켜보게 된다. 이를 통해 벅스가 그에게 마음이 빼앗길지 보는 것도 재미있을 것이다. 엑섬은 와일드 카드다. 이번 주말에 팀이 그를 워크아웃에 참여시키게 된다. 이들이 정말 포인트 가드를 업그레이드하고 브랜든 나이트를 2번으로 옮기고 싶어할지도 모른다. 만약 엑섬이 워크아웃에서 환호를 지르게 만든다면, 이들의 보드 꼭대기에 오를 수도 있다. 나는 엑섬이 이들의 가장 큰 수요에 맞아 떨어진다 생각한다.
3 Andrew Wiggins Philadelphia 76ers (19 - 63) COLLEGE: Kansas HT: 6-8 WT: 200 POS: SG ![]()
4 Noah Vonleh Orlando Magic (23 - 59) COLLEGE: Indiana HT: 6-10 WT: 247 POS: PF ![]()
이 팀은 파워 포워드가 정말로 필요하며 본레가 프론트 라인에서 니콜라 부세비치 옆에 훌륭한 궁합처럼 보인다. 수비 진영에서 그의 샷 블락킹에 더하여 반대 진영에서 플로어를 펼칠 수 있는 능력까지 본다면 부세비치에 완벽한 보완재다. 12 순위에서도 몇몇 흥미있는 포인트 가드들을 노려볼 수 있는 상황이라, 매직이 양 쪽의 베스트를 얻을 수 있을지도 모른다.
5 Dante Exum Utah Jazz (25 - 57) COLLEGE: Australia HT: 6-6 WT: 196 POS: PG ![]()
이건 재즈 입장에서 고민할 거리가 없다. 설령 엑섬이 워크아웃에 오길 거부한다 하더라도 말이다. 이 팀은 또 다른 빅맨이 딱히 필요하지 않다. PG 포지션에 사이즈가 필요하고 엑섬은 트레이 버크와 볼 없이 플레이할 수 있기도 하다. 이 팀이 마커스 스마트를 뽑을 가능성도 분명 있지만, 다른 몇몇 팀들만큼에 비해 스마트에 대한 기대는 높지 않다 나는 들었다.
엑섬이 앞서 빠지게 된다면, 아무래도 지금으로썬 본레가 애런 고든과 줄리어스 랜들에 작은 우위를 가질 것이다.
6 Aaron Gordon Boston Celtics (25 - 57) COLLEGE: Arizona HT: 6-9 WT: 220 POS: PF ![]()
셀틱스는 계속하여 모든 선택지를 둘러보고 있고 셀틱스 보스 대니 에인지는 시즌 대부분 드래프트에 대해 혹평을 하더니 지금은 몇몇 선수들을 좋아하고 있다. 내 생각에 고든과 마커스 스마트가 보드에 남아 있는 선수들 중 이들의 픽에 최고의 두 후보인 것 같다. 그리고 지금 당장엔 고든 쪽으로 기운다. 게리 해리스와 덕 맷더밋도 둘 다 여기에서 깊이 생각해 볼 법하다.
트레이드는 언제나 보스턴에게 선택지로 남아있다. 만약 이들이 이 픽을 젊은 임팩트 플레이어로 바꿀 수 있다면, 주저하지 않을 것이다.
7 Julius Randle Los Angeles Lakers (27 - 55) COLLEGE: Kentucky HT: 6-9 WT: 234 POS: PF ![]()
랜들은, 파커와 함께, 드래프트 내 NBA에 가장 준비가 된 일학년일 것이다. 레이커스의 프론트 라인 전원이 이번 여름 프리 에이젼시로 향하는 상황에서 (파우 가솔, 크리스 케이먼, 조던 힐 등), 레이커스는 프론트에 수요들이 많다. 스마트라면 포인트 가드에 사이즈와 터프니스를 선사할 수 있을 것이고 LA에서의 탄탄한 워크아웃을 보여준 이래로 화제를 끌었었다. 그런데 맥더밋도 완전 배제하지는 말라. 레이커스는 LA에서 펼쳐진 그의 워크아웃을 좋아했었고 그의 슈팅이라면 팀에 즉각적인 자산이 될 것음을 알고 있다. 만약 코비 브라이언트가 볼을 패스하게 된다면, 샷을 성공시킬 만한 자에게 패스하고 싶을 것이다.
8 Marcus Smart Sacramento Kings (28 - 54) COLLEGE: Oklahoma State HT: 6-3 WT: 227 POS: PG ![]()
킹스도 또한 자기들의 픽에 대한 오퍼들을 듣고 있다 (이제 자기들 픽을 팔기보다는 그냥 듣고만 있는 듯). 만약 이들이 지금 당장 플레이할 수 있는 자를 얻을 수 있다면야 이 쪽으로 갈 가능성이 크다. 미네소타의 케빈 러브에 흥미를 보이기도 했었는데, 또한 눈을 낮춰 애틀란타의 데니스 슈로더 같은 선수들을 보기도 했으며, 내가 듣기로는 밀워키의 브랜든 나이트도 좋아한다고 한다.
하지만, 스마트가 보드에 있다면 지나치기 힘들다. 스마트는 마이크 말론과 같은 코치에게 완벽한 궁합이다. 그리고 여기에서 엘프리드 페이튼도 배제하진 말라. 새크라멘토에서 훌륭한 워크아웃을 마친 상태다. 만약 스마트가 보드에 없다면, 페이튼이 가능성 있다.
9 Doug McDermott Charlotte Hornets (43 - 39) COLLEGE: Creighton HT: 6-8 WT: 218 POS: SF ![]()
맥더밋은 슛팅과 스몰 포워드로부터의 오펜스와 지금 당장 코트 위에서 기여할 수 있는 자를 필요로 하는 어느 팀에게나 완벽한 궁합으로 보인다. 저 체크란에 맥더밋은 모두 체크가 된다. 맥더밋은 지금 일자로 단 세 번의 워크아웃 일정만 잡아 놨고 이미 레이커스 및 셀틱스와의 워크아웃을 치렀다. 탑 10 밖으로 밀려나지는 않을 듯 보인다. 게리 해리스와 닉 스타우스커스 그리고 엘프리트 페이튼이 여기에서 오랜 눈길을 끌었던 다른 선수들이다.
10 Dario Saric Philadelphia 76ers (19 - 63) COLLEGE: Croatia HT: 6-10 WT: 223 POS: PF ![]()
이 픽은 필리의 두 번째 로터리 픽으로, 따라서 여기에선 살짝 도박을 감행할 여유가 있다. 샤리치의 상황은 여전히 불투명하다. 그가 다음 시즌 NBA에 오게 될지 아니면 유럽에 몇년 더 머물게 될지? 만약 팀들에게 본인이 다음 시즌 NBA에 올 것이라 확언할 수 있다면, 이정도 순위 또는 더 높이도 오를 수 있다. 놀라운 재능을 가졌고 필리의 로스터에 이미 상당히 많은 운동선수들로 채워진 상태에서 샤리치와 같이 스킬이 갖춰진 자를 얻게 된다면 쉽게 풀어가기에 훌륭한 궁합이 될 것이다. 마이클 카터윌리엄스, 널렌스 노엘, 위긴스 그리고 샤리치의 콤보라면 멋진 코어가 될 것이다. 또한 이들에게 절실히 필요한 부분이라면 불을 뿜는 슛터일 것이다. 게리 해리스와 닉 스타우스커스가 이 픽을 통해 가능성 있는 다른 선수들이다.
11 Gary Harris Denver Nuggets (36 - 46) COLLEGE: Michigan State HT: 6-5 WT: 205 POS: SG ![]()
12 Elfrid Payton Orlando Magic (23 - 59) COLLEGE: Louisiana Lafayette HT: 6-4 WT: 185 POS: PG ![]()
13 Nik Stauskas Minnesota Timberwolves (40 - 42) COLLEGE: Michigan HT: 6-7 WT: 207 POS: SG ![]()
14 James Young Phoenix Suns (48 - 34) COLLEGE: Kentucky HT: 6-8 WT: 213 POS: SF ![]()
15 Zach LaVine Atlanta Hawks (38 - 44) COLLEGE: UCLA HT: 6-6 WT: 181 POS: PG ![]()
16 Tyler Ennis Chicago Bulls (48 - 34) COLLEGE: Syracuse HT: 6-3 WT: 182 POS: PG ![]()
17 Kristaps Porzingis Boston Celtics (25 - 57) COLLEGE: Latvia HT: 6-11 WT: 220 POS: PF ![]()
18 T.J. Warren Phoenix Suns (48 - 34) COLLEGE: NC State HT: 6-8 WT: 220 POS: SF ![]()
19 Rodney Hood Chicago Bulls (48 - 34) COLLEGE: Duke HT: 6-9 WT: 208 POS: SG ![]()
20 Adreian Payne Toronto Raptors (48 - 34) COLLEGE: Michigan State HT: 6-10 WT: 239 POS: PF ![]()
21 Jusuf Nurkic Oklahoma City Thunder (59 - 23) COLLEGE: Bosnia HT: 6-11 WT: 280 POS: C ![]()
22 Cleanthony Early Memphis Grizzlies (50 - 32) COLLEGE: Wichita State HT: 6-7 WT: 210 POS: SF ![]()
23 K.J. McDaniels Utah Jazz (25 - 57) COLLEGE: Clemson HT: 6-6 WT: 195 POS: SF ![]()
24 P.J. Hairston Charlotte Hornets (43 - 39) COLLEGE: North Carolina HT: 6-5 WT: 229 POS: SG ![]()
25 Jerami Grant Houston Rockets (54 - 28) COLLEGE: Syracuse HT: 6-8 WT: 214 POS: SF ![]()
26 Shabazz Napier Miami Heat (54 - 28) COLLEGE: Connecticut HT: 6-1 WT: 175 POS: PG ![]()
27 Clint Capela Phoenix Suns (48 - 34) COLLEGE: Switzerland HT: 6-11 WT: 222 POS: PF ![]()
28 Jordan Clarkson Los Angeles Clippers (57 - 25) COLLEGE: Missouri HT: 6-5 WT: 186 POS: PG ![]()
29 Jordan Adams Oklahoma City Thunder (59 - 23) COLLEGE: UCLA HT: 6-5 WT: 209 POS: SG ![]()
30 Kyle Anderson San Antonio Spurs (62 - 20) COLLEGE: UCLA HT: 6-9 WT: 230 POS: PF ![]()
원문은 아래 더보기 클릭
We are down to the final stretch. Draft workouts are in full swing with just 16 days to go before the draft.
Believe it or not, draft boards are still far from set. Last year the Cleveland Cavaliers didn't finally decide to select UNLV forward Anthony Bennett until the afternoon of the draft. So whoever claims they know what's happening, take it with a grain of salt.
Most of the top players in the draft have just begun the workout process. None of the top four players in the draft -- Andrew Wiggins, Joel Embiid, Jabari Parker or Dante Exum -- have worked out for any team.
While workouts probably are overrated, they are part of the process, psychologically, for teams. Until those visits are done, we're still working on incomplete information. But for now, after talking to numerous NBA team sources, here's our best stab about how the draft might play out June 26.
Remember our Mock Draft is not a ranking of who we think the top players are. Instead, it's a reporting tool to convey our latest intel from NBA scouts and general managers on what each time might do in the draft. Here we go:
1Joel EmbiidCleveland Cavaliers (33 - 49)COLLEGE: KansasHT: 7-0WT: 250POS: C
Wiggins, Parker and Embiid all are in the mix here. On lottery night, a Cavs source told me that they had Parker ranked highest on their board all year because of his ability to come in and make an immediate impact and believe Embiid has the most upside of anyone in the draft and fits a long-term need for them. However, the source felt that Wiggins in the end would be the compromise pick -- someone who has both elite upside as well as a player who can play (especially defensively) impactful minutes right out of the gate.
That said, if Embiid is cleared by the Cavs' doctors, and if general manager David Griffin can convince owner Dan Gilbert to be patient and wait on Embiid, I think he gets the nod here. The first question will begin to be answered on Tuesday. Embiid has finally arrived in Cleveland for a physical and workout. While Embiid certainly looked healthy enough during a workout in Santa Monica, Calif., a few weeks ago, until the Cavs' doctors green light him, we just don't know. And Gilbert is anxious for the Cavs to be a playoff team. Drafting the guy who's likely to have the least impact next season is going to be a tough sell. At the end of the day I think the Cavs would prefer to trade the pick, but unless they are getting someone like Kevin Love or LaMarcus Aldridge in return, I don't think they pull the trigger.
2Jabari ParkerMilwaukee Bucks (15 - 67)COLLEGE: DukeHT: 6-8WT: 241POS: SF
The Bucks appear to be intrigued with all four players here: Embiid, Parker, Wiggins and Australian point guard Dante Exum.
If Embiid goes No. 1, I think Parker will likely get the nod here. While new ownership has made it clear that they are OK with GM John Hammond fully engaging the rebuilding process, the reality is that the team needs to draft a player who can help now. Parker is the most NBA ready of the group and gives them a go to scorer who likely would be slotted to play the 4 between Larry Sanders and Giannis Antetokounmpo.
If Parker isn't on the board, Embiid has intrigued the team for a while. Given his offensive prowess (and Sanders utter lack thereof) they feel he's a good fit. Of course, as the Bucks keep breaking down tape, they keep getting more excited about Wiggins. They fly to Santa Barbara, Calif., this week to watch Wiggins workout. It will be interesting to see if that sells the Bucks on him. Exum is the wild card. The team gets him in for a workout this weekend. They'd really like to upgrade the point and move Brandon Knight to the 2. If Exum wows in the workout, he could move to the top of their board. I think he fits their biggest need.
3Andrew WigginsPhiladelphia 76ers (19 - 63)COLLEGE: KansasHT: 6-8WT: 200POS: SG
This is a dream scenario for the 76ers. They would take Wiggins at No. 1 if they could, and having him fall to No. 3 would be a godsend. The Sixers actually have engaged the Cavs about moving to No. 1. They aren't willing to give up both the Nos. 3 and 10 picks. But a combination of No. 3 and Thaddeus Young is a possibility. And it's a great scenario for Wiggins, as well. Of the three top teams, his camp prefers the Sixers as the best possible fit. This could be a win-win for both. If Wiggins isn't on the board for the Sixers, I'm told they'll take whoever is left between Embiid and Parker. Dante Exum also isn't out of the question here, but I hear he'll need to wow them when he rolls into Philadelphia next week for his workout with them
4Noah VonlehOrlando Magic (23 - 59)COLLEGE: IndianaHT: 6-10WT: 247POS: PF
We've consistently had the Magic taking a point guard at No. 4. They've been high on both Exum and Marcus Smart all year. Smart already has come in for a workout, and Exum is scheduled to arrive next week for his. But the Magic might end up opting to go another route.
The team really needs a power forward and Vonleh looks like a great fit next to Nikola Vucevic on the front line. His shot blocking on the defensive end plus his ability to stretch the floor on the other end is a perfect complement to Vucevic. With the several interesting point guards likely to be available at No. 12, the Magic might be able to get the best of both worlds.
5Dante ExumUtah Jazz (25 - 57)COLLEGE: AustraliaHT: 6-6WT: 196POS: PG
This might be a dream scenario for the Jazz. While Exum could go to the Bucks, Sixers or Magic (in fact, those are the only teams for whom he's scheduled to workout), there is also a chance he slides. The Bucks and Sixers both have players higher than him on their boards (though workouts might change that) and the Magic are seriously looking at Vonleh at 4.
This is a no-brainer for the Jazz, even if he refuses to come workout. The team doesn't really need another big. They need size at the PG position and Exum also can play off the ball with Trey Burke as well. The team could obviously take Marcus Smart here, but I've heard they aren't as high on him as some other teams.
If Exum is gone, Vonleh probably has a small edge over Aaron Gordon and Julius Randle right now.
6Aaron GordonBoston Celtics (25 - 57)COLLEGE: ArizonaHT: 6-9WT: 220POS: PF
The Celtics continue to explore all options and after panning the draft most of the year, Celtics boss Danny Ainge now likes several players. I think Gordon and Marcus Smart are the top two contenders for this pick of the remaining players on the board, with the edge right now toward Gordon. Both Gary Harris and Doug McDermott will get looks here as well.
Trades always remain an option for Boston. If they can move this pick for a young impact player, they won't hesitate.
7Julius RandleLos Angeles Lakers (27 - 55)COLLEGE: KentuckyHT: 6-9WT: 234POS: PF
The Lakers keep shopping this pick but are struggling to find an All-Star caliber big in return. If the Cavs can't get that type of player with the No. 1 overall pick, the Lakers are probably not getting it at pick No. 7. If the Lakers keep it, they'll want a player who can come in and contribute from day one, and three players -- Randle, Smart and Doug McDermott -- seem to be the targets.
Randle, along with Parker, might be the most NBA-ready freshman in the draft. With the Lakers' entire front line heading into free agency this summer (including Pau Gasol, Chris Kaman and Jordan Hill), the Lakers are going to have a lot of needs up front. Smart could give them size and toughness at point guard and has garnered buzz since his strong workout in L.A. But don't completely count out McDermott. The Lakers loved his workout in L.A. and know his shooting would be an immediate asset on the team. If Kobe Bryant is going to pass the ball, he'll want to pass it to someone who is going to make his shots.
8Marcus SmartSacramento Kings (28 - 54)COLLEGE: Oklahoma StateHT: 6-3WT: 227POS: PG
The Kings also are listening to offers for their pick (apparently no one shops their picks anymore they just listen). If they can get someone who can play right now, they'll likely go that direction. They've shown interest in the Minnesota's Kevin Love, but have also lowered their sights for players like the Atlanta's Dennis Schroeder, and I'm told they also like Milwaukee's Brandon Knight.
However, if Smart is on the board here he'll be tough to pass. He's the perfect fit for a coach like Mike Malone. And don't count out Elfrid Payton here. He's coming off a terrific workout in Sacramento. If Smart is off then board, he's a possibility.
9Doug McDermottCharlotte Hornets (43 - 39)COLLEGE: CreightonHT: 6-8WT: 218POS: SF
McDermott seems to be a perfect fit for any team that needs shooting, offense from the small forward position and someone who can step on the court and contribute right now. He checks all of those boxes. McDermott has just three workouts scheduled as of now and has already worked out with the Lakers and Celtics. It looks like he might not be getting out of the top 10. Gary Harris, Nik Stauskas and Elfrid Payton are the other players getting long looks here.
10Dario SaricPhiladelphia 76ers (19 - 63)COLLEGE: CroatiaHT: 6-10WT: 223POS: PF
This is Philly's second lottery pick, so they can afford to gamble a little bit here. Saric's situation remains cloudy. Will he be coming to the NBA next season or is he staying in Europe for a few more years? If he can assure teams he's coming to the NBA next season, he could go this high or higher. He's an amazing talent and with so many athletes on the roster already, getting someone as skilled as Saric to help facilitate things would be a terrific fit in Philly. A combo of Michael Carter-Williams, Nerlens Noel, Wiggins and Saric would be a terrific core. All they need would need is a lights-out shooter. Gary Harris and Nik Stauskas are other possibilities with this pick.
11Gary HarrisDenver Nuggets (36 - 46)COLLEGE: Michigan StateHT: 6-5WT: 205POS: SG
Sources say the Nuggets have had serious discussions with the Bulls about swapping No. 11 for Nos. 16 and 19. If the Bulls get this pick, they'll grab either Harris or Stauskas here. If the Nuggets keep their pick, look for them to focus on their back court. Ty Lawson is the only real foundation piece they have. Nik Stauskas and a host of other wings are all possibilities here but the word is that Harris was a wow for them in workouts. Now that he's fully healthy and explosive again (Harris measured a 40-inch max vertical in his Lakers workout) he's another guy who could start rising.
12Elfrid PaytonOrlando Magic (23 - 59)COLLEGE: Louisiana LafayetteHT: 6-4WT: 185POS: PG
If the Magic decide to go big with their first pick and draft Vonleh, then look for them to address point guard with their second pick. Payton, Tyler Ennis and Zach LaVine are all possibilities here. Ennis is the purest point guard of the group. LaVine offers the most size and athleticism. But Payton is a great blend of the two. He's long, athletic and gets to the line. He defends and has such a dynamic game. He's now in play as high as the Lakers at No. 7.
13Nik StauskasMinnesota Timberwolves (40 - 42)COLLEGE: MichiganHT: 6-7WT: 207POS: SG
The Wolves always are looking for shooters, and if Stauskas is on the board here I'm not sure Minnesota can pass him up. But it's possible. He sprained his shoulder a week ago and had to cancel workouts last week. He won't have his first workout until Tuesday in Boston, followed by the Lakers later in the week. I think this is really his floor. If the Lakers and Celtics pass (he's in the mix there, but I don't think he's likely to go either team), Charlotte, Philly, Denver and Orlando are all possible landing spots, too. If Stauskas is gone, James Young and Adreian Payne are two other players who will get long looks here.
14James YoungPhoenix Suns (48 - 34)COLLEGE: KentuckyHT: 6-8WT: 213POS: SF
The Suns' biggest need is probably at wing. Young has the ability to play both the 2 and 3 with his 7-foot wingspan. He's one of the youngest players in the draft and projects as a potent shooter down the road. I think this is a nice value pick for the Suns if he's still here.
15Zach LaVineAtlanta Hawks (38 - 44)COLLEGE: UCLAHT: 6-6WT: 181POS: PG
The Hawks biggest need is shooting, especially from the 2. While LaVine is trying to show everyone that he's a point guard and might be down the road, most teams think that, at least at the beginning of his career, he's more likely to be a 2. His athleticism and shooting ability, along with terrific upside make him a very intriguing prospect. Two other players to watch here are Bosnia's Jusuf Nurkic and Latvia's Kristaps Porzingis. The Hawks have spent a lot of time scouting both players and have been fearless in taking international prospects in the past. Both possess major upside.
16Tyler EnnisChicago Bulls (48 - 34)COLLEGE: SyracuseHT: 6-3WT: 182POS: PG
The Bulls have been trying to move up in the draft to get an elite shooter. Their target has been Denver with an offer of the 16th and 19th pick for 11. If they get there, Gary Harris or Nik Stauskas will be the guy with them likely leaning toward Stauskas. If they keep the pick, with Derrick Rose returning from his second ACL surgery and D.J. Augustin a free agent, the Bulls need a reliable point guard as his backup. Ennis doesn't quite have the same appeal as some of the other point guards in the draft, which has hurt his stock a little. Still, it's hard to see him slipping past the Bulls here or at No. 19. He's the sort of steady point guard who would be perfect coming off the bench for the Bulls.
17Kristaps PorzingisBoston Celtics (25 - 57)COLLEGE: LatviaHT: 6-11WT: 220POS: PF
Porzingis is the hot name right now. He surprised everyone when he declared for the draft and the more due diligence teams have done on him, the more they have fallen in love with him. He could now go as high as No. 14 to the Magic and the Hawks at No. 15 are also looking at him as well. Porzingis won't slide past the Thunder at No. 21. General manager Danny Ainge has two picks and can afford to gamble on one of them. At 7 feet with both athleticism and a nice shooting touch, there's tons of upside for Porzingis. He's just a couple of years away.
18T.J. WarrenPhoenix Suns (48 - 34)COLLEGE: NC StateHT: 6-8WT: 220POS: SF
With the Suns having shored up their wings, they'll add another forward here. Next to Parker and McDermott, Warren might be the best scorer in this draft. He's not a great shooter, but he's got a unique ability to get to the rim. The Suns are loaded with 4s who can shoot the ball, which opens up some unique space for Warren.
19Rodney HoodChicago Bulls (48 - 34)COLLEGE: DukeHT: 6-9WT: 208POS: SG
The Bulls need shooting in the worst way, and Hood shot a red-hot 42 percent from 3 this season. He has elite size for his position and has the maturity to step in and play meaningful minutes from day one for the Bulls. While the Bulls still have some front court issues to address, this draft really should shore up their backcourt challenges.
20Adreian PayneToronto Raptors (48 - 34)COLLEGE: Michigan StateHT: 6-10WT: 239POS: PF
Payne would be a great get for the Raptors if he's still on the board. He could go as high as No. 13 to the Wolves, but I doubt he slips past the Raptors. With Patrick Patterson a free agent, Tyler Hansbrough unlikely to have his option picked up, the Raptors are left with only Amir Johnson. Payne's abilities to stretch the floor and play inside are a great fit in Toronto.
21Jusuf NurkicOklahoma City Thunder (59 - 23)COLLEGE: BosniaHT: 6-11WT: 280POS: C
The Thunder have been in hot pursuit of Kristaps Porzingis, but it looks like he's quickly rising out of their draft range. Nurkic has fans as high as the late lottery thanks to his NBA size and soft hands to play the center position and let's face it, in a draft devoid of bigs, that's a commodity. However, his lack of elite athleticism and some conditioning issues mean he's a nice draft and stash candidate for the Thunder.
22Cleanthony EarlyMemphis Grizzlies (50 - 32)COLLEGE: Wichita StateHT: 6-7WT: 210POS: SF
Tayshaun Prince is in the last year of his contract. Small forward is a need as is shooting. Early has great size for his position, shot the ball well as a senior, is a good athlete and is ready to make an impact right away. K.J. McDaniels and Jerami Grant are other possible fits here.
23K.J. McDanielsUtah Jazz (25 - 57)COLLEGE: ClemsonHT: 6-6WT: 195POS: SF
McDaniels gives the Jazz an athletic forward who should bring defensive toughness right away. Many scouts feel he's one of the more underrated players in the draft -- someone who's a jump shot away from being a dominant wing. UCLA's Kyle Anderson is another real possibility here at No. 23. The Jazz are fans.
24P.J. HairstonCharlotte Hornets (43 - 39)COLLEGE: North CarolinaHT: 6-5WT: 229POS: SG
The Hornets also need more shooting at the shooting guard position, and like McDermott, Hairston will be ready to go from day one. For a team that really wasn't great shooting the ball from the wing last year, adding McDermott and Hairston would be a major upgrade.
25Jerami GrantHouston Rockets (54 - 28)COLLEGE: SyracuseHT: 6-8WT: 214POS: SF
The Rockets could use more length and athleticism at the wing position. While Grant isn't a great shooter, he has the potential to be a defensive stopper at multiple positions. Glenn Robinson III is another option for them here.
26Shabazz NapierMiami Heat (54 - 28)COLLEGE: ConnecticutHT: 6-1WT: 175POS: PG
Napier has played well enough in workouts in Phoenix, Chicago and Oklahoma City to perhaps move up above this spot. He has both Memphis and Boston this week, as well. He's a "veteran"-type point guard who can help a team right away. If he gets this far it's hard to see the Heat passing on him. With Mario Chalmers hitting free agency, they might need the help.
27Clint CapelaPhoenix Suns (48 - 34)COLLEGE: SwitzerlandHT: 6-11WT: 222POS: PF
Capela's stock is all over the place. He's getting looks in the late lottery all through the draft. He's so raw, but his length and shot-blocking abilities appeal to every team looking for a rim protector. If he's gone, other international players such as Walter Tavares or Artem Klimenko could go in his place. The Suns have three first-round picks, so I don't think there's any way they're bringing three rookies to their roster next year.
28Jordan ClarksonLos Angeles Clippers (57 - 25)COLLEGE: MissouriHT: 6-5WT: 186POS: PG
Clarkson has been helping himself as much as any player in the draft with strong workouts. He has great size for his position and he he's been shooting the ball much better. With Darren Collison hitting the free-agent market, Clarkson could be a nice replacement.
29Jordan AdamsOklahoma City Thunder (59 - 23)COLLEGE: UCLAHT: 6-5WT: 209POS: SG
Adams might be the most unathletic guard in the draft, but he really knows how to score the basketball and could be a spark plug off the bench for OKC next year.
30Kyle AndersonSan Antonio Spurs (62 - 20)COLLEGE: UCLAHT: 6-9WT: 230POS: PF
Anderson's stock remains the toughest to determine. There are teams all over the first-round giving him a look, but no one that seems to have him as one of their top option. If he gets this low, an opportunistic GM like RC Buford could jump. He has the chance to be their next Boris Diaw.
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