Projecting top 10 SFs for 2014-15LeBron James leads WARP-based ranking of NBA's top small forwards
LeBron James had an off season by his standards and has slimmed down this summer.
포지션으로 선수들을 구분짓는 상황에 처할 때, 가장 난감한 선수들이 케빈 듀랜트, 르브론 제임스, 카멜로 앤써니 같은 엘리트 플레이어들이다.
다 떠나서 제임스가 플레이하는 포지션이 뭘까? 지난 두 시즌에 걸쳐, 마이애미에서 제임스는 자기 시간 상당 부분을 파워 포워드로 플레이하며 보냈었고, 카멜로 역시 뉴욕에서 그랬었다. 그런데 이제는 제임스와 앤써니가 각자 새로운 환경들에서 기어를 올리기 위해 눈에 띌 정도로 몸을 슬림하게 만들었다. 제임스가 다시 돌아온 클리블랜드는 로스터에 전통적인 빅맨들이 많은 곳이며, 한편 앤써니는 뉴욕의 새로운 트라이앵글 오펜스에서 맡을 자기 역할에 준비를 기하고 있다. 그러니까 여러분이 흔히 스몰 포워드로 정의하던 선수들이 이제 정말 스몰 포워드들로 분류되었고, 이런 한편으로 우리는 NBA 라인업 활용에 있어 다음 진화 단계를 기다리게 됐다.
아래는 우리가 WARP 전망치에 따라 매긴 포지션 별 랭킹 연재물로, 이번에는 2014-15 NBA 시즌에 대한 탑 10 전망치를 가진 스몰 포워드들이다. (이 측정법에 대한 설명은 페이지의 맨 아래에서 볼 수 있다.)
1. LeBron James, Cleveland Cavaliers Projected 2014-15 WARP: 20.0 | Win%: 75 percent
King을 찬탈하기까지는 한 시즌 넘게 걸린다. 지난 시즌 듀랜트가 WARP에서 선두에 오르며 제쳤던 (헉헉) 제임스는 이전 다섯 시즌들에서 때마다 선두로 마감했던 선수였다. 그래서 제임스가 넘버 2 자리로 마감한 것일 수도 있겠으나, 제임스가 첫 번째 또는 두 번째로 마감한 것이 연속으로 열 번째 시즌이었다. 간단히 말해서 이는 어마어마한 일이다. 일단 득점의 효율성과 양은 예상 그대로 맞았었다. 하지만 리바운딩, 스틸 그리고 블락이 모두 떨어졌다. 이 변화가 RPM에도 나타났는데, 공격에서는 늘 그렇듯 저 높이 있었지만 (플러스 8.7, 히트에서 자신이 기록한 최고치), 수비에서는 평균 아래로 떨어졌었다 (마이너스 0.8). 이건 역사에서 거의 어느 선수나 으례 겪곤 하는 일종의 "안 풀린 시즌(off season)"이었다.
2. Kevin Durant, Oklahoma City Thunder Projected 2014-15 WARP: 17.1 | Win%: 69 percent
3. Carmelo Anthony, New York KnicksProjected 2014-15 WARP: 10.4 | Win%: 59 percent
4. Gordon Hayward, Utah JazzProjected 2014-15 WARP: 10.3 | Win%: 59 percent
5. Nicolas Batum, Portland Trail BlazersProjected 2014-15 WARP: 9.6 | Win%: 57 percent
6. Giannis Antetokounmpo, Milwaukee BucksProjected 2014-15 WARP: 8.8 | Win%: 58 percent
7. Andre Iguodala, Golden State WarriorsProjected 2014-15 WARP: 8.62 | Win%: 58 percent
8. Kawhi Leonard, San Antonio SpursProjected 2014-15 WARP: 8.59 | Win%: 59 percent
9. Chandler Parsons, Dallas MavericksProjected 2014-15 WARP: 6.9 | Win%: 53 percent
10. Rudy Gay, Sacramento KingsProjected 2014-15 WARP: 6.7 | Win%: 53 percent
Next five: Trevor Ariza, DeMarre Carroll, Draymond Green, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, Danilo Gallinari 캐럴은 소리 없이 리그에서 가장 향상된 선수들 중 한 명이 됐었다. 키드길크리스트는 여전히 어리고 다듬어지지 않고 성장 정점에 비해 턱없이 부족하지만, 이미 수비 진영에서는 플러스의 가치를 제공하고 있다.
Also notable: Luol Deng, Kyle Korver, Paul Pierce, Paul George 죠지는 부상으로 인해 랭킹에서 빠지게 됐지만, 그의 개인 승률 전망치라면 (.605) 듀랜트의 뒤이자 앤써니의 앞인 3 위의 자리에 오를 수치다.
랭킹의 방법론
해마다 이뤄지는 오프시즌 포지션 랭킹은 다가 오는 시즌의 퍼포먼스에 대한 질적 양적 전망치를 뽑아 포지션 별로 리그 상위 선수들에 대한 스냅샷을 제공해 준다. 선수들은 WARP(wins above replacement player)로 랭크되며, WARP란 NBA 밖에서 언제라도 쉽게 끌어다 쓸 수 있는 재능에게서 기대할 법한 수준에 비해 한 선수가 팀의 성적 결산에 얼마나 많은 승리 수를 더해 주는지를 측정한 값이다. 선수들은 플로어 공수 양 진영에서 유시지와 효율성에 관해 측정을 받으며, 여기에서 나오는 레이팅들이 결합되어 나온 값이 개인 승률이다. 여기에서 나온 그 선수의 승률과 다가오는 시즌 플레잉 타임 예상치를 통해 WARP가 계산된다. 플레잉 타임 예상치는 최근 시즌들과 건강 그리고 현 소속 팀에서 그 선수의 역할에 근거해 뽑은 것이다. 선수들이 배정받은 포지션은 그들의 가장 최근 NBA 시즌에서 가장 자주 모습을 보였던 포지션에 따라 배정된다. 다만 몇몇 선수들의 경우엔 2014-15 시즌에 예상되는 쓰임새에 근거를 둬 주관적인 수정을 가했다.
원문은 아래 더보기 클릭
When it comes to classifying players by position, the guys who present the most trouble are the elite players such as Kevin Durant, LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony.
What position does James play anyway? The past two seasons, he has spent the bulk of his time playing power forward in Miami, just as Carmelo has done in New York. Now, James and Anthony have slimmed down considerably to gear up for their respective new environments. James is headed back to Cleveland, where he joins a roster with plenty of traditional big men, while Anthony is prepping for his role in New York's new triangle offense. The guys you're used to defining as small forwards are indeed classified as small forwards, while we await the next evolutionary turn in NBA lineup usage.
Below we continue our NBA positional ranking according to forecast WARP, with the projected top 10 small forwards for the 2014-15 NBA season. (An explanation of the statistic can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Projected 2014-15 WARP: 20.0 | Win%: 75 percent
It takes more than one season to usurp the King. Last season, Durant led the NBA in WARP ahead of -- gasp -- James, who had finished first in each of the five previous seasons. James might have finished in the No. 2 slot, but it was the 10th straight season he has finished first or second. That, simply put, is amazing. His scoring efficiency and volume were right on target, but his rebounding, steals and blocks were all down. This shift was reflected in RPM, where he was as lofty as ever on offense (plus-8.7, his highest with the Heat), but dipped below average on defense (minus-0.8). It's the type of "off season" almost any player in history would kill to have.
Projected 2014-15 WARP: 17.1 | Win%: 69 percent
After leading the league in WARP for the first time and ending James' reign as league MVP, there is but one box left unchecked on Durant's résumé: an NBA title. During the regular season, Durant was as good as ever, posting the best winning percentage and WARP of his career on the strength of ever-sharpening passing skills. Consider this: Durant's assist rate was exactly the same in each of his first three seasons, at 3.2 percent. It has been on the climb since, and last season was double his 2012-13 rate (6.4 percent). He did this while cutting his turnover rate from the previous two seasons. Durant is one of the most valuable players in the game, and he's just entering his prime.
Projected 2014-15 WARP: 10.4 | Win%: 59 percent
It can't be written often enough that Anthony has gotten a whole lot better as a Knick. Indeed, he's never been better, and is now a top-10 player by the numbers, not just reputation. Last season's 14.2 WARP was 3.2 more than he's had in any of his 10 other NBA seasons, and ninth in the league. His RPM (plus-3.8) was also a career best, so his impact shined through to the team level. Now, at the age of 30, Anthony will be playing in a system that might enhance his efficiency even more, and could heighten his profile as a passer as well.
Projected 2014-15 WARP: 10.3 | Win%: 59 percent
Not every young player gets a chance to see what it's like to become the focus of his team's offense, but that's what happened for Hayward last season. His career-best WARP was based more on volume than efficiency. As the Jazz improve, you'd expect Hayward's usage rate to ebb a little, but even if it doesn't, his 3-point percentage should be better than last season's 30.4 mark, and that in itself will boost his profile. His abilities were recognized by a restricted free agent market that paid him well over the summer.
Projected 2014-15 WARP: 9.6 | Win%: 57 percent
Maybe it has something to do with being French, but consider Batum, Joakim Noah and Boris Diaw. All three provide immense value to their respective teams, and all three do it with a full-fledged skill set that does not feature a prolific scoring arsenal. Batum had an 8.7 WARP (29th in the league), even though his usage rate (16.5 percent) fell to its lowest level since his rookie season. His true shooting percentage ballooned thanks to the increased selectivity, and he was never better as a passer or rebounder. He's just entering his prime, and there is time to work out the rough edges.
Projected 2014-15 WARP: 8.8 | Win%: 58 percent
The system sees Antetokounmpo as a likely contender for the league's most improved player, a statistical observation that one could also have made by watching how his game blossomed over the summer. The chief aspect of his profile that stands out is his positive offensive RPM, which combined with his 3-point shooting, burgeoning floor game, size and tender age mark him as a standout prospect. Can he really go from replacement level to 8.8 WARP? The best players make the leap at a young age. This could be the time for Antetokounmpo.
Projected 2014-15 WARP: 8.62 | Win%: 58 percent
Iguodala actually had the worst season of his career in his first one with the Warriors, though that might have been by design. Iguodala's projection in this methodology (8.6 WARP) is much rosier than he looks by our usual WARP formula (3.5). Iguodala's offensive role shrunk considerably in Golden State, but it was all in service of winning. His plus-6.7 RPM was one of the league's best, and his defensive RPM of plus-4.6 marked him as a true superstar on that end. RPM was made to recognize the talents of players like Iguodala.
Projected 2014-15 WARP: 8.59 | Win%: 59 percent
Leonard continued to grow across the board last season by hitting new highs in volume and efficiency, while providing an elite-level contribution at the defensive end. His WARP (8.4) put him in the 93rd percentile, and you still get the feeling he's capable of so much more. Gregg Popovich has said Leonard will be the new face of the Spurs, and who can doubt him? Leonard was a standout performer in the regular season, raised his game during the playoffs and was a big reason San Antonio won another championship. And when the regular season ended, he was still not yet 23. Wow.
Projected 2014-15 WARP: 6.9 | Win%: 53 percent
Parsons has been a very good player during the first three seasons of his professional career, but his WARP over that period slots him in the 83rd percentile of all players. No shame in that, but it's not at the level to justify the dollars he got on the restricted market this summer from Dallas. He seems like an ideal role player, but he's now getting paid to be more than that. However, if Parsons can be deployed in a way to provide All-Star production, Rick Carlisle will figure it out.
Projected 2014-15 WARP: 6.7 | Win%: 53 percent
There was a stark difference between Gay as a Grizzly (good), and Gay as a Raptor (bad). As a King, Gay settled into more of a middle ground, and he was an effective player on both ends of the court for Sacramento. On a high-functioning team, Gay probably wouldn't have a usage rate over 27 percent, but if he continues to attack the basket like he did last year, he'll be a talent the Kings can work with.
Next five: Trevor Ariza, DeMarre Carroll, Draymond Green, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, Danilo Gallinari
Carroll was quietly one of the league's most improved players. Kidd-Gilchrist is still young, raw and far short of his ceiling, but he's already providing positive value on the defensive end.
Also notable: Luol Deng, Kyle Korver, Paul Pierce, Paul George
George's injury takes him out of the rankings, but his projected winning percentage (.605) would slot him third, behind Durant and in front of Anthony.
첫댓글 숫자 놀이이긴 하지만 MVP 따고도 2위.. 그래도 르브론이라 수긍할수 밖에 없네요.
카와이는 작년에 평균 출장시간이 30분도 안되었죠. 16경기를 결장했구요. 플레이오프에서는 가치있는 선수지만 시즌에는 아직 보여줘야 할게 많다고 봅니다. 아데토쿤보의 순위는 좀 의아하지만 나머지 선수들은 시즌으로 봐서는 카와이보다 가치있는게 맞는거 같아요.
아데토쿤보와 고든 헤이워드는 좀 너무했네요...
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