At this point, God is on my side (Romans 8:31-34)
Christians often use the phrase “working together for good” to mean that they are immersed in reality and have God guide their lives for the better.
Pastors often say that they work together for good, but when you look at their faces, you see that they are full of the spirit of death and that their cold hearts still remain.
The important point in those words is those who love God. (Romans 8:28)
Do I really love God?
Love is embracing and keeping the commandments of receiving forgiveness of sins and becoming one with Christ in the Spirit of truth.
Loving God means keeping the promise that the Spirit of truth is present, a new covenant is made, and I am in the Lord and the Lord is in me.
For a person like this, all of their life's journeys add up for good.
God's plan of creation in the image of His Son has been fulfilled, and as I finally have the strong assurance that God is on my side, I have no fear in His love.
Q. If God is on our side, why can no one go against us?
“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)
A. When I get to this point in Romans 8, I am confident that God is on my side.
Because I know all the previous processes of salvation.
The word ‘therefore’ means according to the conclusion of these things.
Looking at it so far, we are now confident that we can say this.
If God is for us, who will be against us? Who will oppose this? Who will tell God not to do this?
The crown prince, the king's son, is following his father's will, receiving proper royal training, loving his father in his father's love, and prostrating himself before him, how could anyone dare to come in between and disturb him?
If that happens, even if you have ten necks, you will end up at a loss.
What's worse, an aide is reporting to the current president, so who could stand in his way, tell him not to do so, and confront him?
Q. Through whom does God give us everything?
“He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:32)
A. ‘Isn’t this the God who gave his Son?’
Isn’t a Son a last resort? This is God’s final prescription.
So, the apocalypse is not a social phenomenon, but after the Lord came to this earth and the Holy Spirit came as promised, all these days become the last days.
This is the end because there is no order after salvation, in which humans, who sinned in Adam and had no choice but to receive eternal punishment, were delived into Christ through the redemptive grace of Christ's cross and send the Holy Spirit to know, believe, and confirm this fact.
Therefore, eschatology is not just about studying the Book of Revelation, but about knowing the Holy Spirit properly.
What will God who gave his Son spare?
He did not sell His Son to us for anything in return, but He gave him freely.
The Son, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit are God's gifts.
But the problem is that the gifts He gives us are only in His Son.
He gives us as a promise what is with and in the Son.
Therefore, God gives us the name of his Son and tells us to pray in the name.
Q. Why can’t we accuse or condemn the elect?
“Who shall lay thing to the charge of God's elect? “It is God that justifies. Who is he that condemn? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.” (Romans 8:33-34)
A. They are children whom God has justified, so who would an unrighteous person dare to accuse?
Romans 3:4 says that the Lord is righteous in His word and that He would overcome judgment.
Since we have been justified in the Word of God, no one can judge us.
Even under the laws of the world, even if the Supreme Court rules that someone is guilty, the President grants them a special pardon.
That is the structure and power of government, but God's righteousness is the righteousness that comes to those who believe in this fact in Christ through redemption by paying the price of the death and resurrection of His Son.
If God says ok, that's it, he can't accuse or condemn with his polluted conscience.
Can't you see that Jesus Christ, who died and rose again for us, is personally interceding for us at the right hand of God's throne?
Then who would dare touch it?
Think about it.
Think about it. It was Christ who died for us. It is Christ who was raised for us. He is the one who is sitting at the right hand of the throne and praying right now.
That is why Hebrews 7:25 says that because He is making intercession at the right hand of God's throne, He is able to save all who come to God by Him.
The Lord died on the cross, rose again, and is within us as Emmanuel, interceding between God and us at the right hand of the throne and interceding for us.
In fact, these words, ‘He died and rose again’, mean that all the problems that existed in Adam that caused us to be accused and condemned were completely eliminated.
What this means is, ‘After all these procedures have been completed, are you going to file an accusation and throw stones of condemnation?’
Therefore, on the foundation of the redemptive work that the Lord, the Word, accomplished when He came to earth, we must be able to walk up and down the way by knowing the heavenly work of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the living High Priest who neither slumbers nor sleeps and intercedes at the right hand of God.
Again, the purpose of the Lord sending the Holy Spirit to this earth was not just to speak in tongues, perform signs, heal the sick, or drive out demons.
Through repentance and baptism by crossing the cross of Christ, we receive forgiveness of sins, and in the Spirit of truth, we earnestly approach God the Father with a loving heart and appeal to the name of the Lord to receive salvation that comes from the throne of God and the Lamb.
We must not lose sight of the fact.
David always places the Lord before him; the Lord sits at the right hand of God and reigns until his enemies become his footstool, so he was counted as righteousness, placing him at the right hand. (Acts 2:34-35)
Written by Ptr. Yohan Kim.
Translated by Nancy Chung