Armed with the results of 1.4 million years of computer time,
SETI@home scientists recently traveled to the Arecibo radio observatory
in Puerto Rico for a closer listen to our 155 top "candidates".
Now is a great time to start running SETI@home; you can download
the latest software at
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To support SETI@home via Audible, please visit:
Thanks also to our other major supporters: the University of California,
Sun Microsystems, Network Appliance, Fujifilm Computer Products, and Quantum;
and to individuals around the world who have generously donated to SETI@home:
SETI@home 3.08 released
A new version of the SETI@home client, 3.08, was released on April 4.
It includes important security enhancements.
We recommend that all SETI@home users download the new version.
Go to
Scientific News
On March 18, three SETI@home scientists (Paul Demorest, Eric Korpela,
and Dan Werthimer) traveled to the Arecibo observatory in Puerto Rico,
carrying a list of 300 "candidates" - points in the sky
where interesting signals were detected by SETI@home
not just once but several times over 4 years of observation.
We had been granted 24 hours of telescope time,
in three 8-hour periods on consecutive days.
An unexpected storm of solar flares cancelled
our 2nd and 3rd observing periods.
Fortunately, the observatory staff was able to shuffle the schedule and
we eventually observed for the full 24 hours.
In the end, we were able to re-observe 155 SETI@home candidates.
We also observed some other interesting places in the sky:
5 extrasolar planetary systems, 35 nearby Sun-like stars,
15 galaxies, and 6 targets from our companion project, SERENDIP.
These observations are of higher quality than usual, because
1) we used Arecibo's main antenna, the "Gregorian dome",
which has a narrower beam and greater sensitivity
than the receiver we normally use; and
2) we recorded in 8 bit per sample resolution in addition
to the usual 2 bit format.
We did a quick "on the fly" analysis of the data;
this didn't reveal any synthetic extraterrestrial signals.
The analysis of the 2-bit data will begin shortly,
using the regular SETI@home screensaver;
we're ironing out some problems with the pointing data.
The analysis of the 8-bit data will be done using a
new version of SETI@home which is under development,
and will be released later this summer.
Project News
The reobservation project is a milestone for SETI@home
but it is not an stopping point.
In fact, the recent candidate list reflects only about half the
data we've analyzed so far, and we hope to have another reobservation
session next year.
Our current top priority is shifting SETI@home to use BOINC
(Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing).
BOINC will allow us to start analyzing the 8-bit data,
and we'll use it for 2-bit data as well.
This new version of SETI@home is still under development,
but a preview of its screensaver graphics is here:
We hope you're as excited as we are about our search for life outside Earth.
Thanks for your continued participation and support.
첫댓글맨처음 문단은 프로그램이 새거 나왔다고 받으라는것, 두번째 문단은 sponsor 소개,Scientific News는 세명의 과학자가 Arecibo에서 한짓, Project News는 berkeley와 뭐 했다는 얘기이고 마지막으로 외계생명체 신호를 받았으면 한다고 하네요.. 맞는지 잘 모르겠네요.^^
첫댓글 맨처음 문단은 프로그램이 새거 나왔다고 받으라는것, 두번째 문단은 sponsor 소개,Scientific News는 세명의 과학자가 Arecibo에서 한짓, Project News는 berkeley와 뭐 했다는 얘기이고 마지막으로 외계생명체 신호를 받았으면 한다고 하네요.. 맞는지 잘 모르겠네요.^^
나한테도 온건디.. 별 내용 없음.. ㅡㅡㅋ