I'm actually shocked!
* OMG! = Oh, my God!
What's so shocking?
I got a B in Psycholinguistics! 심리언어학
B+? Come on, girl! 이것봐요
That's not a disappointing grade.실망스러운 학점
But I am frustrated.실망했어
I'm a government-sponsored student, and I've never received anything less than an A.
정부 지원을 받는 장학생
지금까지 A 이하의 학점을 받은 적이 한번도 없었어.
What did you differently this semester?
Was it a boring class?
No, I wasn't bored at all in class. I actually found it interesting. What happened was I involved in too many extracurricular activities this semester, and some of them were phsically tiring.
Sometimes in the morning, I was too tired to stay focused in class.
It seems like the extracurricular activities are not benefiting you that much. You'll definitely wanna cut back.확실히 줄이는 게 좋겠다