Hot Stuff-박미경
Sittin' here eatin' my heart out waitin'
Waitin' for some lover to call
Dialed about a thousand numbers lately
Almost rang the phone off the wall
Lookin' for some hot stuff baby this evenin'
I need some hot stuff baby tonight
I want some hot stuff baby this evenin'
Gotta have some hot stuff
Gotta have some lovin' tonight
I need hot stuff
I want some hot stuff
I need some hot stuff
Lookin' for a lover who needs another
Don't want another night on my own
Wanna share my love with a warm blooded lover
Wanna bring a wild man back home
Sittin' here eatin' my heart out, no reason
Won't spend another night on my own
I dialed about a hundred numbers baby
I'm bound to find somebody home
1965年 出生
서울藝術大學 國樂科 卒業
1985年 MBC 江邊歌謠祭에서 “민들레 홀씨 되어” 로 데뷔
2001年 아이들과 캐나다에 유학 2年 만에 中途 歸國하여 호프酒店 開業하였으나 失敗하고. 富川에 꼬치요리酒店을 開業하여 成功
1999年 서울歌謠大賞 受賞하고
1集에 이어 7集까지를 發表하여 大衆的인 사랑을 받고 있다
作成者 黃圭源