2024년초에 수입 판매될 이태리 토스카나지방 몬탈치노지역의 #부르넬로디몬탈치노 BdM 비디엠 생산자 Pian delle Querci가 만드는 매우 깊은맛 나면서 긴 여운을 가진 토스카나 BdM riserva 2016 몬탈치노 레드와인
Brunello di Montalcino Riserva D.O.C.G. 2016
Brunello di Montalcino Riserva D.O.C.G., a limited production.
This wine is carefully chosen, as the best, out of new 50 hectolitre barrels in medium toasted oak from Slavonia and kept to age, as stated in Brunello production regulation, one year longer than vintage Brunello.
Our purpose is to put on the market just the years of Brunello Riserva we judge top quality ones.
Our concern philosophy is to take great care of all the stages of the production, from the vineyard to the wine-making, with a really competitive quality-price ratio, getting goods appreciated all over the wine world.
Montalcino is a wonderful village in the province of Siena, in the heart of Tuscany, surrounded by a natural, fascinating, unspoilt, old-time landscape. Visiting Montalcino is rich in charm, in a magic union between man and nature.
Life in Montalcino, ever since devoted to woods and fields work, is marked by the graded stream of country works The best image of Montalcino is certainly connected with the most precious fruits of its earth, hard but, at the same time, generous: "WINE"
Pian delle Querci stretches for 50 hectares, 8.5 of which planted with vineyards, 6 of which with Brunello D.O.C.G. (with a yearly production of 38,000 bottles) and 2 hectares with Rosso di Montalcino D.O.C. (with a yearly production of 14,000 bottles and the left over 0.5 hectares with Santantimo (with a yearly production of 4,000 bottles).
The vine-growing is at low (70 centimetres) spurred row, got through short pruning, at two buds, of an unstable number of vine-stock spurs, which allows to obtain a low yield per hectare, as stated in Brunello production regulation.
Pian delle Querci is a family concern with a very experienced vine-dresser like Vittorio Pinti. In the cellar no kind of leaven is used, the controlled fermentations are very long and made in stainless steel vats, then wine is put in 50 hectolitre barrels in oak from Slavonia.
Our wine is the result of what the earth of this area can give. Pian delle Querci is situated on the hills near Montalcino and grows its vineyards in a mixed clay soil, very rich in loam skeletal, at an average height of 250 metres above sea level.
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