What does the idiom tall poppy syndrome mean?
In Australia and New Zealand, tall poppy syndrome refers to successful people being criticised. This occurs when their peers believe they are too successful, or are bragging about their success. Intense scrutiny and criticism of such a person is termed as "cutting down the tall poppy".
호주와 뉴질랜드에서 자신의 부와 지위를 과시하는 사람들을 헐뜯을 때 쓰는 말 '키 큰 양귀비 신드롬'
키 큰 양귀비 증후군(영어: Tall poppy syndrome)은 영국, 아일랜드, 호주, 뉴질랜드에 쓰는 경멸적인 용어로 단체에서 여느 동배와 달리 좋게 또는 높게 성취한 사람들을 분개하고, 공격하고, 그리고 비난하는 사회현상이다.
키 큰 양귀비 증후군의 어원은 아리스토텔레스의 정치학 (5권, 10장) 과 티투스 리비우스의 Ab Urbe Condita (1권)에서 출처하였다.
아리스토탈레스가 말하기를 페리안드로스가 트라시부로스에게 다수의 시민을 능가한 소수의 시민을 막기 위한 뜻으로
"키가 가장 큰 곡식의 이삭을 자르라"
고 알렸다.
오늘날의 쓰임새는 뉴사우스웨일스주의 주지사 잭 랭(Jack Lang)이 1931년에 설명한 평등주의적인 정책을
"키가 큰 양귀비의 꽃송이를 꺽는다"
라고 비유하였다.
마거릿 대처가 총리되기 이전에 그녀의 철학을
"자기의 양귀비를 크게 자라게 만들어라"
라고 미국 시민들에게 비유하였다.
스칸디나비아에서는 이와 비슷한 사회현상을 얀테의 법칙(영어: Jante Law)라고 부른다.
Tall Poppy Syndrome: What is it and Why? With Symptoms and 7 Strategies to Help!
Have you ever felt guilty for doing well? Been shamed for being good at something? Told off when you were feeling proud? Well it might have been Tall Poppy Syndrome. Growing up, it probably sounded like:
Don’t get too big for your boots!
Your head will get so big it won’t fit through the door!
Who do you think you are?
Tall Poppy Syndrome is common around the world—and women are particularly affected. In fact, according to a 2023 study by Dr. Rumeet Billan1, 87% of the 4710 women surveyed from 103 countries had experienced Tall Poppy Syndrome at work.
Who or what is a Tall Poppy?
Just like a tall poppy in a field, a ‘Tall Poppy’ is someone who stands out from the crowd—a person who has stretched out and grown tall over the heads of others.
Perhaps they have more knowledge, expertise or are more skilled and talented. Maybe they have succeeded where those around them have not, or can’t yet. And they are often women.
So, What is Tall Poppy Syndrome?
Tall Poppy Syndrome is a cultural phenomenon where people are resented, bullied, criticised or shunned because of their success, status or achievements.
Tall Poppies are viewed with suspicion, envy and resentment and are often subjected to criticism and malicious gossip. And the shaming, guilt or criticism can be both subtle and direct.
Sadly, some people just feel the need to cut those Tall Poppies ‘down to size’.
Tall Poppy Syndrome is a Big Obstacle to Growth
So why do people “Prune” our Tall Poppies?
There are many reasons that some people feel the need to ‘cut others down to size’. And those reasons can be personal—or supposedly for the greater good.
Many people do in fact mean well…
Pruning those Tall Poppies can be a very effective way to ‘level the playing field’ so those less successful don’t feel bad about themselves. This could be a manager at work or a teacher shaming a Tall Poppy student in front of the class.
But while cutting one person down to size so that no-one feels bad about themselves seems like a noble goal, it actually hurts all of us.
Because when someone’s successes and strengths become shame-worthy, we’re sending a message to everyone:
Don’t succeed (too much) or this could happen to you too…
And then, of course, there are people who do not mean well…