1. 살인(죄), 살해 2. 죽을 지경인 것(힘들거나 불쾌한 일을 묘사할 때 씀) 3. 살해하다
沒 잠길,몰 죽을,몰 die,set
歿 죽을,몰 kill
팥 팓 팔 퐅 폳 폴 맡 맏 말 뫁 몯 몰
Proto-Dravidian : *maḍ-
Meaning : to die, perish
Proto-Telugu : *maḍ-
Proto-Telugu : *maḍ-
Meaning : to die, expire, perish
Telugu : maḍiyu
Telugu (Krishnamurti) : maḍãgu "to be destroyed"
Additional forms : Also maḍiyincu to kill, put to death; (K) maḍãcu to destroy, kill
Number in DED : 4653
Proto-Dravidian : *māḷ-
Meaning : to die; to destroy
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Eurasiatic: *mVlV
Meaning: bad, sick, weak ( > sometimes 'small'?)
Altaic: *mòle
Proto-Altaic: *mòle
Meaning: sick, weak
Russian meaning: больной, слабый
Turkic: *bül-
Proto-Turkic: *bül-
Meaning: 1 to be destroyed, ruined 2 to destroy
Russian meaning: 1 разрушаться, разоряться 2 разрушать
Tatar: böl- 1
Middle Turkic: OKypch. bül- 'to remove, fire' (AH) Kirghiz: bülün- 'to be alarmed'
Kazakh: bülin- 1, büldir- 2
Bashkir: böl- 1
Karaim: bül- 1
Tungus-Manchu: *mul-
Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *mul-
Meaning: 1 to fall ill 2 weak, tired
Russian meaning: 1 заболевать 2 слабый, усталый
Evenki: mul- (Вас.), multe 2 Comments: ТМС 1, 555 (Evk. > Yak. möltö-, not vice versa). Attested only in Evk. {(cf. perhaps also: Ewk. dial. meltile- 'to hide, shrink into one's shell', Manch. mele- 'to hide, steal away' - see ТМС 1, 567)}, but having possible external parallels. Korean: *mɨră-
Proto-Korean: *mɨ̀rằ-
Meaning: soft, weak
Russian meaning: мягкий, слабый
Modern Korean: murɨ-
Middle Korean: mɨră-, mɨ̀rɨ̀-
Comments: Martin 242 (Jpn.-Kor.) Uralic: ? FU *m[o]ḷV 'little'
Kartvelian: ? Georg., Megr. mal- 'to hide, hide oneself'
Comments: Cf. also *mā̀li 'disease, wound'; PD *māl- 'confused, perturbed, intoxicated'
References: ND 1402 *m[ä]LV 'to hide' (Georg. + IE + part of TM); 1405 *m[a]HḷV 'little, young' (FU, part of IE + differ. Turk.). Proto-South Dravidian: *māḷ-
Proto-South Dravidian : *māḷ-
Meaning : to die, perish; to cease
Tamil : māḷ (māḷv-, māṇṭ-)
Tamil meaning : to die, perish, be exhausted, expended or finished
Tamil derivates : māṭṭu (māṭṭi-) to kill, destroy, remove, cause to disappear; māṇṭār the dead; maṭku (maṭki-) to be dim, deprived of lustre, glory, or brilliance, lose strength, be destroyed
Kannada : māṇ
Kannada meaning : to stop, cease, subside, be laid aside, be got rid of, be checked or repressed, desist from, cease from, give over
Kannada derivates : māḷ to cease, etc.
Tulu : māṇāvuni, mānāvuni
Tulu meaning : to lessen, decrease, abate
Notes : Kannada and Tulu forms are derived by analogy with the past stem (*mānḍ-).
Number in DED : 4831
일본어의 죽이다 고로스 ㄱ<-->ㅂ 호환
kh 는 k와 f발음 둘다 가능하다.
우리말의 골로 가게 한다.죽인다는 말이다.
가르다 베다 날카로운 칼로 죽이다.
영어에도 설명이 있다.
Proto-IE: *kola-, *klā-
Meaning: to beat, to break, to kill
Old Indian: káli- `strife, discord; the worst of several objects; the last and worst of the four Yugas or ages; the losing die'
Old Greek: kólo-s `hornlos, mit nicht ausgewachsenen Hörnern', kól-ọ̄ros `stutzschänzig', kolázdō `einzwängen, züchtigen, bestrafen, beschneiden', kolóu̯ō `verstümmeln, beschneiden, beschränken, Einhalt tun'
Latin: clādēs, -is f. `Verletzung, Beschädigung, Schaden, Unheil, Niederlage'; percellō, -ere, perculī, -sum `zu Boden schlagen, zerschmetern, erschuttern', sē procellere `sich hinwerfen', procella f. `heftiger Sturm, Ansturm', recellō, -ere `zurückschnellen'
Celtic: OIr coll `Verderben, Schaden', MIr claidim `grabe'; clad `Graben'; cellach `Krieg', Cymr claddu `graben'; cladd `Graben'; clawdd `id.'; cleddyf `Schwert', Corn claud `Graben', Bret claza `graben'; kleuz `Graben, Hecke'; klézé `Schwert, Klinge'; koll `Verderben, Schaden'
Russ. meaning: бить, разбивать, убивать
Comments: Cf. *(s)kalǝ- which seems to be a different root meaning rather 'to split'.
큳 킫 콛 클 콜 컬 킬 모음의 변화는 유동적이다.
드라비다어에도 있다.
Proto-Dravidian : *kol-
Meaning : to kill
Proto-South Dravidian: *kol-
Proto-South Dravidian : *kol-
Meaning : to kill
Tamil : kol (kolv-, kon_r_-)
Tamil meaning : to kill, murder, destroy, ruin, fell, reap (as the heads of grain), afflict, tease; n. act of killing, affliction
Tamil derivates : kolli that which kills; kolai killing, murder, vexation, teasing; kolaiñan_, kolainan_, kolaivan_ murderer, hunter
Malayalam : kolluka
Malayalam meaning : to kill, murder
Malayalam derivates : kollikka to make to kill; kolli killing; kula killing, murder
Kannada : kol, kolu, kollu (kond-)
Kannada meaning : to kill, murder
Kannada derivates : kolisu, kollisu, kolsu to cause to kill; kole killing, murder, slaughter; kolega murderer; kolluvike killing; kuli a killer
Kodagu : koll- (kolluv-, kond-)
Kodagu meaning : to kill
Tulu : kolè
Tulu meaning : murder
Miscellaneous : KOR (M) koru, (T) kori, (O) korru to kill
Number in DED : 2132
Proto-Dravidian : *ker_-
Meaning : to kill, destroy
Proto-South Dravidian: *ker_-
Proto-South Dravidian : *ker_-
Meaning : to kill, destroy
Tamil : cer_u (cer_uv-, cer_r_-; -pp-, -tt-), cer_i (-pp-, -tt-), cer_r_u (cer_r_i-)
Tamil meaning : to kill, destroy
Tamil derivates : cer_uppu, cer_al, cer_r_al killing; ceru (-pp-, -tt-) to destroy, ruin
Tulu : kerpini
Tulu meaning : to kill, murder, slay
Tulu derivates : kerpināye murderer
Number in DED : 1981
Proto-Dravidian : *kād-
Meaning : to fight, kill
Proto-South Dravidian: *kād- 포로스 보로스 모로스 -스는 사역접미사 어근 모로 몰 죽이다.
ころす [殺す]
1.죽이다. 2.목숨을 끊다. 3.의식적으로 기운을 누르다; 약화시키다
mur 이 바로 몰 이다.
mor mour 등 다양하게 변한다.
1. 영원히 살 수는 없는, 언젠가는 반드시 죽는 2. 치명적인, 대단히 심각한 3. 목숨을 ...
1. 죽어야 할 운명의, 필멸의, 반드시 죽는
2. 치명적인, 목숨에 관계되는
3. 생명을 건, 불구대천의, 불공대천의, 살려 둘 수 없는, 죽이고 싶을 정도의 [남성명사] 사람, 인간, (유명인 등에 비교해) 보통 사람
mourir [muʀiːʀ]
1(사람·생물이) 죽다,(식물이) 시들다, 지다
2(으로) 죽을 지경이다, 죽도록 괴롭다
3죽어가다,[비유] 사라져가다
1죽다, 사망하다
2(초목이) 마르다, 시들다
tr. 타동사
3(복합 시제[완료형)에서만 사용함] 죽이다
1.자동사 죽다, 사망하다.
2.자동사 죽을 지경이다, 극도로 …하다.
3.재귀동사 (morirsi) 죽다.
der은 ter 혹은 tol tal의 변형된 음이다.
죽일,살 殺
Proto-Dravidian : *tol-
Meaning : to remove; to depart; to die, perish
Proto-South Dravidian: *tol-
Proto-South Dravidian : *tol-
Meaning : to perish, die; to depart
Tamil : tolai (-v-, -nt-)
Tamil meaning : to become extinct, perish, die, be exhausted, terminated, liquidated, end (as a way), expire (as time), be over, finished, be weary, be defeated, fail, be lost, leave, depart
Tamil derivates : (-pp-, -tt-) to destroy, kill, exterminate, spend, pass (as time), remove, wipe off, bring to an end, settle, lose, surpass, defeat; n. ruin, distance, great distance; tolaiccu (tolaicci-) to kill, destroy, exhaust, pay, discharge (a debt); tolaipu perishing, destruction; tolaivu completion, end, extinction, destruction, defeat, failure, fatigue, weariness, dwindling, decrease, distance; tulai (-v-, -nt-) to perish; caus. (-pp-, -tt-)
Malayalam : tulayuka
Malayalam meaning : to be at an end, die
Malayalam derivates : tulaccal end, difficulty; tulekka to consume, finish
Kannada : tolagu, tolaŋgu
Kannada meaning : to go away, depart, go aside or out of the way, retire, separate (intr.), be separated, be excluded, fail
Kannada derivates : tolagisu to cause to go away, etc.; (Hav.) tole to stand away; get rid of
Tulu : tolaguni
Tulu meaning : to depart, move away, leave, forsake, desert
Tulu derivates : (?) telavuni, telāvuni to go aside, make way, avoid, shun
Notes : B&E obviously mix two different roots here: Tulu telavuni, etc., cannot belong here. Tamil forms are dubious - tulai is regular, the others are not. Possibly borrowed from or influenced by Kannada.
Number in DED : 3519
Proto-Telugu : *tol-
Proto-Telugu : *tol-
Meaning : to remove, free one from
Telugu : tolãgincu
Telugu (Krishnamurti) : tolãgu "(imper. stem tola- is used alternatively) to move, step aside, get out of the way, go off, be removed, recede, vanish, disappear, terminate, cease, end"
Additional forms : Also tolãcu to remove
Number in DED : 3519
Proto-IE: *trōw-
Meaning: to beat, to wound, to kill, to torment
Old Greek: titrṓskō, trṓō, aor. eksétrō = eksebláben, eksekóphē kǘēsis EM, conj. ektrō̂i̯; trō̂sai̯, pass. trōthē̂nai̯, pf. a. tétrōka, m.-p. tétrōmai̯ `verwunden, verletzen, beschädigen'; trō̂si-s f. `Verwundung'; dor., ion. trō̂ma, att. trâu̯ma n. `Wunde, Schaden, Schlappe, Niederlage'
Celtic: Cymr. taraw `schlagen', trewis `er schlug'; OBret toreusit `attrivit'
Russ. meaning: бить, ранить, убивать, мучить
References: WP I 728 f
cădo [고전:카도 ││ 교회:카도]
자동사 죽다, 쓰러지다, 전사하다
이 라틴어도 드라비다어에서 온 것이다.
Proto-Dravidian : *kād-
Meaning : to fight, kill
Proto-South Dravidian: *kād-
Proto-South Dravidian : *kād-
Meaning : to fight, kill
Tamil : kātu (kāti-)
Tamil meaning : to kill, murder, cut, divide; n. murder
Tamil derivates : kātal killing, fighting, cutting, breaking
Kannada : kādu
Kannada meaning : to war, fight, contend with
Kannada derivates : kāduha fighting
Tulu : kāduni
Tulu meaning : to quarrel, fight, wrestle
Tulu derivates : kādāḍuni to fight; kādāṭa a fight, war, battle
Number in DED : 1447
떠삐 떠나삐 떠나다는 말도 죽다는 뜻이다.
Proto-Dravidian : *tav- (?)
Meaning : 1 to destroy 2 to die
Notes : SDR root.