Corporate cyber-security
Horror movie
Hackers shine a harsh
spotlight on Sony
Dec 13th 2014 | SAN
From the print edition
[1] CRITICS who don’t like a film usually pen scathing reviews of
it. But “The Interview”, a comedy from Sony Pictures Entertainment that
includes a scene depicting the assassination of Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s
leader, has provoked a far more damaging response from one particular bunch of
detractors. On December 8th hackers who had attacked the studio’s computer
systems demanded that it stop showing what they called “the movie of terrorism”
to avoid further chaos.
[2] Part of Sony, an electronics maker, which also saw its
PlayStation gaming network briefly taken offline on the same day the warning
was issued, Sony Pictures is the latest in a long line of firms to have been
hacked this year. JPMorgan Chase, a bank, and eBay, an e-commerce giant, are
among other well-known companies that have suffered breaches. But the Sony case
is striking for at least two reasons.
[3] The first is the way in which the studio’s attackers, who call
themselves the “Guardians of Peace”, or #GOP, have behaved since cracking its
digital defences in late November. Most hackers like to pinch valuable data
discreetly and then scarper before being spotted. But Sony Pictures’ assailants
have instead taunted the studio publicly; leaked the social-security numbers of
some 47,000 of its current and former employees; published sensitive financial
information such as salaries; distributed copies of several yet-to-be-released
films online; and posted incendiary e-mails between executives (which are now
all the talk in Hollywood).
[4] In a chilling twist, some Sony Pictures staff also received
e-mails that threatened them and their families, though it is unclear whether
these were sent by the original hackers or another group. As The Economist went
to press, cybersleuths drafted in by the studio were still trying to discover
who is behind the attack.
[5] Much suspicion has focused on North Korea, which has denied
responsibility, but not ruled out the possibility that the hack might be the
handiwork of “supporters and sympathisers”. Experts note that independent
hackers who enjoy informal state backing are becoming a big problem that needs
international attention. “Diplomacy to tackle cybercrime has to be a priority,”
says Mark Weatherford of the Chertoff Group, a consulting firm.
[6] Protecting sensitive data should be a priority too. But the
other striking thing about Sony Pictures’ experience is that it has highlighted
sloppy practices at an arm of a firm that should be especially careful about
its security. Sony, after all, has a record of tangling with hackers. It first
enraged them back in 2005 when its music division included particularly
aggressive software on compact discs (remember those?) designed to frustrate
folk trying to “burn” copies of them.
[7] Then in 2011 Sony sued some young hackers who had cracked the
code on its PlayStation 3 gaming console so they could run any software they
liked, rather than just Sony’s own offerings. That triggered a reprisal from
Anonymous, a hacker collective, which brought down Sony’s PlayStation network
for several weeks and pinched the details of some 100m accounts. The same year
Lulzsec, another “hacktivist” outfit, broke into Sony Pictures’ systems and
pilfered account data. This wave of attacks hammered Sony’s share price and led
to executives being asked to explain the mess to Congress.
[8] Given all this, one would expect Sony Pictures’ internal
practices to meet the gold standard of cyber-security. Yet the firm, which did
not respond to repeated requests for comment, seems to have made some
elementary errors, including leaving social-security numbers and salary data
unencrypted, and storing passwords in a file conveniently entitled “Password”.
[9] More digital damage may yet emerge. “This hack looks like a multi-headed
hydra and we may only be in the early days of it,” explains Marc Goodman, a
cybercrime expert. Sony Pictures will not be looking forward to any sequels.
From the print edition: Business
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(1) A person who searches the Internet for information about a company, both positive and negative, to keep abreast of public opinion. All Internet facilities are used, including the Web, newsgroups and chat rooms.
(2) A person who does any kind of detective work using the Internet.