잠깐 스팀을 켜봤더니 패치가 되네요.
패치내용을 포럼에서 퍼옵니다.
2012-07-04: v1.06b
- The date widget arrows in the lobby no longer stay gone after you've looked at your save games
- Added a separate set of Muslim feudal (Iqta) laws
- Added a separate Muslim invasion CB with longer truce and no taking of all occupied provinces
- The success chance for kill plots now increases drastically past 100% Plot Power
- MP: Fixed an OOS issue between people with and without SoI. (Unfortunately, this means modders with SoI cannot just script in any number of wives in other religions.)
- Fixed a serious but simple error messing up the Spanish localization text
- Corrected a load of German text using ';' in the localization, corrupting the text database
- Decadence revolter special troops now disband after the war
- The game will no longer crash if you have the African Unit Pack DLC but not the Sword of Islam
- Exported EMPIRE_CREATION_PIETY_COST to defines
- Fixed a bug with 'replace_path' in mods
- Empires now cost 400 Piety to create (up from 200)
- Fixed a bug that would not actually detract the empire creation Piety cost
- Fixed a problem with the event effects 'gain_settlements_under_title' and 'vassalize_or_take_under_title' where rebel or revolter occupied counties would not be taken in the peace
- Muslim vassals can no longer declare Holy Wars on rulers of their top liege's religion
- Corrected the English regnal numbers to exclude the Saxon Edwards
- Fixed a bug where breaking a truce would not actually cost Prestige
- Added 'creation_requires_capital' field to landed titles
- Added harsher creation conditions for the Latin Empire
- Added proper creation conditions for the Caliphates
- Fixed a bug with the event effect 'abdicate_to_most_liked_by' that could cause the new ruler of a non-feudal state to become independent when he should not
- Character modifiers now correctly recalculated when a timed character modifier expires
- No longer possible to revoke the last landed title off a ruler with significant vassals
- The chancellor in West African cultures is now called Grand Vizier
- The minor title 'title_ruler_consort' no longer has separate localization strings - it's now the other gender version of the spouse's ruler title
- Added 'title_female' custom holder title to landed titles
- Added separate law message for when muslims pass laws
- Added event effect 'disband_event_forces'
- Fixed some glitches with betrothals in the Muslim world
- Fixed a bug with Heavy Armor tech level 5
- Fixed a bug with the Ramadan events firing at once if war was declared
- Religion View: The portrait of the religious head should now age correctly
- Doubled the opinion penalty for revoking a kingdom
- Fixed a bug with the tooltip for usurping emperor tier titles
- Fixed some errors in the Welsh character database
- Women with 'immortal' flagged traits no longer grow infertile after 45, and the AI knows this
- Fixed an issue with 'immortal' marked traits added in the ruler designer or the history
- Should no longer be possible to get both the Sayyid and Mirza traits
- Fixed two bugs with a dynasty's Coat of Arms changing for no reason
- Scripted banned colors for Coats of Arms should now work
- Corrected event picture for event 75075
- Fixed some events using incorrect form 'only_capable'
- Removed some duplicate text entries
- Tech focuses can no longer change when you inherit someone's title
- Commander traits are now generated for characters created with the 'create_character' effect with a martial trait
- The Jizya tax modifier is now shown with an icon on Holdings
- Corrected the religion of Muhammad's ancestors
- Corrected lots of (harmless) errors in the gui files
- Fixed a bug with the tooltip for usurping emperor tier titles
- Fixed a bug with the NTechnology defines and REN_PROVINCE not being read
- Changed the name of the 'Empire of Spain' to 'Empire of Hispania'
- Can no longer transfer Duke or King rank vassals to anyone except their de jure liege
- Buffed the Christian states of Iberia by giving them more holdings, more initial building upgrades and slightly higher tech
- Invasion AI: Fixed some deadlock situations that could occur when armies were loaded on fleets belonging to the wrong agent
- Army AI: Fixed a glitch with attrition avoidance when having attached units
- When moving an army into a sea zone, it will now prefer loading onto the smallest possible fleet
- Attached units can no longer lead a siege if the unit they are attached to is also besieging
- Increased the max number of holdings in many counties in continental Europe, England and the Levantine coast
- Attached units now move at the same speed
- Can no longer select holy orders to play in the lobby
- Page 12 in the Ledger no longer crashes in "observer" mode
- When divorcing a spouse, the "matrilineal" marriage status is now correctly reset
- Vassals with a weak claim on the liege that they can't currently use no longer get an increased revolt risk
- Diplo AI: Tweaked "desires better alliance" factor for marriages
- Fixed a bug where armies containing Holy Order regiments could be disbanded when the Holy Order itself withdrew its forces for another conflict
- Fixed a bug preventing a host without The Sword of Islam from hosting MP games with those who do and have selected Muslim rulers
- Fixed a freeze bug in the lobby when stepping back through history from an advanced date
- Fixed a bug with historical scripted non-succession laws being overridden at start
- Fixed a bug where landless religion heads could be succeeded by ones of the wrong religion
- Added 'decadence' character history command
- The Seljuks now start at 0% Decadence
- Fixed a bug in some combat tactics that would immediately destroy all enemies of a certain unit type
영어의 압박으로 자세한 건 잘 모르겠구;;
플롯파워 100%가 넘으면 이제 암살확률이 올라간다는 것이 눈에 띄네요.
첫댓글 전 왠지 제일 마지막께 가장마음에 드네요 제대로 이해한지 모르겠는데 가끔 기병대로 개돌했다가 순식간에 증발해버리는 사태가 이제는 안일어나는건가
이슬람 쪽 관련 변경점이 많네요. 신롬 쪽을 주로 플레이하는 제가 주목하는 변경점은
제국 창설시 필요 신앙심 증가 (200 -> 400), 여성에게 immotal 트레잇 붙일 때 45세 지나면 불임되는 것 수정 (무한 자식생산? 여왕개미? ㄷㄷ)
유럽쪽과 영국, 이베리아 반도 기독교 계열의 버프 (땅 크기 증가, 초반 시작시 건물이나 업그레이드 상향) 정도네요.
무슬림 인베이전이 평화 조약 시간이 늘어났고, 점령한 땅을 다 먹지는 못한다는군요. 그리고 붙은 유닛들이 서로 같은 속도로 움직인답니다. 그리고 이제 기사단 플레이가 불가능해졌군요. 약한 클레임을 가진 가신은 클레임이 활성화되지 않는 이상 반역확률이 늘어나지도 않구요. 결혼할때 심심하면 뜨던 '더 나은 동맹을 바람'도 덜뜬답니다.
인베이전도 홀리워처럼 근처국가들이합류를해야댐ㅜ
솔직히 제가 지금 이베리아쪽 하고 있는데 무슬림 장난아니에요. 자하드 뜨고 몇만씩 건너와서 솔직히 치트 안썼으면 도저히 어떻게 할 수 없을 정도로 강했는데 이베리아쪽 강화됬다니 다행이네요. 이베리아 접고 영국쪽으로 시작하고 있었는데 거기서도 이베리아는 다먹히고 유럽 중추까지 좀비처럼 오던 상황이었음. 이베리아가 성벽 역활을 해줘야 되는데 성벽은 커녕 지푸라기 역활도 못하니...
저도 영국하는중인데 이베리아가 20년도 안되서 다털려버렸더라구요....도와줄수도 없고 ㅎㅎ
http://www.paradoxplaza.com/in-game/ck2/CK2_1_06b_patch.exe 요기서 다운받으세요
아니 그보다 폴란드-리투아니아 연방은 언제 추가해주는데;;;
그건 동군연합왕국이니 이미 시스템상 가능한거잖아요 ㅋㅇ
1569년에 생긴 나라인데 별로 들어갈 당위성은 없는듯도 싶고
그러니 어서 유로파를 하시지요!
만약 야겔론(야기우웨어)제국식으로 가져다 맞추어 넣어주면...
셀주크 데카당스 0!!!!!
안그래도 수니 시아 협공받는 불쌍한 비잔틴은 이제 개 털리겠네..
임모탈 룰러 디자이너로 먹이면 안먹히는게 고쳐지나보네요!
해전 ㅠ.ㅠ 해전 가능하게 해주세요 징징