0561. It was ---- than I thought it would be. 그것은 내가 생각했던 것보다 쉬웠다.
(A) easy (B) easier
used when comparing two things, people, situations etc:
Natalie was prettier than her sister.
You need that money more than I do.
There were more people there than I expected.
If it costs more than $60, I won't buy it.
She had woken even earlier than usual.
Divorce is more common than it was a generation ago.
0562. ---- your help, I would not have won the election. 당신의 도움 없이는 선거를 이길 수 없었을 것이다.
(A) without (B) with
Without Dr. Licklider's help, the project would never have been completed on time.
: 릭라이더 박사의 도움이 없었다면 그 프로젝트는 제 시간에 완수되지 못했을 것이다.
Without supporting data, it is easy to dismiss the concerns of the critics.
: 뒷받침할 자료가 없으면 비평가들이 주장하는 바는 무시되기 쉽다.
0563. in response ---- Jackie's questions 잭키의 질문들에 응답해서
(A) for (B) to
The price of photographic film has increased by 25% over the last six months in response to increases in the cost of silver, a key film ingredient.
: 사진용 필름 가격은 주요 필름 재료인 은 가격의 인상으로 지난 6개월 사이에 25% 올랐다.
Thank you very much for the proposal you submitted to us on February 28, in response to our request.
: 당사 요청에 따라 귀하께서 제출해 주신 2월 28일자 제안서에 감사드립니다.
How many resumes have we received in response to our ad for a production assistant?
: 생산직 보조 사원 모집 광고에 이력서가 몇 통이나 왔나요?
0564. ---- her youth, Michelle was a girl scout. 미쉘은 어릴 때 걸스카웃 이었다.
(A) During (B) While
from the beginning to the end of a period of time:
During the summer she worked as a lifeguard.
He slept calmly during the early part of the night.
Foxes remain hidden during the day.
0565. a good ---- that S + V ~라는 사실의 좋은 징후
(A) indicating (B) indication
a sign, remark, event etc that shows what is happening, what someone is thinking or feeling, or what is true
indication (that)
Taking a career history along with you will be a clear indication that you are well organized.
Indications are that the situation hasn't improved much.
There is every indication (=there are very clear signs) that it is true
0566. You have to make a ---- first. 먼저 예약을 해야 한다.
(A) reference (B) reservation
an arrangement which you make so that a place in a hotel, restaurant, plane etc is kept for you at a particular time in the future
a dinner reservation
Customers are advised to make seat reservations well in advance
part of something you say or write in which you mention a person or thing
reference to
There is no direct reference to her own childhood in the novel.
The article made no reference to previous research on the subject.
The governor made only a passing reference to the problem of unemployment (=he mentioned it quickly).
0567. I'd like to ---- a computer. 컴퓨터를 사고 싶습니다.
(A) buy (B) buying
would like
a) used to say that you want something or want to do something [↪ love]:
I'd like a cheeseburger, please.
Would you like to go to a movie on Friday night or do you have something else to do?
: 금요일 밤에 영화 보러 갈래요. 아니면 더 좋은 계획 있어요?
If you have a question or comment and would like to speak to a customer service representative, please press 2 now.
: 문의 사항이나 의견이 있으셔서 고객 서비스 담당자와 통화를 원하시면 지금 2번을 누르십시오.
0568. Sleeping 2 hours a day will ---- you health problems. 하루에 2시간 자는 것은 건강 문제를 일으킬 것이다.
(A) gave (B) cause
to make something happen, especially something bad:
Heavy traffic is causing delays on the freeway.
The fire caused £15,000 worth of damage.
cause something for somebody
The oil spill is causing problems for coastal fisheries.
cause concern/uncertainty/embarrassment etc
The policy changes have caused great uncertainty for the workforce.
I'm sorry if I caused any confusion.
cause somebody trouble/problems etc
You've caused us all a lot of unnecessary worry.
Sorry, I didn't mean to cause offence (=offend you).
cause somebody/something to do something
What caused you to change your mind?
0569. There is ---- of a discrepancy between ~. ~사이에 약간의 불일치가 있다.
(A) something (B) anything
used to mean a particular thing when you do not know its name or do not know exactly what it is
There's something in my eye.
Sarah said something about coming over later.
used in questions to mean 'something':
Is there anything I can do to help?
Do you want anything from the shops?
Would you like anything else to eat?
0570. between ---- and a hard place 곤경에 처해서
(A) rocks (B) a rock
be on the rocks informal a relationship or business that is on the rocks is having a lot of problems and is likely to fail soon [= in trouble]:
I'm afraid Tim's marriage is on the rocks.
0571. It ---- a bad idea to listen to her opinion. 그녀의 의견을 듣는 것이 나쁘지는 않을 것 같다.
(A) may not be (B) maybe not
This disease may be caused by a lack of vitamins.
병의 원인은 비타민 부족일 수도 있다
You may not be able to connect to your Internet service provider without your user name. Are you sure you want to continue with a blank user name?
: 사용자 이름이 없으면 인터넷 서비스 공급자에 연결할 수 없습니다. 사용자 이름을 입력하지 않고 계속하시겠습니까?
That might not be a bad idea. But one thing's for sure: if your work doesn't improve, you'll be on permanent vacation.
: 그리 나쁜 생각은 아니네요. 하지만 한 가지는 분명해요. 앞으로도 일하는 게 나아지지 않으면 그 땐 영원히 쉬게 된다는 거예요.
0572. His wife is ---- a white silk dress. 그의 부인은 하얀 실크 드레스를 입었습니다.
(A) with (B) in
wearing something:
He looked very handsome in his uniform.
She was dressed in a blue linen suit.
0573. This check is payable ---- ~. 이 수표는 ~에게 지불할 수 있다.
(A) to (B) for
a bill, debt etc that is payable must be paid
payable on
Tax is payable on the interest.
payable by
a fee of £49, payable by the tenant
payable to
State pensions become payable to women at age 60.
The rent is payable in advance.
Please make your check payable[out] to Seoul Trading Corporation.
: 이 수표를 누구 앞으로 쓸까요?―그것을 서울 무역회사 앞으로 써 주시기 바랍니다 To whom do I make out thecheck?
I have enclosed my check payable to THE PHILOSOPHER for the appropriate amount, as indicated below.
: 필라소퍼社 앞으로 아래 표기된 바와 같이 해당 금액의 수표를 동봉합니다.
0574. ---- of the car accident, she lost one of her legs. 차 사고의 결과로 그녀는 다리 하나를 잃었다.
(A) As resulting (B) As a result
On special days like Valentine's Day, the cost of a dozen roses rose twofold or more as a result of high demand.
: 발렌타인 데이 같은 특별한 날에는 12송이의 장미 가격이 수요가 많기 때문에 2배 이상 껑충 뛰었다.
As a result of our recent economic turnaround, Heritage Inc. has become more newsworthy to financial and trade paper reporters.
: 최근 회사 경기가 회복되면서 헤리티지가 경제 신문과 업계 신문의 기삿거리로 자주 등장하고 있습니다.
0575. I will call you back as soon as I ---- my work. 일이 끝나는 대로 다시 전화 걸겠습니다.
(A) finish (B) will finish
Thanks, I really appreciate this. I'll pay you back as soon as I cash my paycheck.
: 고마워요, 정말 고마워요. 수표를 현금으로 바꾸는대로 갚을게요.
The countries will be linked by rail as soon as the bridge is completed.
: 다리가 완공되면 국가들은 철로로 연결될 것이다.
I'll be moving as soon as I get four new tires.
: 네개의 새 타이어를 구하자 마자 이동할 겁니다.
The next available position will become vacant as soon as Mr. Jones approves the new contract.
: 존스 씨가 새 계약을 승인하는 즉시 다음 공석이 생길 것이다.
0576. Harry's company had a ---- on automobiles. 해리의 회사는 자동차에 대해 독점권을 가지고 있었다.
(A) monopoly (B) monogamy
if a company or government has a monopoly of a business or political activity, it has complete control of it so that other organizations cannot compete with it
monopoly of
They are demanding an end to the Communist Party's monopoly of power.
the state monopoly of television
monopoly on/in
For years Bell Telephone had a monopoly on telephone services in the US.
a monopoly in copper trading
the custom of being married to only one husband or wife
0577. in ---- with the administration 정부와 공동으로
(A) combination (B) coalition
two or more different things that exist together or are used or put together
combination of
A combination of factors may be responsible for the increase in cancer.
A combination of tact and authority was needed to deal with the situation.
Certain combinations of sounds are not possible in English.
in combination (with something)
Some drugs which are safe when taken separately are lethal in combination.
0578. a ---- expanding advertising division 빠르게 확장되는 홍보부
(A) rapid (B) rapidly
rapidly [부사]
very quickly and in a very short time:
The disease was spreading more rapidly than expected.
rapid [형용사]
happening or done very quickly and in a very short time
The patient made a rapid recovery.
rapid growth/expansion/development/increase
rapid population growth
a period of rapid decline
He fired three times in rapid succession (=one after another).
0579. We were all ---- after the conference. 회의 후 우리는 모두 피곤하였다.
(A) decaying (B) worn out
He was worn out with sleeplessness.
: 그는 불면으로 몹시 까칠해졌다
0580. accusations made against the CEO ---- could have adverse effects CEO에게 악영향이 될 수 있는 고발
(A) which (B) who
0581. ---- other languages is hard. 다른 언어들을 배우는 것은 어렵다.
(A) learning (B) learn
0582. rule ---- on all agreements 모든 동의안을 공정하게 처리하다
(A) impartially (B) impartiality
0583. If I knew his e-mail address, I ---- some pictures to him. 그의 이메일 주소를 안다면, 사진들을 보낼 수 있을 텐데.
(A) may send (B) would send
0584. The flight to Nepal ---- once a week.
(A) flees (B) leaves
to go away from a place or a person:
My baby gets upset when I leave the room.
Before leaving the train, make sure you have all your belongings with you.
Leave the motorway at Junction 7.
leave at
The plane leaves at 12.30.
leave for
I tried calling him, but he'd already left for work.
to leave somewhere very quickly, in order to escape from danger:
His attackers turned and fled.
Masaari spent six months in prison before fleeing the country.
0585. compel the criminal ---- 범죄자에게 자백을 하게 강요하다
(A) confession (B) to confess
to force someone to do something
compel somebody to do something
The law will compel employers to provide health insurance.
She felt compelled to resign because of the scandal
0586. Max ---- to several charities. 맥스는 여러 복지 기관에 기부를 하였다.
(A) contributed (B) contribution
to help to make something happen:
Stress is a contributing factor in many illnesses.
contribute to
Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the US.
contribute substantially/significantly/greatly etc to something
Enya's success has contributed substantially to the current interest in Celtic music.
0587. get a ---- approval from ~ ~로부터 빠른 승인을 얻다
(A) quickly (B) quick
lasting for or taking only a short time:
That was quick! I thought you'd be another hour.
It's probably quicker by train.
Have we got time for a quick drink?
What's the quickest way to the station?
We stopped to have a quick look at the church.
Three bombs went off in quick succession (=quickly, one after the other).
We need to get this finished as quickly as possible.
Kids grow up so quickly these days.
after only a very short time [= soon]:
I realized fairly quickly that this wasn't going to be easy.
0588. ---- in the global marketplace 세계시장에서 경쟁하다
(A) complain (B) compete
if one company or country competes with another, it tries to get people to buy its goods or services rather than those available from another company or country
compete with/against
They found themselves competing with foreign companies for a share of the market.
The Renault Clio competes against such cars as the Peugeot 206.
compete for
The stores have to compete for customers in the Christmas season.
compete in
The company must be able to compete in the international marketplace.
compete to do something
Several advertising agencies are competing to get the contract.
can't compete (with something) (=be unable to be more successful)
Small, independent bookstores simply can't compete with the big national chains
0589. a very ---- and talented team 매우 헌신적이고 재능 있는 팀
(A) consecrated (B) dedicated
someone who is dedicated works very hard at what they do because they care a lot about it:
a dedicated and thoughtful teacher
She is a dedicated socialist.
dedicated to
The Woodland Trust is dedicated to preserving our native woodland
to officially state in a special religious ceremony that a place or building is holy and can be used for religious purposes:
The bones will be reburied in consecrated ground.
0590. Although he is really busy, he somehow finds time to volunteer at the ---- school. 바쁜데도 불구하고 그는 어떻게든 지역학교에서 봉사할 시간을 만든다.
(A) local (B) neighbor
relating to the particular area you live in, or the area you are talking about:
local hospital
local residents
퀴즈 문제 출처 : 한승훈 - 써니 토익 , 토익자료실
예문 출처 : Naver Dictionary
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online