- 정향나무, Clove
. 학명; Caryophyllus aromaticus
. 개요; 인니원산의 상록수
. 효능; 진통제, 항구토제, 방부제
. 사용법; 오일, 차
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Syzygium aromaticum
- 약용부위
. Flower buds.
. 꽃
2 통명
- 영어; Clove
- 한글; 정향나무
3 개요
- 인니원산의 상록수
. 전세계 열대지역에서 재배
- 높이; 7미터내외로 성장
. 잎; 난형으로 어긋나기
- 꽃; 종형으로 적색으로 변해서 개화
. 열매; 1-2개의 종자로 성숙
The clove is an evergreen tree, 15 to 30 feet tall, native to the Spice Islands and the Phillippines but also grown in Sumatra, Jamaica, the West Indies, Brazil, and other tropical areas. It has opposite, ovate leaves more than 5 inches long; and its flowers, when allowed to develop, are red and white, bell-shaped, and grow in terminal clusters. The familliar clove used in the kitchen is the dried flower bud. The fruit is a one- or two-seeded berry.
4 효능
- 진통제, 항구토제, 방부제
. 오일; 치통제거
. 구토제거; 물에 오일 몇방울
- 차; 메스꺼움방지
. 최음효과
Anodyne, antiemetic, antiseptic. Clove oil will stop the pain of a toothache when dropped into a cavity. A few drops of the oil in water will stop vomiting, and clove tea will relieve nausea. Eating cloves is said to be aphrodisiac.
5 사용법
- 오일, 차