Now I give you good advice that you will the next stage education. I think you maybe talent of variety of a sphere. but you didn't find yourself. so please listen to my advice.
at first, please stop or diminish computer games, for example the TALES WEAVER. this is disturbance that your study. If you choice my way, you will prograssive that your life.
at second, please concentration where the periphery of an obstacle. we be adjacented everything obstruction. there is difficult that we concentrately study. not only a primary student but also all student. everything depend on your decision. If you be eager if my speaking is true,
just reading. i make sure that you will sympathy.
at third, If you solve above two are fundamental rules study hard. how you do study hard. it is simple. only grip pencle and write on books and read and learn by heart. at the school, never fall into a doze just take note and ever a detailed account heard.
although I best of best, never a low class.
in short, i loathe give you rare items, therefore you will never 100 percent interpretation.
please give up that.(a giggle)
this is writing that i be an intention. you just trifling and enjoy
100percent interpretation this write If you can
후~ 이거 영작하는데 15분걸림 ㅡㅋㅋ 난이도가 쉽지는 않으니..음 대략 300~400만원가량 템정도 생각해보겠음.ㅋ 마지막 반전까지 있으니 지루하진 않을거에요 반전이 상품템임.
첫댓글 오메 확인하다가 틀린문장발견. 중간쯤에 how you do가아니라 how do you 네요ㅡㅋㅋ 음. 다른 문장들은 어법상 틀린게 없는거같지만 태클 과감하게 받아들이겠습니다 ㅋ
나는 왜 제외야!!ㅡㅡㅋ 음.. 시간관계상 새벽에 가서 풀도록 하지ㅋㅋ 아무도 안풀엇다면ㅋㅋ 음.. 저!! 대문자로 테일즈 위버가 인상적이야 ㅎㅎ
어 -_-;?
안되 박사 안되박사안되 해석해서 해석본 올리지마봐 ㅡㅡㅋㅋ 심심하면 2탄올려야지 ㅋㅋ 난이도 올리면서 상품값도 올려볼까 ㅡㅋㅋㅋ