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The concept Mint Seal has restored the security issues that personal or corporate seals have lost these days. This concept has been designed with a locking case for the seal side and a combination lock at the other end to unlock and print the seal. There is a red dot on the body of the seal which is the level where the secret numerical combination should be aligned. After setting up with the password, turn the knob 180 degrees to come out the seal from the casing. After finishing with printing the seal, turn back the knob and disarrange your security number. Just simple, isn’t it?
첫댓글 흠.. 재미있는 발상이군요.. 진즉 발명됐더라면 좋았을 것을.. 도장이라.. 이제는 한중일 이 3나라에서도 겨우 명맥을 유지하고 있지만.. 과연 얼마나 더 갈지 알 수가 없으니... 몹씨 아쉽습니다.
멋지네요 -자연-
아이디어는 참 참신한것 같습니다. 도장이라 그런지 더 참신하게 느껴지네요..약정,약속,모 그런거..ㅎㅎ