‘팰컨(Falcon)’이라 명명된 이 프로그램은 마하5(음속 5배)의 초음속 항공기(HCV)와 무인 무기운반 비행체(CAV)로 구성된다. 모두 두 단계로 진행되는 계획의 1단계는 무인 조종이 가능한 CAV를 개발하는 것. CAV는 폭탄·정보탐지기 등 최고 454㎏의 장비를 싣고 마하5의 속도로 날아간다.
세계 어디든 2시간이면 도달할 수 있다는 계산이다. 올해 CAV의 발사체를 시험 발사할 예정이며, 2010년까지 개발 완료가 목표다.

=>scheduled to test until end of 4th Q.(first vehicle will be deployed at year of 2010)
type: Automatic. No Human driver.

Aircraft: Hypersonic cruise vehicle(vehicle???) ->HCV
aircraft speed : mach5 -0-(ex: 1. F-16 top speed is Mach 1.6
2. F-15 Mach 2.5
3. F-14 Mach 1.88 ) -> Let's purchase this! To the E-Bay!-.,-
Operational Distance: 9000N.M
Payload: 12000pounds(5% of C-4 Galaxy)
Test date: year of 2008
P.S: This vehicle is not done yet. I guess we have to wait until 2008 First Quarter.
For the Mail War: 1. No need to dispatch the infantry or special forces unit against enemy airport.
2. No need to Nogada-.,- to click and run the supply truck at least 5~7 turns to resupply MBT, dispatched front artillery or Infantry units.
3. 3 times faster(+0.2) than KF-16 block52. And can return to the base at speed of 2~3Mach(returning speed is Still faster than Maximum speed of F-16-.,-maybe about 30 hex speed during 1 turn?-0-)
4. i guess the operational distance is about 270 hex distances(F-15=>3000N.M). No need to air refuel so we can decrease budget spending to purchase the KC-135 Stratotanker.
Overall personal concern: *****(-_-b)
첫댓글 영어의 압박 이군요 ㅠ.ㅠ
멋은 있네요^^