Jesus listens when we plead with Him. He hears everything and heals us when He sees our faith. There is no instance where Jesus does not respond when we ask, seek, and knock. So, do not be discouraged and continue to plead with Jesus.
The key message in today's passage is in verses 6-8. The centurion's belief that he is unworthy to have Jesus come under his roof shows that he understands who Jesus truly is. The centurion's faith and attitude, believing that just a word from Jesus would heal, led to commendation from the Jewish elders and his friends, and even praise from Jesus Himself.
This centurion acknowledged Jesus and confessed his own unworthiness, stating that his servant would be healed if Jesus simply spoke the word. This is who Jesus truly is.
Excerpt from the sermon by Pastor Lee, July 25, 2024.
Luke 7:1-10