Erdogan wants to play war with his people 해리 벤담 By Harry J. Bentham Mar 30, 2014 - 11:24:08 PM http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/03/30/356518/erdogan-playing-war-with-his-people/ |
여기에 부패와 인터넷 감시, 주권자에 대항하는 칵테일로 혼합된 터키 권력부의 성스럽지못한 음모 동맹이 폭로되었다. 이것은 에도간 정부가 무지막지하게 밀어부친 일에 관해 권력이 은밀하게 통화한 내용이 폭로되며 나온 내용이다.
음성 녹음테이프만이 터키에서 들을수있는데 동영상은 유튜브 사이트를 막아버렸기 때문에 볼수가 없다. 그 내용은 고위직 관리가 자국민을 공격하는 짓에 대해 뻔뻔하게 말하는 내용이 들어있다. 이 통화에서 그들은 위장 공격작전을 꾸며서 지역 분쟁을 크게 확산시키겠다고 말한다.
An unholy alliance between corruption, internet censorship and the plot against popular sovereignty has been exposed in Turkey by the aggressive reaction of Erdogan’s government to a controversial leaked audio tape.
In the audio tape, which cannot be watched in Turkey as a result of a block on video sharing site YouTube, high-ranking government officials brazenly speak of attacking their own people. This, they intend as a false-flag attack to spark a wider regional conflict.
정보부 수장, 하칸 피단이 한 말을 인용하자면, 에도간 정부가 큰 전쟁의 명분을 꾸며내겠다고 내폭 계략을 쓴다는 것이다. 그들은 자국 터키에 미사일을 공격해서 자국민을 살상하자는 것이다. 그러면 그 공격은 외부의 적이 가한 것이니 그에 보복을 하기 위해서 전쟁으로 간다는 것인데, 살을 주고서 상대에게서 뼈를 빼오겠다는 무서운 이야기이다.
에도간 정부는 시리아 영내에 무기를 밀반입해주면서 전쟁을 심화시키는 약속을 하고 있는데, 이런 자국민을 희생시키는 기만술을 해서라도 큰 전쟁을 가겠다는 이야기가 그렇게 놀랄 것은 아니다.
To quote intelligence chief, Hakan Fidan’s own words, Erdogan’s government wants to “make up a cause of war by ordering a missile attack on Turkey,” thereby killing his own people for an excuse to kill even more. Given the Erdogan government’s vile commitment to deepening the crisis in Syria by trafficking weapons, it should surprise none of us that this incapable regime is developing a stronger appetite for the blood of its own people too.
Tragic events in Turkey’s streets in 2013 and 2014, such as the corrupt government’s killing and vilification of the young boy, Berkin Elvan, who died after a head injury from a tear gas canister when buying bread during the brutal police response to the Gezi protests of 2013, have exposed the increasingly repressive and arrogant nature of the incumbent government in Turkey. Opposition to the government has resurged in 2014, stirred on by the increasing evidence of Erdogan’s corruption, such as a tape verified by experts in which he is telling his son to “get rid of” large amounts of money.
The move to block YouTube on “national security” grounds can be taken only as confirmation that the tape, in which a false-flag attack against the Turkish people is considered, is authentic. This regime, which claims to represent the interests of the Turkish people, seriously considered and continues to consider attacking the Turkish people and dragging Turkey into a regional conflict.
Given that the ruling government officials in Turkey apparently have no “national security” concerns over a missile attack launched by them on the territory of their own country, we are left wondering what definition these officials are using for “national security.” Perhaps it is something similar to the same “national security” that their Pentagon idols talk about whenever inconvenient truths are exposed, as with Manning’s disclosure of US mass murder in Iraq. As Undersecretary Sinirlioğlu says in the leaked tape itself, “our national security has become a common, cheap domestic policy outfit.” This is true in all NATO countries, where governments trigger wars that are blatantly not in the national interest, and yet they still ask the nation to die in such wars.
The cheapening of national security as an outfit to strengthen any regime’s hold over its own people and the surrounding region has occurred in the capitals of other pro-Pentagon regimes, where people have been far too easily duped that closed-door national security decisions are really about the security of the nation in question. Crying wolf with fictive national security narratives, when only the security of the regime’s stranglehold on the nation is really at stake, threatens the whole nation. By being able to trade away national security for state secrecy, and conflate the two, a regime will have irrevocably cheapened the lives of its citizens, with or without mounting actual false-flag attacks against those citizens.
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has responded by describing the act of leaking of the tape itself as an act of treachery against Turkey and a “declaration of war,” in spite of the fact that it was his own regime’s intelligence chief who declared the intent to attack his own country by firing missiles into the territory of Turkey. Evidently forgetting the need to save Turkish lives, the Foreign Minister stated, “Wiretapping our prime minister, ministers and top officials is an open declaration of war against the Turkish Republic.”
During the leaked conversation, the Foreign Minister seems completely unconcerned at the prospect of a missile attack into Turkish territory by his own government colleagues. After reading the leaked conversation, we should all reconsider Davutoğlu’s claim that the ones who leaked evidence of his treason are the traitors, or if in fact he and his Erdogan regime are the traitors because they have declared their intent to attack the territory of their own country.
터키가 곡 마곡 전쟁의 이란 연합군임을 감안하고 보셔야 할 기사입니다.
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