현 동유럽지역 및 러시아지역, 터기와 비잔틴문명지역, 중국대륙, 천산산맥부근, 및 중앙아시아 지역의 역사들을 다루면서 하나 빠져 있는 것 같아 올려 드립니다. Khazar왕국은 현재의 흑해와 카스시해 사이에 위치해 있었다고 합니다. 아래로는 산맥이 하나 있어서 터기와 이슬문화권을 방어할 수 있는 천혜의 요새이죠. 오른쪽 왼쪽은 바다로 둘러쌓여 있어서 접근이 불가하구요. 결국 위쪽 지역만 어느정도 효율정적으로 방어하면 나라를 지킬 수 있는 환경을 가지고 있습니다. 이 왕국을 주목해야 하는 이유는 훈족과 더불어 이민족의 역사의 시발점은 수메를 문명의 멸망 시점과 유사하다는 부분입니다.
외국 학자들은 'the 13th tribe'의 경우처럼 유대인 이동역사의 기원에 관한 내용으로 많이 focus되어 있습니다. 아랫 부분에 이 논문도 첨부해 놓았습니다. 아마 책으로도 발간되어 한국의 번역판도 있는 것으로 알고 있습니다.
한국말로 하면 '하자르'로 번역을 하더군요.. 이 지역은 발칸반도와 더불어 현재도 극심한 인종, 종교분쟁을 겪고 있는 아르메니아 부근입니다. 이 하자르족이 정착한 위치가 신라인의 역사적 출발점으로 보여지는 카스피해 부근과 유사하고, 더욱이 카스피해는 이 하자르족의 이름을 타서 '하자르의 바다'라는 뜻으로 해서 붙여졌다는 부분입니다. 후에, 볼가강유역으로 수도를 이동하였습니다. 유목적 성향을 가지고 있는 민족의 6개월 수도라서 계절에 따라 이동을 합니다. 이 하자르족을 묘사해 놓은 것을 보면 '붉은 머리(redish hair)'로 또 묘사가 됩니다. 하지만 DNA분석에 따르면, Uigor, Hun, Mongolian의 그것을 섞어 놓은 듯하다는 뜻으로보아서 이 붉은 머리 사람들은 아시아인과 유사한 점이 있나 봅니다.
* 이 붉은 머리의 정체를 밝혀야 합니다. 러시아의 기원이 된 Rusyn족도 붉은 머리로 묘사해 놓았고, 유럽역사에 있어서 핵심적인 역할을 한 부류임이 확실합니다. 영국의 엘리자베스 여왕도 '붉은 머리'입니다..그분의 엄마도 붉은 머리이구요... 영화 '100일간의 사랑(주연 : 나탈리 포트만/스칼렛요한슨)'을 혹시 최근에 보셨는지 모르겠네요.. 몇달 됬습니다만...(한국에 있을때..)
서구 역사학자들은 이 하자르족을 유대인으로 보았습니다. 지리적으로 이슬람과 크리스찬의 완충지대(버퍼작용)로서 양세력을 조절하는 역할을 하였다고 하네요.. 그래서 두개 종교의 기원인 유대교를 받아들였다는 논리도 있구요.. 하자르족은 9-10세기 엄청 번성을 하다가, 당시 세력을 확장한 '키에프공국'에 흡수됩니다. 그 이후, 그 지역에 살았던 사람들이 특히 헝가리 및 동유럽 전역으로 이동했다는 내용입니다. 그로해서, 유대인이 유럽으로 흩어지게된 시초이다라고 합니다.
현재 유대인의 기원으로 알려진 이종족들이 결국은 유목민(nomadic)이라는 겁니다. 역시 지역도 중앙아시아의 신라 정착지역이었다라고 추측되는 카스피해 인근이구요.. 신라는 카스피해 오른쪽지역을 예상하시는 것 같습니다. 이후 동쪽 천산부근으로 이동을 했다고 추정하고 있구요..동시대에 같은 지역에 같은 형태의 삶의 살아가는 종족이라면 두 종족간의 연관성이 반드시 있다고 봅니다.
또한, 키에프공국이 '하자르왕국'을 멸하면서 헝가리로 부터 시작된 제국의 기초를 완벽하게 닦았다는 점입니다. 헝가리 및 동유럽 및 러시아 인근을 넘어서 현재의 중앙아시아 턱밑까지 진출을 했다는 것이지요.. 만약 중앙아시아에 거대 세력이 있었다면 절대 좌시할 수 없는 위기 사항이었을 겁니다.
이 위기 사항을 잠재운 이가 바로 '징기스칸'입니다. 아마 수십년간의 키에프공국 세력(훈족과 마자르족의 세력입니다..)과 중앙아와의 전쟁이 있었다라고 생각됩니다만, 징기스칸의 유럽정벌로 유럽이 초토화 되죠.. 키에프근거 Rusyn세력은 이후 모스크라보 쫒겨가게됩니다.
*여기서 이 붉은 머리가 또한번 나옵니다. 현재 역사는 징기스칸을 정통동양인인 황인으로 묘사하지만, 어떤 문헌에서는 러시아 남부지방의 유목족인 '붉은머리 와 흰피부'로 묘사하기도 하기 때문이죠.. 그렇게 때문에 붉은 머리의 정체를 하루빨리 밝혀야 합니다.
요약하면, 지금의 러시아 영토로 표시된 이지역에 과거 독립된 반농-반유목적 유목민 왕국이 있었고, 정치적으로 이슬람과 크리스찬의 완충의 역할, 경제적으로 유럽과 아시아를 연결해주는 중요한 '실크로드'의 중요한 역할 했던 왕국이 있었다라는 점이고, 이들은 유대교를 받아들여 중세 유럽의 유대인의 시조가 되는 중요한 종족이었다라는 점입니다. 또한, 이들의 거주지역이 고대신라의 초기거주지역인 카스피해 부근이었었기 때문에, 초기 신라인과의 연관성이 의심이 되구요. 이는 결국, 중앙아시아를 문명의 시점으로 보는 대륙조선카페도 역시 관심을 가지고 역사추척 라인을 연결시켜야 한다는 생각입니다.
by Kevin Alan Brook, Copyright © 1996-2004
Latest revision: September 2004.
"Of all the astonishing experiences of the widely dispersed Jewish people
none was more extraordinary than that concerning the Khazars."
- Nathan Ausubel, in Pictorial History of the Jewish People (1953)
"The Khazar people were an unusual phenomenon for Medieval times. Surrounded by savage and nomadic tribes, they had all the advantages of the developed countries: structured government, vast and prosperous trading, and a permanent army. At the time, when great fanatism and deep ignorance contested their dominion over Western Europe, the Khazar state was famous for its justice and tolerance. People persecuted for their faiths flocked into Khazaria from everywhere. As a glistening star it shone brightly on the gloomy horizon of Europe, and faded away without leaving any traces of existence."
- Vasilii V. Grigoriev, in his essay "O dvoystvennosti verkhovnoy vlasti u khazarov" (1835), reprinted in his 1876 compilation book Rossiya i Aziya on page 66
"Though the Jews were everywhere a subject people, and in much of the world persecuted as well, Khazaria was the one place in the medieval world where the Jews actually were their own masters.... To the oppressed Jews of the world, the Khazars were a source of pride and hope, for their existence seemed to prove that God had not completely abandoned His people."
- Raymond Scheindlin, in The Chronicles of the Jewish People (1996)
The history of Khazaria presents us with a fascinating example of how Jewish life flourished in the Middle Ages. In a time when Jews were persecuted thruout Christian Europe, the kingdom of Khazaria was a beacon of hope. Jews were able to flourish in Khazaria because of the tolerance of the Khazar rulers, who invited Byzantine and Persian Jewish refugees to settle in their country. Due to the influence of these refugees, the Khazars found the Jewish religion to be appealing and adopted Judaism in large numbers.
Most of the available information about the Khazars comes from Arabic, Hebrew, Armenian, Byzantine, and Slavic sources, most of which are reliable. There is also a large quantity of archaeological evidence concerning the Khazars that illuminates multiple aspects of the Khazarian economy (arts and crafts, trade, agriculture, fishing, etc.) as well as burial practices.
Origins. The Khazars were a Turkic1 people who originated in Central Asia. The early Turkic tribes were quite diverse, although it is believed that reddish hair was predominant among them prior to the Mongol conquests. In the beginning, the Khazars believed in Tengri shamanism, spoke a Turkic language, and were nomadic. Later, the Khazars adopted Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, learned Hebrew and Slavic, and became settled in cities and towns thruout the north Caucasus and Ukraine. The Khazars had a great history of ethnic independence extending approximately 800 years from the 5th to the 13th century.
The earliest history of the Khazars in southern Russia, prior to the middle of the 6th century, is hidden in obscurity. From about 550 to 630, the Khazars were part of the Western Turkish Empire, ruled by the Celestial Blue Turks (Kök Turks). When the Western Turkish Empire was broken up as a result of civil wars in the middle of the 7th century, the Khazars successfully asserted their independence. Yet, the Kök kaganate under which they had lived provided the Khazars with their system of government. For example, the Khazars followed the same guidelines as the Kök Turks regarding the succession of kings.
Political power. At its maximum extent, the independent country of Khazaria included the geographic regions of southern Russia, northern Caucasus, eastern Ukraine, Crimea, western Kazakhstan, and northwestern Uzbekistan. Other Turkic groups such as the Sabirs and Bulgars came under Khazar jurisdiction during the 7th century. The Khazars forced some of the Bulgars (led by Asparukh) to move to modern-day Bulgaria, while other Bulgars fled to the upper Volga River region where the independent state of Volga Bulgharia was founded. The Khazars had their greatest power over other tribes in the 9th century, controlling eastern Slavs, Magyars, Pechenegs, Burtas, North Caucasian Huns, and other tribes and demanding tribute from them. Because of their jurisdiction over the area, the Caspian Sea was named the "Khazar Sea", and even today the Azeri, Turkish, Persian, and Arabic languages designate the Caspian by this term (in Turkish, "Hazar Denizi"; in Arabic, "Bahr-ul-Khazar"; in Persian, "Daryaye Khazar").
In addition to their role in indirectly bringing about the creation of the modern Balkan nation of Bulgaria, the Khazars played an even more significant role in European affairs. By acting as a buffer state between the Islamic world and the Christian world, Khazaria prevented Islam from significantly spreading north of the Caucasus Mountains. This was accomplished thru a series of wars known as the Arab-Khazar Wars, which took place in the late 7th and early 8th centuries. The wars established the Caucasus and the city of Derbent as the boundary between the Khazars and the Arabs.
Cities. The first Khazar capital was Balanjar, which is identified with the archaeological site Verkhneye Chir-Yurt. During the 720s, the Khazars transferred their capital to Samandar, a coastal town in the north Caucasus noted for its beautiful gardens and vineyards. In 750, the capital was moved to the city of Itil (Atil) on the edge of the Volga River. In fact, the name "Itil" also designated the Volga River in the medieval age. Itil would remain the Khazar capital for at least another 200 years. Itil, the administrative center of the Khazar kingdom, was located adjacent to Khazaran, a major trading center. In the early 10th century, Khazaran-Itil's population was composed mostly of Muslims and Jews, but a few Christians lived there also. The capital city had many mosques. The king's palace was located on an island nearby, which was surrounded by a brick wall. The Khazars stayed in their capital during the winter, but they lived in the surrounding steppe in the spring and summer to cultivate their crops.
The great capital city of modern Ukraine, Kiev, was founded by Khazars or Hungarians. Kiev is a Turkic place name (Küi = riverbank + ev = settlement). A community of Jewish Khazars lived in Kiev. Other towns of the Khazars, many of which also had important Jewish communities, included Kerch (Bospor), Feodosia, Tamatarkha (Tmutorokan), Chufut-Kale, Sudak, and Sarkel. The local governor of Samandar was Jewish, and it may be assumed that many of the governors of these other localities were also Jewish. A major brick fortress was built in 834 in Sarkel, along the Don River. It was a cooperative Byzantine-Khazar venture, and Petronas Kamateros, a Greek, served as chief engineer during the construction.
Civilization and trade. The staple foods for the Khazars were rice and fish. Barley, wheat, melons, hemp, and cucumbers were also harvested in Khazaria. There were many orchards and fertile regions around the Volga River, which the Khazars depended upon due to the infrequency of rain. The Khazars hunted foxes, rabbits, and beavers to supply the large demand for furs.
Khazaria was an important trade route connecting Asia and Europe. For example, the "Silk Road" was an important link between China, Central Asia, and Europe. Among the things traded along the Khazar trade routes were silks, furs, candlewax, honey, jewelry, silverware, coins, and spices. Jewish Radhanite traders of Persia passed thru Itil on their way to western Europe, China, and other locations. The Iranian Sogdians also made use of the Silk Road trade, and their language and runic letters became popular among the Turks. Khazars traded with the people of Khwarizm (northwest Uzbekistan) and Volga Bulgharia and also with port cities in Azerbaijan and Persia.
The Khazars' dual-monarchy was a Turkic system under which the kagan was the supreme king and the bek was the civilian army leader. The kagans were part of the Turkic Asena ruling family that had provided kagans for other Central Asian nations in the early medieval period. The Khazar kagans had relations with the rulers of the Byzantines, Abkhazians, Hungarians, and Armenians. To some extent, the Khazarian kings influenced the religion of the Khazar people, but they tolerated those who had different religions than their own, so that even when these kings adopted Judaism they still let Greek Christians, pagan Slavs, and Muslim Iranians live in their domains. In the capital city, the Khazars established a supreme court composed of 7 members, and every religion was represented on this judicial panel (according to one contemporary Arab chronicle, the Khazars were judged according to the Torah, while the other tribes were judged according to other laws).
Ancient communities of Jews existed in the Crimean Peninsula, a fact proven by much archaeological evidence. It is significant that the Crimea came under the control of the Khazars. The Crimean Jewish communities were later supplemented by refugee Jews fleeing the Mazdaq rebellion in Persia, the persecutions of Byzantine emperors Leo III and Romanus I Lecapenus, and for a variety of other reasons. Jews came to Khazaria from modern-day Uzbekistan, Armenia, Hungary, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and many other places, as documented by al-Masudi, the Schechter Letter, Saadiah Gaon, and other accounts. The Arabic writer Dimashqi wrote that these refugee Jews offered their religion to the Khazar Turks and that the Khazars "found it better than their own and accepted it". The Jewish Radhanite traders may have also influenced the conversion. Adopting Judaism was perhaps also a symbol of political independence for Khazaria, holding the balance of power between Muslim Caliphate and the Christian Byzantine Empire.
Under the leadership of kings Bulan and Obadiah, the standard rabbinical form of the Jewish religion spread among the Khazars. King Bulan adopted Judaism in approximately the year 838, after supposedly holding a debate between representatives of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths. The Khazar nobility and many of the common people also became Jews. King Obadiah later established synagogues and Jewish schools in Khazaria. The books of the Mishnah, Talmud, and Torah thus became important to many Khazars. Saint Cyril came to Khazaria in 860 in a Byzantine attempt to convert the Khazars to Christianity, but he was unsuccessful in converting them away from Judaism. He did, however, convince many of the Slavs to adopt Christianity. By the 10th century, the Khazars wrote using Hebrew letters. The major Khazar Jewish documents from that period were written in the Hebrew language. The Ukrainian professor Omeljan Pritsak estimated that there were as many as 30,000 Jews in Khazaria by the 10th century. In 2002, the Swedish numismatist Gert Rispling discovered a Khazar Jewish coin.
In general, the Khazars may be described as a productive and tolerant people, in contact with much of the rest of the world and providing goods and services at home and abroad. Many artifacts from the Khazars, exhibiting their artistic and industrial talents, have survived to the present day.
Decline and fall. During the 10th century, the East Slavs were united under Scandinavian overlordship. A new nation, Kievan Rus, was formed by Prince Oleg. Just as the Khazars had left their mark on other peoples, so too did they influence the Rus. The Rus and the Hungarians both adopted the dual-kingship system of the Khazars. The Rus princes even borrowed the title kagan. Archaeologists recovered a variety of Khazar or Khazar-style objects (including clothing and pottery) from Viking gravesites in Chernigov, Gnezdovo, Kiev, and even Birka (Sweden). The residents of Kievan Rus patterned their legal procedures after the Khazars. In addition, some Khazar words became part of the old East Slavic language: for example, bogatyr ("brave knight") apparently derives from the Khazar word baghatur.
The Rus inherited most of the former Khazar lands in the late 10th century and early 11th century. One of the most devastating defeats came in 965, when Rus Prince Svyatoslav conquered the Khazar fortress of Sarkel. It is believed that he conquered Itil two years later, after which he campaigned in the Balkans. Despite the loss of their nation, the Khazar people did not disappear. Some of them migrated westward into Hungary, Romania, and Poland, mixing with other Jewish communities.2
첫댓글 중시해야 할 역사 한조각을 제기 하셨습니다
삭제된 댓글 입니다.
제가 제시하는 물음은 이 붉은 머리계열의 사람들이 강력한 전투력을 갖춰 중앙아시아를 지배한 기마민족인 신라인의 종족인지에 대한 부분입니다.... 만약 그렇다면, 현재의 영국의 지배세력인 붉은 머리일파는 신라계와 기원을 함께 한다고 볼 수 있기 때문이죠.. 또한, 유럽에서 붉은 머리는 불길함의 전조로서 신생아의 머리털이 붉은경우 밖에 내다버렸다는 얘기도 있구요.,..
홍발은 특정민족만이 나타나는게 아니고 금발인종에서 나타나는 공통적인 특징입니다. 남유럽의 흑발백인이 코카소이드 인종으로 분류되어도 홍발이 나올 수 없습니다.
그렇다면, 신라계는 모두 황인종이 아닐 가능성도 있어 보입니다.. 그래서, 고구려, 백제와 또 다른 부류로 인식을 한것은 아닐까요?
홍발인종은 널리 서아시아에 분포합니다. 실제로 아프간 고지대에 누리스탄족도 홍발이며 북아프리카의 베르베르, 일부 팔레스타인인과 쿠르드족도 홍발이 나타납니다.
붉은 머리라고 하면, 완전 적색이아니라, 황갈색바탕에 적색이 좀 배어나오는 그런 색이죠... 아시아인은 완전 없는게 아니라 6%정도 된다고 합니다..
주로 서아시아인입니다. 동아시아인중에 홍발은 0.1%도 안됩니다.
전계 유적에서 붉은 머리는 거인(3m~어떤 경우 5m)으로 묘사를 하던데.. 혹시 그런 기록은 없나요? 그래서, 이 종족을 포섭하면 전쟁에서 이길수 있었던게 아닐까요?
카스피해 코카서스산 북쪽은 천축국으로 의심되고 있는데, 혹시 유태인이 바라문 교도가 아닐까 생각해봅니다. 이 것이 만약 사실이라면 우리는 엄청난 거짓 속에서 살아온 것입니다.