In comparison to the woman, Simon's love is less. The more we are forgiven, the greater our love for Jesus. Those who acknowledge their great sins and humble themselves before Jesus love Him more, while those who do not feel the weight of their sins may receive less or no forgiveness. People tend to see Simon as sinless and the woman as a great sinner. However, in God's eyes, everyone is a sinner. The difference is that the woman is aware of her great sin, whereas Simon does not reflect much on his own.
Standing before Jesus means coming to church. Have you ever shed tears in church? Have you ever anointed someone with perfume in church? If neither, it may indicate that you have not fully experienced the grace of forgiveness. Those who weep and anoint others with oil live with God's peace.
Excerpt from the sermon by Pastor Lee, Aug 1, 2024.
Luke 7:36-50