제대로 작동하지 않다
I need to take it to the mechanic.정비기사
How are you going to commute to work then?
I heard the city buses are on a strike now.파업중이다
You know what pisses me off? 화나게 하다
Whenever the buses are on a strike, my car breaks down. 고장나다
That's what they call "Murphy's Law".
In any case, I will just have to walk to work until my car gets repaired.
Isn't it a little too far to walk? I mean, is it even within walking distance?
Not really. It takes about 40 minutes to walk from my house to my work place.
Poor thing! 불쌍한 것
I wish I could give you a ride every single day.
Thanks. But, on the up side, this could be my chance to get rid of my muffin top.그나마 좋은 점은, 이게 내 뱃살을 뺄 수 있는 기회일 수 있다는 거야.
These days,it puffs over the top of my jeans, and I can't stand it. I hope brisk walking will help me to control my weight.삐져나오다, 빨리 걷는 게 체중 조절에 도움이 되었으면 해
I like your positive attitude to life. When life gives you lemons, you seem to know how to make lemonade.
삶이 네게 레몬을 주면 넌 어떻게 레모네이드를 만드는지 넌 아는 것 같아.