The message from today's passage says that the least among you is the greatest. In other words, it also means that the greatest among you is the least. Am I among the great or the small?
If I consider myself to be slightly great or somewhere in the middle, then in reality, I am truly among the least. Let us humble ourselves. Especially those who are in their 50s and beyond—greet others warmly. Don’t boast, and be generous with your money. Take on humble tasks within the church. When older people take the lead, those who are lower feel more comfortable around us.
If we were to weigh ourselves on the scale of God's Kingdom, what would the result be? We are definitely lower than we think.
If a person thinks he or she is a fine person, it is difficult for him or her to be saved.
Excerpt from the sermon by Pastor Lee, Aug 22, 2024.
Luke 9:46-48