[틈틈이 영어공부] From the outset
*From the (very) outset
- 영한 : 아주 처음부터, 처음에
- 영영 : If something happens from the outset it happens from the beginning and continues to happen.
※밑줄 : from~
- 동일 : at the (very) outset, from the start(beginning)
- 예문 :
I made it clear right from the outset that I disapproved.
나는 찬성하지 않는다는 것을 애초부터 분명히 했다.
It was clear from the outset that there were going to be problems.
시작부터 문제가 생길 것이라는 점이 분명했다.
(Doug is talking to his friend Brian … )
(더그가 친구 브라이언과 얘기한다 …)
Doug: How's Ken? I haven't heard from him in a long time.
더그: 켄은 어때? 걔하고 얘기못한지 오래 돼서.
Brian: He's not doing too well. His marriage is on the rocks.
브라이언: 별로 잘 지내지 못해. 결혼 생활이 아주 불안한 상태야.
Doug: I'm not surprised.
더그: 그리 놀랄 만한 일은 아냐.
Brian: I'm not surprised either. I could see it coming.
브라이언: 나도 마찬가지야.이렇게 될 것 같았어.
Doug: From the outset when I first met her I didn't have a good feeling about them getting married.
더그: 처음부터 그 여자를 만났을 때말야 난 두 사람 결혼이 탐탁지 않았어.
Brian: She didn't seem as much in love with him as he was with her.
브라이언: 그 여자는 켄이 자기를 좋아하는 만큼 켄을 좋아하는 것같이 않았지.
Doug: I think a lot of other friends felt the same way.
더그: 다른 친구들도 대다수 그렇게 느꼈던 것 같아.
Brian: He's feeling down right now.
브라이언: 지금 켄은 아주 소침해있어.
Doug: I think I'll give him a call and maybe get together.
더그: 전화해서 한번 만나볼까봐.
Brian: That's a good idea. Let's all three of us go out.
브라이언: 좋은 생각이야. 우리 셋이 함께 만나자.
[기억할만한 표현]
▶ (one's) marriage is on the rocks: 결혼생활이 흔들리다 불안하다
"Their marriage is on the rocks right now."
(그들의 결혼이 지금 아주 불안한 상태입니다.)
▶ (one) feels down: 의기소침하다
"Now is not a good time to talk to her. She's feels down right now."
(지금은 그 여자와 얘기하기 좋은 시기가 아니에요. 지금 기분이 저조한 상태거든요.)
※출처/참조 : 중앙일보 & 네이버사전, 블로그