X17 has spoken exclusively with a source we've witnessed to be very close to Britney -- we grabbed him as he left Winston's Friday night with Brit and Alli (he snuck out the back door, but X17 was there!). "Jeff" as he called himself, has been close to Britney and/or Britney's family since before all of her recent troubles began. And here’s what he told us ...
“Britney does NOT do drugs!,” says "Jeff" who tells us he’s strictly against any type of drug use and against anyone involved in any type of drug use. She might enjoy a drink or two when she goes out but that’s it. And the lollipops? -- "They're Tootsie Roll pops, not suckers laced with drugs or whatever Kevin's camp is claiming -- I've never even heard of that!" She doesn't even go out on nights when she has the kids and she becomes very sad immediately after they leave. Her world revolves around her children -- 98% of her energy is spent on her children and at this point her career takes a distant second.
Britney never hated Kevin. He was "hardly even present during most of their marriage" but for the sake of being with her children 24/7, "Jeff" says, she would have considered staying with him. However, in order to be a happier mom, she felt it would be best to part ways with him. Jeff says: “Staying with a liar just to make life easier for your children -- if that's not pure devotion for your kids, then what is?? Britney can get any guy she wants, it's just hard to weed out the good ones from the bad ones"
Britney is NOT worried about Kevin's battle for custody of Sean and Jayden because she knows no one around her has evidence or proof of her doing anything negative that would make her an unfit mother because she has been nothing but a responsible, loving mom. According to Jeff: "Anyone close to Britney knows that she's an angel when it comes to being a mom and a friend."
Everyday life for Britney with her kids consists of 23.9 hours/day focused on the boys, "mom, mom, mom constantly," NO soda in their bottles -- in fact hardly any soda in the house, claims "Jeff." Britney spends all day playing with the boys while they're there and allows no strangers in the house and conducts very little work-related business when they're around. “Her kids are everything to her, there's no doubt about it,” he says.
The negative? -- our source says, "You mean besides the fact she's never made me those potatoes au gratin like she promised? -- haha!" There's nothing normal about her life right now." With the media focused on her like they are and the constant legal battles arising from her family, Britney is anxious over the constant pressure and threats. “She's a young girl, who's finally attempting to be totally independent and that's just something that the people around her -- business people -- do not want to see happen. When someone gets fired, they immediately decide to hop on board with all the haters. However you never see them report anything negative when they're employed, they just run to the tabloids and try to sell their bogus stories after she's canned them. Any celebrity of her magnitude will tell you how hard it is to have your life scrutinized every second of the day, however she remains as polite as possible to the press. She doesn’t feel as if she needs to defend herself in the media and I agree. Just don't get in the way of her kids; she is a mother and she is very protective of her sons, as she should be.”
On Britney's family -- our source says, "They have issues of their own that they need to work on. They need to quit blaming Britney.” He's totally "turned off by Britney's family at the moment." He's also somewhat disappointed in her mom for being so naive and trusting the people that Britney fired rather than trusting her own daughter. It was due to the influence of Larry Rudolph on her family that Britney was forced in to rehab and while she was there, according to "Jeff." He also claims Promises staff administered medication on Britney despite a record of constantly clean drug tests that showed no traces of anything in her body. He says Promises quickly backed off from the accusations of drug and alcohol abuse and then claimed postpartum depression after the drug results were clean, but either way ... Britney was FORCED to stay in rehab because her family, her manager and officials at Promises were all threatening to take away her children unless she completed the treatment program. “I think Lynne does love her daughter, however I also believe Britney's anger towards her is justified. But come on, all moms and daughters have their arguments. Britney is just upset right now, her family needs to just be there when she's ready to call upon them."
So why'd Britney shave her head? -- Kevin taunted Britney that even his smoking of marijuana in her presence (Jeff showed us a pic of Kevin on his phone of Kev with a joint in his hands, partying with his friends) would leave traces of the drug that could be picked up by drug testing when they lived together and he threatened to use that against her in a custody battle. After Britney shaved her head, she begged her mom and Kevin to test the hair from the salon; however, no one went to claim it. Instead, Larry and her family staged an intervention in a hotel room with the same interventionist that put Britney's father Jamie in rehab and also worked with her brother. Britney begged for them to give her a drug test but eventually felt there was no other option but to enter a treatment program to prove to her family that she was clean and to protect herself from any unfounded accusations in a potential custody battle. Britney met with attorneys over a month ago regarding legal action against Promises. "I think she certainly has a case against the rehab center, I feel what they did to her was not only cruel and embarrassing it added more ammunition aiding Kevin's eagerness for custody over her finances, whoops, I mean children."
"Jeff" raised the question -- why would Kevin file a civil case if he were truly worried about his kids' welfare when they're with Britney? He could have just called Child Protective Services and gotten any urgent claims handled that way, however his dispute now is clearly for financial gain. Britney isn't hiding anything. And why didn't he fight for full custody of his kids with Shar Jackson if he loves his kids so much?"
Our source says "Britney is the most generous person you could meet -- too generous" and that she doesn't focus on money at all. She has supported her family financially for years and feels that they shouldn't be so quick to judge her at times. Britney does have a good relationship with her sister Jamie Lynne. Despite the current rocky family emotions "Jeff" does feel that a reconciliation sometime in the future is possible because he says, “Britney is all about family. I just believe at the moment, she’s angry, she feels betrayed and she has every right to feel this way. Deep down, that entire family does love one another and it's just a matter of time before they're all together again."
Britney and the press -- “Britney is very clever. She's a seasoned celebrity veteran, if anyone knows how the press spins stories, its Britney. Get it straight people, Britney doesn't go out when her kids are home!! Come on, she has shared custody there is half the week when she's not with her kids! The press needs to quit being so ignorant at times. If you had 50 cameras and cameramen hovering around you, inches away from you at all times, pushing and shoving, wardrobe malfunctions are bound to happen.”
Britney's love life? -- "Jeff" says “Britney's like a little girl at times" and is "shy around guys. She's young and single and would love to find the right man; how can anyone blame her for that. I think she forgets sometimes that she’s a mega-star, someone who changed the face of music, an historical icon that still has a lot to learn and a lot more still to offer."
Whew! This is the interview every magazine is trying to get, but you have it here, exclusively on X17online.com ! "Jeff" has turned down countless offers rumored to be over $500,000 to tell this story but decided to speak directly to X17 outside the club (after a little prodding!). He wasn’t interested in money, just in setting the record straight.
별로22222전혀 신빙성없는 소리네요 무슨 파파라치 한명말한걸로 이게 사실인냥 하는게 어이없달까나...
전혀 신빙성 없다니 무슨 근거로 그런 말씀을.. 실제로 브릿 어머니 이야기는 사실이고 다큐멘터리까지 나왔었는데요.. 그냥 신빙성 없다 하지 마시고 납득할만한 이유를 하시면서 말씀하세요..
그거말고 사실로 확인할만한 사건이있는건가요? 그럼 이글이 신빙성이있는 사실이라고 납득할만한 이유를 대보세요 저위에도 말했지만 기사나 티비에서조차 말한것도 찌라시라고 무시하면서 고작 파파라치 싸이트에서 글하나 떨렁올라온걸가지고 이게 진실인냥 다믿어버리는게 말이 안된다고 생각해서 그럽니다 저중에 사실인것이 하나있다고해서 다믿을순없는거죠
에휴..알겠소.. 그냥 싫은 사람은 읽어도 싫고 관심 있는 사람은 그랬구나 하겠죠 뭐.. 여기서 싸워봣자 뭘 얻겠소~그냥 이러려니 합시다..
蟲師님.. 그렇게 믿기 싫으시면 믿지 마세요..위에님 말대로 어차피 언론에서 만들어낸 브릿의 병신이미지를 그렇게 다 믿고 계신거 같고 위에글 브릿 싫어하시는거 같으니 믿기 싫을테니깐.. 어차피 찌라시 기사들 출처인 기사들이 더 신용있다고 생각하시는데.. 한두번도 아니고 이렇게 여러번 줄줄이 믿기 싫다는 리플다시면 힘들지 않나요..
노팬티 유두노출이 문제가 되나요? 저는 옷입을때 패션을 위해서라면 노팬티와 노브라는 별로 개의치 않아도 된다고 생각하는데 ~
글쎄요 잘 모르겠네요 브릿이 이렇게 된건 제 생각엔 브릿엄마의 공이 커요;; 아 정말;; 브릿엄마 ㄷㄷㄷㄷ
걍 내가 짐싸가지고 미국으로가서 브리트니 재기 좀 도와줘야긋다 이거 뭐 안타까워서 칙힌도못먹겠네
역시 사람앞일은 몰라... 이렇게 될줄 누가 알았겟어 ㅠㅠ
참 인복이 없는듯 ㅠㅠㅠ
진짜 브릿 힘내 ㅠㅠ
끝까지 응원해주고 싶다
주위에 악재도 많은거 같지만 얘 자체가 연예계라는 험한곳에서 견뎌낼만큼 프로페셔녈하지 못한거 같아요...사람자체는 착하고 멍청할 정도로 순수한거 같은데...브릿말고도 저 상황인 연예인들이 없는건 아닌데...브릿만 유독 이러니 재기고 뭐고 그냥 애들 키우면서 행복하게 잘 살았으면 좋겠어요..
나도 별로 공감이 안감...얼마전 주차하다가 옆에차 쾅쾅 박아놓고도 지 차만 걱정하고 그 차는 어디 긁혔는지 관심도 없는거 보고 완전 식겁~~!! 언론이 그녀를 그렇게 만들었다는데 헐리우드에서 파파라치에 시달리는게 브릿 혼자도 아니고..잘 대처하는 사람도 많은데...또한 그녀의 기행이 점점 파파라치들을 불러모으는듯...그저 한숨만 나올뿐..
마약복용을 하지않았다는것을 증명하기위해 왜 머리를 삭발하죠?? 한두가락이면 충분한데...
글 자세히 안읽어 보셨네요..브릿이 캐빈이랑 살때 캐빈이 대마초를 피웠기 때문에 간접흡연을 한 브리트니 몸에 마약성분이 있었을 수 있겠죠. 그래서 그 흔적을 없애기 위해서 삭발 했다고 나와있네요.
다큐멘터리 보고 나니까 진짜 '지옥에서 온 어머니'가 무슨 소리인지 알겠더라. 브릿니 이러니 저러니 해도 좀 안됐다 싶은 마음 있었는데 복이 없는 건지 참 빨리 재기했으면 좋겠음
예전 브릿인터뷰한것중에 쇼비즈니스 생활에 대해 이야기 한거 들어봤는데... 후... 정말 불쌍함.ㅜㅠ
출처 링크 올려주셨음 좋겠다규.. 암튼 브리트니 성공적으로 재기하길..
언니 힘내 난 그냥 끝까지 언니편이야....
그래도 다 믿을수는 없다긔 지난번에보니까 비타민가게가면서 차끌고가던데 주차하다 남의차 박아서 긁어놓고 자기차상태만 확인하고 아무일없다는듯 그냥가버림 어이없었긔
언론이 충분이 아닌걸 참으로 만들수있죠. 톰크루즈 부부도 수리 낳고나서 몇개월간 애 보호할라고 언론에 얼굴공개않하니까, 여기저기 언론에서 거짓임신 거짓출산이라고 톰이 애기를 가짜로 조작한거라고 얼마나 쪼아댔는데요 막 주변인 인터뷰라고 거짓임신 증거 들이대고-_- 브릿 마약검사결과가 음성으로 나왔다면.. 언론에서 그간 약물중독자로 만든거 완전 뻥이란 소리네
22222222222222222222222 그리고 마이클잭슨도 그렇고 지금 우리나라만 봐도 알수있잖아요
힘내 나도 끝까지 니편이야♡
22222222222222222222222222222 누가 뭐라고 씨부리던 무조건~~~~~
근데 이거 앞뒤 말이 들어 맞지 않나요??그리고 여러사람들이 브릿 이미지와는 다르게 좋은 엄마라고 하기도 하고..노출하는 것으로 그 사람의 인격을 결정짓는 건 아니라고 생각되구요..어떤 사진이라도 편집에 의해서 비워지기도 하기 때문에 진실이 무엇이라고 단정짓는 것도 아닌 것 같아요..여자라면 꾸미는 게 먼저일텐데 머리도 삭발하고..(패션으로 머리를 삭발했다기엔 항상 가발을 사용했기 때문에 말이 안되구요..)어떤 일이든 원인과 결과가 있는건데 항상 결과만 봐서 그런지 나름 원인이 설명된(?) 이 글을 보니 그간의 일들이 왠지 이해가 됐어요..
브릿이 술을 한두잔 마시면서 음부 노출하고 그런거란 말이야? 그거 사진찍히는거 보니까 노팬티로 다니면서 차에서 내일때 아무 거리낌없이 막 내리던데.. 오죽하면 옆에 있던 패리스가 가려주려고 신경까지 썼음. 게다가 마약 검사를 하려면 머리를 뽑아서 검사해야하는데 브릿은 반대로 밀어버렸잖아요. 12번 특히 이해가 안감. 하는짓을 보면 절대 영리하지 않은데.. 영리하다네.. 괜찮은 남자를 찾는다면서 아무나 막 덜떨어진 사람들만 만나고 있잖아요. X17이 하는 소리는 오히려 브릿에게 도움이 안되는 소리 같음. 지들이 파파라치로 특종 사진 찍어내면서 병주고 약주냐? 브릿 자체가 허술한거 다 아는데 누가 좀 도와줬으면..
어쨌든 다시 멋지게 돌아올거라고 믿긔...난 언제나 브릿편이긔!
저게 사실이라면 안미칠 수가 없네요.
아 나.. 나는 정말 열받는게 !!! 케빈!아 그 새끼 정말 개쓰레기
이게 만약 진짜면 브릿 너무 불쌍하다규
어쨋든 케빈이 개새끼인건 사실이라규
브릿엄마... 케빈 전 부인이랑도 친하고... 좋지많은 안게보임... 불쌍해ㅠㅠ