NTDS가 가장 먼저 설치된 함정으로 기억하는데, 'Big O' 오리스카니가 올해 5월 17일 멕시코 만에 인공환초용으로 침몰시킬 예정입니다.
기사 보고 "이거 또 대함미사일이랑 어뢰 몇 대 받고 뿌실라 그러나~" 싶었는데 전혀 아니네요. 3만 2천톤, 전장 888피트(270m)의 오리스카니는 침몰이 성공할 경우, 인공적으로 침몰시키는 것에 성공한 가장 큰 해군 함선으로 기록된답니다.
"몇대나 맞아야 죽을 지 몰라서" 한 번 두들겨 보기로 했다는 CV-66은 국내 신문지상에 소식 몇 번 뜨고 어떻게 됐는지 알 수가 없네요. 혹시 아시는 분 계시면 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.
Oriskany On Course for Sinking in Gulf of Mexico May 17
Story Number: NNS060420-11
Release Date: 4/20/2006 9:00:00 PM
By Mike O?Connor, Naval Air Station Pensacola Public Affairs
NAVAL AIR STATION PENSACOLA, Fla. (NNS) -- A pierside press conference was held April 18 aboard Naval Air Station Pensacola to provide details of the final preparations for sinking the decommissioned aircraft carrier ex-Oriskany (CVA 34).
With the rusting hulk of Oriskany as a backdrop, Capt. Lawrence Jones, Inactive Ships program manager in charge of the Oriskany project and Resolve Marine?s Vice President Denise Johnston answered questions about the sinking.
Resolve-Esco Joint Venture is the contractor for the final work necessary to prep the ship for its ultimate disposition as a reef. This includes pre-ballasting water tanks aboard to get the ship as low in the water as possible and cutting access plates between the engineering spaces to allow for natural flooding.
Weather permitting, the ship will make its final sortie May 15. It will be sunk May 17 as the largest Navy vessel intentionally sunk to become an artificial reef. The proposed site for Oriskany?s final resting place is approximately 24 miles off the coast of Pensacola in 212 feet of water.
?The largest challenge is ballasting the vessel, due to the fact of her age and some of the piping systems that were cut during the remediation progress,? Johnston said. ?We are on target for our completion date, and we don?t anticipate any problems.?
Massive anchors, each weighing 33,000 pounds, will be used in a four-point mooring system to help ensure that the ship sinks in the desired south-facing orientation.
Navy explosive demolition technicians will place small charges on the ship?s intake valves shortly before the sinking. The ship will flood from inside progressively in order to sink on an even keel.
?The plan is designed to have segregated bulkheads...so that it could go down by the bow,? Jones said. ?We have put everything into this to have it go down even trim, even keel. And that?s how the state wants it...to make a pleasing venue for diving.?
For related news, visit the Naval Air Station Pensacola Navy NewsStand page at www.news.navy.mil/local/naspensacola/.
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