and it looks like it's about to swell up.발목을 삐었는데 곧 부어오를 것 같아 보여
Did you fall down or something?
Yeah, I missed my step on the stairs, and my ankle has been killing me ever since.
Why don't you get some
acupunture then? My grand ma said acupuncture treatment is the best for a twisted ankle.
I'm not really familiar with the oriental medicine. Is it reliable?
Of course, Nina.
My high school teacher mentioned that oriental medicine has more than 4,000 years of history.
Another thing is I'm scared of needles.
No worries!
Trust me on this.
It doesn't hurt at all.
Then, can you recommend any professional acupuncturist in town?
I don't know any acupuncturist, but one of my friends is an oriental doctor. I'm sure he performs acupuncture as well.