Big deal : 중요하다, 인기가 있다, 굉장히
It’s not a big deal : 별로 중요하지 않아.
Anything under the sun : 햇살아래 모든 것.
By category : 종류 별로
Make a purchase [펄’츠스]: 구매
In great detail : 아주 상세하게
Extensively : greatly, lot of
Perk : bonus, privilege 혜택
*be a big deal : 대세다.
Last year, this style was a big deal.
*compare prices (복수로 사용) : 가격을 비교하다.
You can save money by comparing prices.
*in great detail : 매우 상세하게
This book explains the topic in great detail.
*user perks : 사용자 혜택
Before getting the credit card, I research the user perks.
*additional discounts : 추가할인
For additional discounts, I had to enter my personal information.
<Expression of the day>
- Wow, we’re wearing the same jacket.
- What a coincidence![코인’씨던쓰] Where did you buy yours?
- I bought it at a department store last week.
- I bought mine through online shopping mall.
What a coincidence ! 대단한 우연이네
1. Thanks to user perks, I received a discount.
2. This site makes it easy to compare prices.
3. That idol group is a big deal these days.
4. That brand never offers any additional discounts.
첫댓글 It's a big deal !!