News 11. Orange Consumption Decreases Due to Low-Carb Diets.
* low-carb diet : n. Low Carbohydrate(탄수화물)의 약자. 저 탄수화물. 빵이나 파스타 곡물류로 만든 음식은 최대한 줄이고 고단백 식품을 주로 먹는 다이어트 법
* consumption : consume의 명사형
* citrus : n. 감귤류의 열매
* grove : n. 과수원
* bountiful : a. <사람이> 아낌없이 주는, 관대한, <물건이> 풍부한, 윤택한
* shape up : v. 형태를 이루다, 구체화하다, 발전하다
* ritual : n. 종교적인 의식, (의식처럼) 반드시 지키는 일
* four-letter word : n. f**k, s**t 등의 외설어. 상스럽고 나쁜 말.
* take aim at : ...을 목표로 삼다, 겨누다
* undoing : n. 취소, 되돌림, 원상태로 하기
* counterattack : n. 반격, 역습
* artificially : ad. 인공적으로, 인위적으로
* sweeten : v. 달게 만들다
Finally this evening, hard times for America"s breakfast drink. Americans have grown up believing that orange juice is a healthy way to begin the day, so we were surprised to hear that orange juice consumption had dropped 17 percent in the last five years. Orange juice and citrus growers have become unlikely victims of the low- carb diets. Here"s ABC"s Jeffrey Kofman.
In the orange groves of central Florida, they have never seen a crop this bountiful. But even as this shapes up to be the biggest harvest in Florida history, no one here is celebrating.
In the quarter century that he has been growing oranges, Squire Smith says he has never seen prices so low. He has also never had to defend the health value of his oranges, until now. More than ninety percent of Florida"s oranges are used for juice. So, it is not surprising that orange growers are concerned.
For decades, orange juice has been an American breakfast ritual and an ever- expanding market. One reason people like orange juice so much is the natural sugar that makes it so sweet. But that sugar is in the form of carbohydrates, and suddenly carb has become a four-letter word.
And all those low-carb diets take aim at orange juice. "Avoid fruit juices," advises the Atkins Diet. "Fruit juice can be the undoing of any effort to lose weight," says the South Beach Diet.
Growers are so concerned about OJ"s bad reputation that the state is even considering suing some of the diet doctors. This month, big juice companies are launching their own counterattack, introducing a new, low-carb, artificially sweetened OJ.
At the same time, the industry will launch a campaign arguing that not all carbs are alike, that with all its nutrients, pure orange juice should be considered a smart carb.
Jeffrey Kofman, ABC News, Lake Alfred, Florida.