김대균토익킹 김대균어학원 직강
월수금반 2주 완성반 4월16일부터 4월 28일까지
4월30일토익 대비 4월 29일 10~2시 토익하루반 접수중
수강문의 02-556-0582(영어빨리)
아니, 아직도 듣지 않았다구요? 헐!
EBS 김대균토익킹 4월대비특강 문제와 해설링크!
보시기전 ♡ 뿅뿅뿅! 꼭 부탁드립니다!
로그인하시면 자료 다운로드 받을수 있어요!♡
EBS 김대균토익킹 4월토익대비특강 문제
EBS 김대균토익킹 4월시험대비 LC 해설
EBS 김대균토익킹 4월토익대비특강 RC 해설
4월15일토익 EBS 김대균토익킹 4월토익대비특강 유형에서 나왔다!
7. When? At the end of the week
파트2 첫 문제는 대부분 의문사 의문문으로 시작한다.
EBS 김대균토익킹 4월토익 대비특강
7. Why don't we have a company picnic?
(A) Your organization is great.
(B) Because it's quite expensive. *
(C) I already have one.
8. Why? Because we have a limited budget.
Why? - Because 정답 2문제 출제!
+ budget이 들리면 정답이다!
9. Why? Because Ms. Lee is out of the office.
Why? Because 2개 출제!
EBS 김대균토익킹 4월토익 대비특강
7. Why don't we have a company picnic?
(A) Your organization is great.
(B) Because it's quite expensive. *
(C) I already have one.
10. Sure, just a moment.
Sure, just가 들리면 대부분 정답이다.
EBS 김대균토익킹 4월토익 대비특강
11. Can you create a sample product soon?
(A) Sure, my team is working on it. *
(B) I found it quite innovative.
(C) He's an efficient typist.
11. Right, so he will be late to the meeting.
추가정보를 주는 문장은 정답이다.
EBS 김대균토익킹 4월토익 대비특강
10. You replaced the ink cartridge in the color printer recently, right?
(A) Yes, just a couple of days ago. *
(B) They're going to paint the walls blue.
(C) A different access code.
12. How much do they need?
의문문은 대부분 정답이다.
EBS 김대균토익킹 4월토익 대비특강
18. What is the estimated waiting time for a cab to get here?
(A) Roughly 12 kilometers.
(B) I don't believe so.
(C) Would walking be a better option? *
EBS 김대균토익킹 4월토익 대비특강
20. The software engineering group is seeking a new developer.
(A) How many CVs have they collected? *
curriculum vitae :CV
(B) My internet connection ceased functioning.
(C) That's my top television show.
13. I like the one you have now.
one이 들리면 정답이다.
EBS 김대균토익킹 4월토익 대비특강
12. Where can I purchase a laptop like
(A) On top of my desk.
(B) I received this one as a present. *
(C) After meeting with my client.
Part 5
101. 주어 correctly(부사) + 본동사
EBS 김대균토익킹 4월토익대비특강
109. Mr. Song ----- seeks out partners who will challenge his working methods.
(A) intend (B) intention
(C) intentional (D) intentionally *
102. S is available(이 단어는 그냥 찍어도 80%이상 정답!)
EBS 김대균토익킹 4월토익대비특강
111. Darren's new mystery novel will be ----- in bookstores across the country on April 10th.
(A) regular (B) available *
(C) convenient (D) interesting
103. excellent(형용사자리)
104. authentic + 명사 형용사자리
EBS 김대균토익킹 4월토익대비특강
112. When there are more than three customers in line, cashiers should request an ----- cashier.
(A) addition (B) add
(C) additional * (D) additionally
명사를 수식하는 것은 형용사이다.
105. are processed 수동태
106. was distributed 수동태
보기 중에 수동태가 하나면 대부분 정답이다!
EBS 김대균토익킹 4월토익대비특강
104. Our customers ----- a satisfactory online shopping experience, thanks to our dedicated customer support team.
(A) are guaranteed
(B) to guarantee
(C) guaranteeing
(D) has guaranteed
give grant offer guarantee award
YouTube에서 '(업데이트중) 4월15일토익후기 요약총평 by 김대균토익킹' 보기https://youtu.be/5Lj50rOR4ac" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-mce-href=" https://youtu.be/5Lj50rOR4ac">
YouTube에서 '(업데이트중) 라이브1위! 김대균토익킹 4월15일토익후기 196-200 ABCDC' 보기
4월15일토익후기 요약총평 by 김대균토익킹
김대균토익킹 직강 김대균어학원
월수금반 2주완성반 4월16일 오전 10시 개강!
수강문의 02 556 0582 (영어빨리)
첫댓글 김대균토익킹! 김대균어학원 수강생들과 4월15일 토익후기 총정리