Marlborough College Malaysia are delighted to announce that the short film ‘I am a Bottle Cap’ has been awarded Highly Commended in the COBIS Eco Film Awards 2020. The competition’s aim is to develop COBIS students’ environmental awareness and empower them to take action.
MCM 학생들이 만든 단편영화 'I am a Bottle Cap"이 COBIS Eco Film Awards 2020을 수상했습니다. 이 영화는 환경에 대해 일깨워 주는 것입니다.
Students in the Sixth Form collaborated and produced the film which follows the life of a bottle cap from being discarded through to being recycled into another item. The film highlights the beach cleans which Outreach organise regularly and the Precious Plastics project in operation in DT department.
The judging was completed by members of the UK National Association for Environmental Education (NAEE). They wrote ‘We enjoyed the way in which the story unfolded across the piece, keeping the audience engaged, all the while providing useful educational content.”
Click here to read the result and watch the winning entries –