The mistakes you make running on a machine—and how to combat them.
(트레드밀러닝에서 범하는 실수들 - 대처하는 방법)

This time of year, extreme weather and early morning darkness can send even the most hardcore runners inside. You might dread them, but treadmills provide a great outlet for maintaining fitness: The soft belt is easier on joints than concrete, you always hit the desired distance and there’s no cheating on pace. Still, the workout isn’t necessarily as great—mimicking hilly terrain is tough, doing intervals can feel inexact and your form can go out of whack.
We consulted with several running experts to compile some tips to overcome the common pitfalls of treadmill running and keep all your indoor workouts up to speed.
올해는 특히 강추위에 늦은 일출이 더해져 대부분의 매니아달림이들마저 실내로 들어와서 훈련하는 경우가 많았다. 그것이 꺼려질수도 있지만 어쨌든 몸상태를 유지하는데는 트레드밀만한게 없으니까. 부드러운 벨트는 콘크리트바닥보다 관절에 덜무리가 되고 페이스에 오차없이 뛸 수 있다. 그러나, 운동은 언제나 좋은 결과를 가져오진 않는다. (경사를 높여) 가상언덕주를 하는 것은 너무나 힘들고, 인터벌훈련은 정확치 않은 것 같고 러닝폼은 망가질 수 있다. 우리는 러닝전문가들과 더불어 트레드밀 훈련의 함정을 극복하는 몇가지 팁을 모아서 여러분들의 실내 훈련을 도울것이다.
Your form changes (러닝폼의 변화)
Treadmill running affects your proprioception, or sense of body in space—which can lead to a shorter stride and reduced range of motion. And some argue that hoofing it on a machine is a totally different motion than running on roads because you tend to just pick up your feet and put them back down on the belt rather than propelling yourself forward from the ground.
트레드밀은 자기 고유감각 또는 공간에 대한 몸의 감각에 영향을 준다.- 보폭은 좁아지고 움직임의 범위가 줄어든다. 그래서 어떤 사람은 완전히 움직임이 달라진다고 이야기 하는데 이것은 뒤로 차는 발이 (야외에서처럼) 완전히 지면을 밀지 못하고 더 빨리 벨트위로 돌아오기 때문이다.
The Cure: Beware of striking your heels and make sure you’re getting that push-off motion by running with a base with at least a two or three percent incline, advises Matt Barbosa, a coach for Chicago Endurance Sports and Fleet Feet Chicago.
대책 : 뒷꿈치 착치를 의식하고 2-3%정도 경사를 주고 뒤로 미는 발동작을 확실히 할 것.
You Lose Time During Intervals (인터벌 시간조절 실패)
Because it can take the machine up to 10 seconds to accelerate and decelerate, some time will slip away while you’re getting to goal speed for repeats. “You might lose a bit, but it’s not significant—unless you’re doing a super-short distance,” says Rick Morris, author of Treadmill Training for Runners. “But if you’re really strict about repeat and recovery times, the delay can throw it off.”
The Cure: The goods news? The fix is easy. Simply clock the time it takes the treadmill to speed up and add those seconds to the end of the repeat; same goes for recovery sections. Better news: This is one instance when it is okay to keep the incline at zero percent, Morris says, to replicate the effect of running on a completely flat track.
You Can't Go Downhill (다운힐훈련 불가)
More high-end models feature a decline setting, but it’s likely that the treadmill in your home or gym doesn’t. The problem with no downhill running? Your quads get off easy. Plus, it can cause you to run with bad form when you do pound the pavement. “A lot of people tend to overstride on the downhill,” explains Morris. “So if you’re on a treadmill and the quads and shins aren’t learning how to maintain proper downhill form, you’ll overstride when you go back outside.”
The Cure: There’s no perfect way to replicate that muscle memory you gain going downhill, but adding some lunges and slow squats at the end of your exercise can supplement some of the upper-leg toning that you’re missing.
No End in Sight (끝이 안보임)
During a run outside, passing lines on a track or other visual cues lets you know how much distance remains and reminds you to run hard to that point. “Without that light at the end of the tunnel, intervals can get discouraging,” says Barbosa.
The Cure: Some machines have virtual tours of real race courses to keep you engaged, and most include a 400-meter digital track. Pick up the pace for every other lap, or just imagine each loop like an actual track, with each corner as about 100 meters and each straight as 100 meters—and envision yourself stepping closer to the finish line.
첫댓글 번역을 하다보니 아주 훌륭한 자료는 아니군요. 하지만 겨우내 실내 훈련을 하면서 가졌던 의문들은 어느 정도 해소되었습니다. 트래드밀은 대부분 사람들의 모션이 작아지는군요. 궁금한 사항 있으시면 언제든 말씀해주세요. 자료 열심히 찾아서 올려볼께요 ^^ 화이팅~!
번역을 일일이 풀어주신 우리의 다오님!!어찌 감쏴의 표현를 해야해까요~(커피향은 고민중~ㅡ..ㅡ)ㅋㅎㅎ