The Way Of The Spiritual Leader - 282 Chapter 5 - Ministering and Giving Guidance to the Members Section 2 - Subject and Object, Cain and Abel 2. Cain and Abel
1) Cain and Abel in the History of the Dispensation - 4
However, since God accepted only his offering, Abel thought that this was because he was better and God only liked him. Thus, he must have bragged to his older brother, "Older brother, see, my offering was accepted." This must be what he did.
Otherwise, why should Cain, who did not do anything, grow red in his face? Do you think this took place even when Abel did not do anything?
For sure, Abel went before Cain to mock him, "What are you. My offering was received." Abel must never be arrogant. He must be humble. For this reason, he deserved to be beaten to death. There was no choice but to be beaten to death.
Unification Church members have to become Abels, right? [Yes] Then have you become Abels yet? Perhaps you are in the process of becoming one, but you are repeating the mistakes of Abel who was beaten to death.
If you act arrogantly and say, "What is a Christian minister? How did the Fall take place? What? It was committed by eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
You ministers cannot solve these questions without us, right?" If you do that, then Unification Church will face difficulties. Did you do this or not? I told you not to do so, but you have been doing it anyway outside. (34-272) |