Dev Diary #164 - Realm Maintenance | Paradox Interactive Forums
(개발일지 요약)
-1.15.0 "Crown" 무료 업데이트가 곧 나올 예정
-꽤 큰 업데이트로, 시스템 리워크, 새로운 요소, 버그픽스, 밸런스 변경으로 구성
-'봉역 유지'라고 명명된, 기존 컨텐츠 업데이트 및 변경, 버그픽스 작업이 이뤄졌음: 이번 업데이트는 4개월 분량의 작업
(궁정 직위 리워크)
-궁정 직위를 더 흥미롭게 만듦: 도구 추가, 비용 조정, QOL 개선, UI 개선
-여러 상황에 맞는 새로운 효과와 임무를 제공해 널리 쓰이게 하는 것이 목표
-사용 불가능한 궁정 직위도 확인 가능
-궁정 직위 자동 임명 기능 추가: 3가지 중 선택 가능
-1. 궁정 내 좋은 후보자들 중 1명을 이벤트로 선택, 2. 가능 시 가장 높은 적성의 인물 자동 선택, 3. 가장 높은 적성의 인물 자동 선택, 하지만 후보자 없을 시 이벤트로 고지
-이 기능은 각 궁정 직위마다 키고 끌수 있음
-궁정 직위 비용으로 인해 많은 직위가 사용되지 않음. 따라서 금화 비용의 일부를 위신으로 바꿨으며, 전반적으로 비용을 낮춤
-새로 추가된 임무들은 비용이 듦: 금화, 위신, 신앙심. 상황에 맞게 키고 끌 수 있음
-대부분의 궁정 직위는 해당 직위를 가진 인물에게 흥미로운 효과 제공: 인생관 경험치 +20% 등
-또한 많은 궁정 직위를 봉신들도 보유할 수 있도록 확장함
-봉신은 이제 주군에게 궁정 직위 요청 가능하며 이를 통해 효과 획득 가능: 왕실 건축가는 건축 시간/비용을 줄여줌, 궁정 시인은 스트레스 획득량 감소 및 일반 의견, 외교 인생관 경험치 추가
-이제 인물 상호작용에서 궁정 직위 직접 부여 가능
-전체 임무 추가 항목은 패치노트에서 공개
(군대 자동화)
-이와 함께 전쟁 AI도 업데이트 이뤄짐
(AI 아군 정보)
-이제 AI 군대 정보를 통해 AI가 무엇을 하려는지 볼 수 있으며, 아이콘을 통해 간단히 설명도 해줌
-이는 자동화된 플레이어 군대에도 적용됨
-위 스샷의 경우 좌측군은 공성 병력을 방어 중, 우측군은 공성 중
-AI가 보여주는 상태는 여러 개로 구성: 이동, 공격, 공성 위해 이동, 플레이어 지원 등
(전쟁 AI 수정/업데이트)
-기적과 같은 변경은 없을 테지만, 2개월 이상을 소요해 버그 수정 및 행동 개선 작업 진행
-AI가 결정 못하고 지역 사이서 춤추는 것과 같은 것 수정
-AI에 전쟁점수를 가르침. 점수를 더 추구하도록 만듦 - 공성 승리 시 승전한다면 전투보단 공성을 유지하고, 이미 전쟁점수는 다 채웠다면 공성에 주력하는 식
-또한 공성무기를 더 쌓아서 공성을 진행하며, 공성이 멈추지않도록 공성 병력을 전환할 것
-여전히 원치 않는 행동을 하긴 하지만 계속 고쳐나갈 것
-'정상적인' 전쟁 AI가 제대로 작동 안하는 상황이 있음: 바로 십자군
-따라서 대성전에 특별한 대우를 주기로 결정: AI는 대성전에서 다음의 특별한 과정을 거쳐 전쟁을 해나감
-소규모 변경 사항: AI는 전진하기 전 소모와 보급을 덜 신경씀. 항해를 통한 이동은 지양하게 됨. 전쟁 목표 공격 시작 시, 보급을 충분히 해줄만큼의 교두보를 확보하기 전까지 일시적으로 소모를 무시하고 공격하게 됨
-이를 통해, 보급을 찾는다고 AI가 끝없이 병력을 이동시키는 것을 막고 십자군을 더 성공시킬 수 있도록 만들며, 항해 지양을 통해 육로로 이동해 -30 유리함 페널티를 피하도록 만듦
-대규모 변경 사항: 대성전 공격자는 성전 시작 시 우선 '집결 지역'을 찾고 군대를 '준비 지역'으로 이동시킴
-대성전 1단계에서, 공격 AI는 군대를 모을 수 있는 훌륭한 보급 지역을 찾아 수 개월에 걸쳐 군대를 집결시킴. AI 군대 정보를 통해 어디로 이동하는지 확인 가능.
-2단계: 전쟁 목표에서 가장 가까운 중립 혹은 우호 지역을 "준비 지역"으로 설정. 위 예시에는 비잔티움. 공격군은 목표로 바로 상륙 공격을 하는 것이 아니라, 공격 전 이 지역에 모여 군대를 합쳐 대부분의 경우 육로를 통해 목표로 이동
-지금까지 테스트 결과, 공격자가 더 자주 성공함, 여전히 실패하는 경우도 존재. 그러나 진다고 해서 기존처럼 몇년간 상륙 페널티랑 보급 없음 페널티 받으며 천천히 지는 방식은 아님
(인물 상호작용 UI 업데이트)
-여러 범주가 제거되고 다른 범주로 합췄으며, 알아보기 쉽게 색상 추가
-즐겨찾기 버튼 추가: 범주도 추가
-여러 빠른 상호작용 버튼도 추가: 교주 상호작용 등
(우클릭 병력 소집)
-지역에서 우클릭으로 병력 소집 가능. 일일이 동원 지점 선택할 필요 없어짐
-나중에 동원 지점 시스템을 완전히 제거하는 것도 불가능한 것은 아님
(행정 정부 추가사항)
-독립 행정 봉역을 위한 새 궁정 직위 추가: 수도 총독(Eparch)
-여러 방식으로 수도를 개선하는 데 집중함. 비용은 비싸나 효과는 좋음. 직위를 임명받은 봉신이 받는 효과도 매력적
-행정 봉역 수도에 건설가능한 새로운 건물 추가: 수도 총독관 - 수도 총독 적성을 높여줌
-행정 봉역의 영토 유지가 너무 쉬워 이를 막기 위한 방법 추가: 행정 봉역을 상대로만 사용 가능한 '지방 공작령 장악' 전쟁 명분
-제국의 관습 권역 밖에 위치한 공작령을 매우 저렴한 위신 비용으로 공격 가능: 공격자는 공성전과 전투 전쟁 점수를 3배로 얻어, 빠르게 점수를 채울 수 있음
-"대규모 체포" 결단 리워크: 인물 상호작용으로 교체 - 수도에 장원이 위치해 있다면, 권세 가문만이 아닌 모든 귀족 가문 상대로 사용 가능
-로마 제국 재건 시, 어려움 모드 없이 헬레니즘교 채택할 수 있는 선택지 추가. 어려움 모드도 이벤트 빈도 변경 및 질병 증가 없애 더 즐길 수 있게 만듦
(씨족제 변경 사항)
-씨족제는 유저가 플레이도 덜하고, AI도 플레이하는데 애를 먹는 정부였음(AI는 자주 제대로 일을 못했음)
-조세 사법권의 경우 유능한 조세 징수관을 계속 찾아야 하는 문제가 있었음: 궁정신하 없으면 결단 기다리기 등
-또한 특정 조세 제도 외에는 다른 제도들은 대부분 성능이 떨어졌음
-따라서 위 사항들에 변경이 이뤄짐
-UI 개선 외에도, 봉신도 이제 조세 징수관으로 임명 가능해짐 - 조세 징수관 찾는 게 훨씬 쉬워졌고 좋은 적성 찾는 것도 쉬워짐
-궁정 직위처럼, 지주 봉신은 적성에 페널티를 받지만, 이 변경 사항을 통해 더 쉽게 찾을 수 있음
-이제 씨족제 통치자는 모든 봉신들과 결혼할 필요 없어짐: 오직 권세 봉신만이 주군과의 결혼 동맹을 원함. 이를 통해 모든 인물과 -20 의견 없이, 특정 인물들만 집중 가능
-하층민과 첩으로 결혼하는 데 드는 정통성 페널티 사라짐. 첫번째 부인만 고위층이면 다른 부인들은 상관없음
-AI도 이에 맞춰 좋은 능력치의 고위층을 첫번째 부인으로 두려고 함
-모든 조세 칙령 업데이트: 효과 변경 뿐만 아니라 정통성, 위험, 역병 저항성, 가지 습격 등 이후 새로 추가된 시스템도 적용됨
(지휘관 특성 단계 추가)
-모든 지휘관 특성은 특성에 맞는 행동 시 레벨업을 하게 됨
-시작 특성은 영향력이 적음(현재 게임 효과보다 약함), 전쟁/전투/공성을 통해 레벨업 가능. 이를 통해 이전보다 훨씬 강한 능력치 획득 가능
-예: 최고레벨 군사 공학자 - 공성 기간 -40%, 최고 레벨 유연한 지휘관 - 상대 방어 보너스 -80% 등
-해당 특성 레벨업 위해서는 그에 맞는 행동을 해야함: 공성 특성은 공성 필요 등등
-지휘관의 전투력 높을 수록 레벨업 빨라짐
(미용실 픽스/업데이트)
-새로운 범주 추가, 이전에 못 쓰던 옷들도 추가(비잔티움/자이나교 복장)
-안경, 베일 제거 가능
(소규모 변화)
*AI 문화 촉진 변화
-특정 상황에서 AI가 문화 촉진하도록 변경
-신롬 내 중부 독일 유산 문화는 소르브 문화 백작령에 대해 문화 촉진을 원하게 됨
-매우 작은 문화(백작령<10개)는 성장을 원함
-강력한 문화(백작령>30개, 문화 지도자 왕 이상)는 적당한 크기로 성장을 원함 (35개 정도)
-문화 지도자가 없는 작은 분화/혼합 문화(백작령<5개)는 다른 문화에 의한 촉진 가능성 커짐
-이를 통해 문화 지도 흥미롭게 만듦
*게임룰 업데이트
-AI 봉역 안정성 게임룰 추가
-신의 천벌 정복자 5%가 너무 많다고 느낀 사람들을 위한 0.5% 선택지 추가
*새 메세지 설정 옵션
-메세지 설정에 히스토리 로그 추가해 이후에도 재확인 가능
-커뮤니티 요청사항인 모략 유리함 최대치 도달 시, 왕조 일원 아닌 궁정신하가 성년될 때 메세지 추가
(궁정신하 UI: 후견인 상태)
-궁정 내 후견인 없는 아이 찾는 필터 추가
*새 주요 결단
-시리아 유산용 제국 생성 결단 추가(대체 역사)
-이슬람용 힌두스탄 제국 생성 결단 추가: 인도 북부 충분한 지역 확보 시, 델리나 라호르로 수도 옮기고 보유하고 있는 3개의 인도 제국을 합쳐 새로운 제국 생성. 권력의 길 DLC 보유 시, 행정 정부 획득 - 선거 투표 대신 세속 계승
*통치자 지휘 깃발
-적 전쟁 지도자가 지휘 중인 군대에 왕관 아이콘 추가
1.15.0 "Crown" 패치 노트
Paid content:
“Crowns of the World” - Chapter IV instant unlock bonus
• Added support, DLC icon and descriptions for Crowns of the World
• Content of Crowns of the World:
• Hairstyles:
• Chivalric Curls (m)
• Scribe’s Braid (m)
• Noblewoman’s Locks (f)
• Turkic Lady’s Hair (f)
• Steppe Conqueror’s Beard (m)
• Mustache of Vladimir the Great (m)
• Timurid Emir’s Turban (m)
• Crown of Vladimir the Great (m)
• Reliquary Crown of Charlemagne (m)
• Timurid Princess’ Crown (f)
• Crown of Princess Olga of Kyiv (f)
• Crown of Princess Blanche of England (f)
Free content:
Game content:
• Court Position Rework:
• Reworked the Court Position window layout.
• The goal of this rework is to make it easier to see several of the court positions at the same time, and being easier to navigate
• We have now split the court position window into two parts:
• Available court positions, where you can see all the court positions you can hand out (you might not have a fitting character for the position though)
• Unavailable court positions, where you can see all the court positions you don’t have access to right now, but you could have access to through changes to culture, religion, or gender
Added a new Court Position interaction (under Courtier) where you can hand out a Court Position to a character, as an alternative to granting it from the Court Position window. This should make it easier to easily use court positions as a tool to increase vassal opinion.
Added a new character interaction (under Liege) to request a specific Court Position from your liege.
Added a new type of flavorization where we can rename Court Position names based on any kind of criteria, be that culture, religion, or whatever else.
• For this update, we renamed Court Poet to Court Skald for the North Germanic culture group
Added Automation for vacated Court Positions
• You can now define what should happen when a specific court position is vacated, to make it easier for you to keep key court positions filled at all times
• Four options, with different degrees of automation:
• Do nothing (default, as before) - the court position is vacated, a toast message is displayed
• Show event - Pop up an event when it vacates, with up to two suggested characters from your court that could fill the court position, picked by their aptitude
• Best aptitude character - Auto-fill the court position with the highest aptitude character, show toast message with replacement
• Best aptitude character, with event if none are available - Same as above, but if there is no one available, show a popup event for the player
Reworked court positions, changing their costs and effects, and adding tasks for most of them.
• Notable changes:
• Gold costs are generally lower across the board than what they used to be, but most positions come with a new monthly prestige cost
• Most court positions now have a positive effect on the court position holder, similar to council positions
• E.g. The Royal Architect now get reduced building construction time, cost, and a stewardship lifestyle experience boost
Opened up more Court Positions to be handed out to landed vassals
Court Tutors will now effectively take the role as a Guardian for every child without a Guardian at court
Court Jester events are no longer random, but rather a decision (‘Be Entertained by the Court Jester’) where you choose to opt-in to them
Master of the Hunt now have tasks where you can opt-in to finding specific kinds of Sightings, e.g. looking for regular game vs dangerous game vs legendary game
Master of the Horse is now available to rulers of Duchy tier rank, instead of only to Kingdom tier rank rulers, and affects how many Knights you have access to
• We have reduced the amount of Knights you generally have access to from your Title Tier, and have moved some of those numbers to the Martial stat, and some of them to this Court Position
Court Artificers have new tasks where you can choose what type of artifact inspirations they should get, so you can focus them on what you want
Removed Court Grandeur modifiers from many of the Court Positions, and replaced it with something more interesting
New Court Position tasks:
• Note that some of these tasks require the character filling the court position to fulfil certain prerequisites, such as having a certain level of skill (for example; to use ‘Fuel the Rumor Mill’ the Court Jester needs 12 intrigue skill). Some tasks also require you as the liege to fulfil certain prerequisites, such as owing a certain type of artifact or being of a specific tier (for example; to use ‘Exhibit Illustrious Artifacts’, you need to own an illustrious court artifact).
• Active Court Position tasks are now remembered in case the holder of the court position dies or is replaced.
• Royal Architect:
• Fortify Lands - Increase fort level and garrison size
• Public Works - Development Growth
• Terrify Court - Increase Dread and decrease opinion
• Collect Tallage - Courtly Vassal tax increase, Courtly Vassal opinion decrease
• Flatter Dignitaries - Personal scheme improvements
Chief Qadi
• Lead Public Sadaqah - Control growth and popular opinion
Food Taster
• Brew Poisons - Scheme secrecy increased, hostile scheme potential increased
• Keep an Ear to the Ground - Scheme discovery chance, monthly intrigue lifestyle experience
Personal Champion
• Improve Skills - Chance of getting Hastiluder Trait XP or Prowess skills
• Compete in Name - Increase Prestige gain
• Exercise with Ruler - Chance for ruler to gain Prowess skill every month
Court Poet
• Write Poetry - Random modifier giving either legitimacy, piety, advantage, or attraction for 3 years
Caravan Master
• Stock up for Travels - Safety and Speed increased next travel
• Prepare Armies - Increase army movement speed and supply limit
• Improve Skills - Chance of getting traveler trait XP, martial skill, or stewardship skill
Court Jester
• Entertain Courtiers - Reduce stress of random courtiers
• Fuel the Rumor Mill - Reduce enemy schemes
• Abuse the Jester - Increase dread, lowers the jesters health and opinion
Court Physician
• Improve Skills - Chance of getting physician trait XP or learning skill for the physician
Master of the Hunt
• Track Regular Game - Chance of getting sighting
• Track Dangerous Game - Chance of getting sighting
• Track Legendary Game - Chance of getting sighting
• Organize Court - Increase Aptitude of other court positions
• Manage Domain - Increase control growth
• Handle the Estate - Domicile bonuses
Court Artificer
• Create Weapons/Armor - Gain Inspiration
• Create Books/Tapestries - Gain Inspiration
• Create Crowns/Sculptures - Gain Inspiration
Court Tutor
• Teach Court - May improve characters at court
• Educate Children - May improve children at court
• Improve Artifacts - May improve artifacts
• Exhibit Illustrious Artifacts - Improve stewardship and court grandeur
• Search for Rare Artifacts - May gain adventure inspiration
Wet Nurse
• Instill Virtue - Children may gain a virtuous trait
• Promote Friendship - Children at court may become better friends
• Encourage Competition - Children may gain intrigue skill or prowess skill, but at the cost of opinion with one another
Court Musician
• Bolster Legitimacy - Gain legitimacy
Master of the Horse
• Oversee Breeding - Gain army pursuit
• Warhorse Grooming - Advantage when commanding own armies
High Almoner
• Divine Charity - Gain piety
• Appease Zealots - Improve zealot vassals
Added a new court position for administrative emperors: Eparch
• The eparch acts as the chief administrator of your capital, improving your Governor Efficiency and that of any Estate owner who has their Estate in the capital.
• The Eparch has access to four different tasks:
• Appease Populace - Improving the popular opinion in the capital
• Support Troops - Improving any Men-at-Arms stationed in the capital
• Enforce Public Order - Increases monthly control growth in the capital
• Develop Capital - Increases development in the capital
Eparchs may receive assorted events regarding the capital, able to bestow the capital with various boons.
Added the Automated Armies feature
• You can now choose to let the AI control all your Armies, allowing you to focus your attention elsewhere if you’re involved in smaller wars, or to help you out if you’re unfamiliar with how warfare works in the game (manual control is still recommended for experienced players)
• The AI will, if allowed, raise, disband and control your Armies
• You have options to tweak this behavior:
• You can choose if the AI also sets Commanders
• You can let the AI control Raiding
• You can let the AI hire Mercenaries, Holy Orders and Imperial Armies
All AI controlled Armies, including Allies, have a segment in their tooltip stating their intents
Allied units and automated player armies will now display an icon to make the player aware of what they are doing, such as ‘Attacking *location*’, ‘Resupplying’, or ‘Defending Siege in *location*’, among many others. This should make it more clear why the AI is making certain decisions.
Added a method for raising your troops in a specific location that is not one of your predefined rally points by right-clicking the various ‘Raise all troops’ buttons, and then clicking on a map location
Made the following changes to the Restore the Roman Empire decision as Byzantium.
• Added a new option where you can choose to adopt Hellenism without activating "hard mode" - Giving you the possibility to go full role play mode if you want to. The option for hard mode remains available.
• When choosing the "hard mode" option, extra plagues will no longer appear. This didn't make that much sense and wasn't very interesting.
• Instead of always converting, vassals now have a chance to convert when you adopt Hellenism.
• Significantly reduced the chances of "hard mode" content to appear, as it was extremely frequent.
• Fixed an issue in the event "Misguided Governing", where firing the governor wouldn't actually remove them from office as expected.
Added a new building line uniquely available for independent admin rulers: the Capital Magistracy. It may only be constructed in the capital.
• It improves the aptitude of your Eparch
• It also improves the county's gold income, and provides the ruler with increased influence and prestige gain
Added a new Syriac Cultural Major Decision allowing you to create the empire of Beth Nahrain in Jazira and Mesopotamia. The decision also helps you spread Syriac culture and the Nestorian faith in the region.
Added a new decision for Muslim realms in India to form the empire of Hindustan, which is based on the Sultanate of Delhi. If playing with Roads to Power this also makes you administrative with primogeniture.
Added an 'AI Only' option to the various settings of the Realm Stability game rule.
Added versions of the Realm Stability game rule settings that only affect vassal-led factions (so, peasants and populists are unaffected).
Reworked the "Order Mass Arrests" decision to be a character interaction. You can now use this on all noble families, and not just powerful families, as long as their estate is located in the capital.
Added a decision to found a new duchy, if you have high enough prestige or legitimacy.
Added a decision to set the de jure capital of your duchy/kingdom/empire.
Added a Low Random setting to Conquerors, with a 0.5% chance of spawning an extreme conqueror.
Added new mayor title flavorization for cultures outside of Europe that previously always used the feudal baron title for all baron tier land holders.
Changed all the Command traits to be tiered traits that can be leveled up, becoming more powerful and changing the names of the trait. The base strength of each trait is lower, so simply having a commander trait is not as strong, but their maximum strength is stronger. Traits are leveled up by doing relevant things, such as completing sieges as a Military Engineer, etc. As an example:
• Raider
• Raid Speed: +40%
• Hostile County Attrition: -30%
• Raid Speed: +80%
• Hostile County Attrition: -60%
• Advantage: +1
• Raid Speed: +120%
• Hostile County Attrition: -90%
• Advantage: +3
• Martial: +1
• Raid Speed: +160%
• Hostile County Attrition: -120%
• Fixed issue where first-time-viewed male characters were assumed to have a 'max bald' gene for a number of frames (in sympathy for those afflicted, presumably), and then getting their hair back a second later
• Made sure that the Jain religious robe appears in the barbershop.
• Added the Royal/Imperial Loros to the barbershop (note that they are meant for use in combination with specific Byzantine clothes).
• Made sure that Byzantine commoner headgear appears in the barbershop.
• Added missing royalty clothes for Byzantines to the barbershop.
• Made sure the Torque with Barbette is visible in the barbershop.
• The Grain Dole decision is now available when you restore the Roman Empire. As long as your capital is located in Rome or Constantinople.
• Improved the text in the "Mass Arrests: A Plea" event.
• The option to place a candidate first in line in the Influence Candidate interaction is no longer available if the selected candidate is already first.
• Reworked the ‘Tomb Raiders’ event to be more interesting
• Hermit travel events now set the right weights for follow-up events based on what prophecy you received.
• Changed the text of the event “A strange sailor” and gave the sailor char a nickname.
• Improved effects and parsability of the “trampled underfoot” court event.
• Put a cooldown on the event where you find a doll when you are out raiding.
• Added additional triggers for a few events that have the option to turn counties into republics. Republics should appear a bit less "randomly" as a result, and mainly appear for cultures where it makes sense. Such as cultures with the Parochialism tradition.
• Changed "The Deserters" event chain from authority martial lifestyle to be a single event with better purpose and structure.
• Added cooldowns to the romance scheme ongoing events.
• Fixed repeated name in the Court Event “Unpleasant Pleasantries”.
• Fixed courtiers staying naked after the “A Compromising Position” event.
• Fixed mismatched artifact type names in the Exotic Arms event.
• Fixed broken option in Contrite stress event No Time for Myself.
• Fix for possibility of Harrying of the North Pacification and Resistance negative values.
• Visit Settlement-lock is now checked and removed when moving your camp.
• Adventurers can no longer Evangelize in highly developed or happy counties, holy sites, or counties held by a Head of Faith.
• Made Visit Holding variable time out if long enough time passes.
• Fixed not receiving Mayor's gold in “Popular with the People event”.
• Fixed The Gallant Knight event wrongly referring to Akolouthos.
• Fixed miscalculation of ransom cost where only mothers and fathers recognized their primary heir as their primary heir.
• Fixed an issue where the Iranian culture wouldn’t display all tiers of siege models.
• Changed the localization to just be a generic instrument in the legend event “At the Service of a Lord/Lady” instead of the custom localization since matching the displayed instrument was not working.
• Fixed cases where other character's court position employees would be referred to as your employees.
• Fixed 1st Bodyguard being replaced when hiring a 2nd bodyguard via an event.
• Fixed hunt sighting events firing for landless adventurers.
• Fixed rare case where spouse child naming event could fire after parent's death.
• Fixed is_valid script for all factions, so that it no longer blocks faction creation when it shouldn’t.
• Replaced old outdated mentions of "Court Physician" with "Personal Physician".
• The estate can no longer be moved to the same location it's already located in, which should prevent you from spending gold and activating the cooldown by mistake.
• Fixed an issue where you would get two separate messages for gaining the Traveler trait upon visiting a point of interest. You now only get one.
• Fixed a wrong scope that would fail to turn rulers into landless adventurers if they lost their titles in a war on some occasions.
• Landed characters can now become adventurers if they lose all of their titles as the result of a war they didn't directly participate in.
• Titles held by administrative vassals are now named correctly after the top liege. As a result, a duchy tier province will be called "theme" in Byzantium regardless of the holder's culture.
• The Master Assassin court position now correctly reduces the duration of your hostile schemes, instead of increasing it. Buffed the values slightly as well, to a maximum of 15 days faster at highest aptitude level.
• The children of a co-emperor of the Byzantine emperor now correctly gain the Born in the Purple trait when applicable.
• The Army breakdown tooltip will now show when hovering on the total count of soldiers in the Selected Army view.
• Fixed all triggers checking current scheme phase duration that were checking too small values or advantages.
• Removed the "Landless Rulers" tab from the advanced start screen if you are unable to play as one.
• If a required guest is not available for activities (such as if your betrothed has a deadly contagious disease before a Grand Wedding), you will now be told exactly why rather than be told they are already involved in another activity.
• Adjusted so that the event “Forgetting” can no longer refer to memories that are secret to the other character.
• The event "Bound Together" will no longer produce incestuous couplings.
• In the "Fallen Rival" event, you will no longer visibly grieve the demise of your rival in battle.
• The event "Flight of Fancy" will no longer state that you've received a different trait from the actual outcome.
• The event "Danger: A Fearsome Beast!" will no longer select children for you to sacrifice for your safety.
• Prevented travel_events.4037 (“Religion and Faith”) from treating your own faith as a foreign faith.
• Added a warning message to the "Empower Sicilian Parliament" decision, so the player knows that only one Special Building can be active at a time.
• Disabled the “Empower Sicilian Parliament” decision if there are no available Special Building Slots.
• Fixed a rare occasion where characters would be stuck endlessly in the end travel event.
• Fixed an issue where feasts could check murder requirements on yourself instead of your guest.
• The modifier Treatise on Management House Modifiers is now positive and not negative.
• Corrected some general issues with the "Eminent Eunuch" story cycle.
• Populist wars will no longer incorrectly vassalize all landless adventurers who joined the faction and helped to win the war.
• Added a missing value for the Border Dispute scheme, which prevented governors from scheming to take back their de jure counties when owned by other governors.
• Fixed an error in the outliner if you had the domicile panel expanded while playing as a character without a domicile.
• Added localisation for the predicted cost for hosting a Chariot Race.
• Updated the cost for Chariot Races. The predicted cost now matches the actual cost more closely
• Updated the text regarding Varangian Guard and Akolouthos on the Palace Politics cultural tradition to reflect actual functionality. Any emperor with this tradition is able to use the decision to found their own Varangian Guard.
• Updated the text on the Garden Architect tradition to make the Court Gardener tooltipable, allowing you to see what the court position does before having access to it.
• Fixed the decision to adopt feudal ways as admin to no longer attempt to change the government of vassal theocratic Head of Faith.
• Corrected missing character reference in tooltip in "The Cadastre".
• You no longer have a chance of becoming your own friend in "The Child Preacher".
• Courtiers, when sent to a Holy Order, will now actually do as they're told and join them.
• The duchy building slot for Connacht now properly appears in its capital county.
• University education will now benefit children with focuses other than Diplomacy.
• The event "Looking for Work" will now display all viable options, instead of just one.
• Fixed several instances where epidemics could still be spawned by events even when disabled by game rules.
• When forming New England, you will now correctly adopt the government form specified in the tooltip.
• Crusades diverted against Byzantium should no longer choose Christian vassals of the Byzantine emperor as their leader.
• Fixed a bug where the notification "You can station a Men-at-Arms Regiment" would not disappear if you stationed Thematic armies.
• You will now properly gain stress if your siblings die young and you don't profoundly dislike them.
• Independence Wars will now invalidate if the defender is no longer the attacker's liege.
• Ensured that characters that become domicile owners while traveling don't get "stuck" with a far-away domicile.
• Adjusted the Soulmate Legend motivation toast message to work better if it is referring to yourself.
• Added a check to make sure the Court Chronicler has to be alive before giving the player a legend seed in legend_events.0001.
• Adjusted the decision illustration for Expand the Assassins.
• It is no longer possible to get stuck away from your home location after ending a Fight Corruption contract early.
• “The Worth Ichor” tournament event no longer gives you the wounded trait if you choose to quench a weapon in your own blood, allowing you to still participate in the tourney — instead, you gain a flesh wound modifier with an equivalent health malus for two years.
• Beating up a local knight in “A Duel Demanded” now always wounds them if successful.
• Attempting to change your Province Administration, or that of your vassals, without actually making a change now disables the interaction and a tooltip tells you why.
• Added tooltip to Defensive Negotiations perk, informing the player that it unlocks the Purchase Truce interaction.
• Corrected some niche minor flavour around the Religious Pronouncements tenet.
• Fixed the holy site of Kerala in southern India not applying its conversion bonus as expected.
• The Estate UI will now automatically propose the next upgrade if there is no branch to choose.
• Fixed the All-Things innovation not increasing the prestige cost as intended for Imperial Bureaucracy when it's on cooldown.
• The AI will no longer consider all existing traits in the game when deciding to become landless adventurers, but only the traits they actually have.
• Fixed a niche issue where the Byzantines flipping between Iconoclasm & Orthodoxy repeatedly could cause the reigning faith to lose ecumenism.
• You can no longer purchase a truce if you're out of gold and would be paying with debt.
• Creating a faith with the Rite tenet will now properly preserve your old Head of Faith if you happen to hold a Holy Site.
• Penalties are now properly applied when you have a lowborn character marry you, rather than only when you marry a lowborn character.
• Fixed an issue in court event “A Knight's Declaration” where a character could start a scheme against themselves.
• Fixed petition event “Indirect Espionage” so it actually reveals secrets
• Fixed an issue where a modifier wouldn't be applied to the scheme in the event “Token of Favor”
• The priest in the event for converting faith will no longer wear a random religious clothing set.
• Offer Vassalization will no longer think that you waged war with the target if they purchased a truce from you.
• Fixed broken toast message in schemes when scheme target dies.
• The Eminent Eunuch story cycle will now show the correct ending events if the eunuch is killed, imprisoned, landed, or exiled.
• Fixed not all triggers checking for 'roman empire hard mode' being chosen or not, resulting in peasant factions targeting the top liege even if the player opted out.
• The Conduct Census contract can now only be issued by rulers with 2+ domain size to avoid deadlocks.
• Places that check for overweight/underweight values in events will now use significant numbers (50/-50) rather than being above/under 0.
• Fixed incorrect stress gain for characters with Brave trait in hunt.8510 event.
• Fixed your actions not having any consequences in the rakish_brothel_night_effect.
• Fixed women sometimes claiming that they are the father of their unborn child.
• The balanced setup option for Abduct contracts now uses the correct set of agents.
• You can now only choose to start a Raid Estate scheme against house heads with an estate.
• Legitimists can now construct the Lockwagon upgrade.
• Fixed broken string in the event “Chronicler: A Legend Found”.
• Event “Legend's Herald” can no longer target characters already promoting your legend.
• Fixed scoping issues in the travel event “The Holy Tree”.
• The Master of Spoils Camp Officer will now increase the chance of stealing artifacts during sieges as intended.
• Fixed the AI not declaring wars using the following Casus Bellis: Claim, Ducal Conquest, any De Jure, Subjugation, and a few minor CB types.
• Fixed Alchemy inspirations not getting quality added from the inspired persons skills properly.
• Added several missing pulse action events to tournaments.
• Fixed text issue in "The Shadow Behind The Throne" event option.
• The event "Runaway or Lost?" will now make sure the individual running away is at least old enough to walk.
• Made a fix for the Varangian Guard to loot their employer's palace regardless of title. They will now be happy to loot the palace of anyone who founds them, and not just Byzantium.
• Corrected duplication inside tooltip and trigger conditions for the event "Runaway or Lost?".
• Corrected underlying scope behind confusing tooltip in the event "Whispered Words.".
• Corrected minor animation scope issue in Funeral activities.
• Updated the text for the Ducal Conquest perk for Appointment succession score and made the name tooltipable.
• Stopped regents from being able to increase your Imperial Bureaucracy as a governor, since the level is set by your top liege.
• Fixed some Governor Issues triggering the incorrect follow-up event, when the issue wanted you to travel but you were at the designated location already.
• When using Petition Liege (Sponsored Priests) will now increase Convert Faith in County Council Task.
• The Province Modifier for Inconclusive Inspection is now increasing the % of failed Inspection Activity.
• Aged Immortals will no longer suffer from baldness.
• The event "In the Bud" will no longer fire when opening the Noble Families interface immediately after starting a new game.
• Courtier tasks won't be shown if you don't satisfy the requirements.
• Iconoclast priests should no longer hypocritically wear robes with icons on them.
• Fixed a crash that occurs when hovering on the spot where Legitimacy usually is while in the Character View of an Administrative Governor.
• You can no longer unilaterally arrange the marriage of your grandchildren and great-grandchildren without being their top liege, house head, or dynasty head.
• The Hunt event "The Lovers" will now be rather more selective about who it pairs up.
• Fixed crash that could occur during AI calculations.
• Fixed crash when loading a save game
• Fixed crash with opinion on character being murdered in multiplayer
• Fixed not being able to form Liberty Factions against Tribal Rulers.
• Fixed an issue with governors who were granted a Noble Family title always becoming the house head. The governor will now only become house head if it makes sense. Otherwise, they will create a cadet branch instead.
• "The Witenagemot" Realm Priest opinion modifier now displays its tooltip properly.
• The Scheme Success Chance progress bar will now correctly display the current success chance, taking into account the max chance for the scheme.
• The Court Gardener and Charioteer Court Positions will now state the correct tradition (with link) in their requirements.
• Changed foreign guest to foreign ward in “Sad Hostage” event.
• No-income landless adventurers challenging people to boardgames now wager their actual amassed gold.
• You can no longer plea to yourself in “Commander of the Faithful”.
• The Army tooltip will no longer show weird supply limit numbers on water provinces.
• Fixed double are/is in Wolf Slayer nickname.
• Fixed the Discontent Soldiers governor issue being able to spawn without a valid neighboring governor, causing broken loc.
• Beardless eunuchs should no longer get the nickname "the Bearded.".
• The Hold Court event "A Call to War" will no longer use children where it references an adult.
• Discouraged child rulers from adopting other children as their heirs in the event "A Child of the Court".
• Fixed broken and excessively long texts in event "A New Face in Camp".
• The killer in Rival's End now needs a higher intrigue skill than the victim.
• The cooldown for bloody weddings now has a 1 year duration, preventing bloody weddings from being unavailable if you back out of one once.
• Fixed several instances of scheme modifiers not having visible icons.
• Fixed Pulse Actions in Chariot Races sometimes not fetching any characters.
• Fixed several instances where children could become deviants or sodomites.
• Fixed so that the most appropriate gfx for Estate Buildings is used for each culture (such as Iranian now using the Arabic gfx).
• Adventurer character views will no longer describe them as 'realms'.
• Fixed event “Commander Promoted?” having an inverted diplomacy duel.
• Fixed the event “Your X Married Y” sometimes failing to find anyone for an entourage member to marry.
• Fixed tooltip errors in “Drifting Apart”.
• Fixed the early prevention plague event not showing the correct text if your character had the mystic trait.
• Fixed broken loc in the “Concerning Tutelage” event.
• Fixed several Tour and Tournament events where you as a player could unwittingly give away Hooks without knowing it.
• Fixed strong obligation hooks not reducing court position salaries.
• Fixed granting titles not always giving the cultural acceptance that it should.
• Fixed Adventurer recruitment gold costs not scaling in “the Recruits” event, making very good characters extremely cheap.
• Fixed incorrect portraits and triggers of the “The Necromancer” event.
• Fixed adding opinion of self in the last option of the event “A Common Enemy”.
• Fixed checking gifts on the incorrect scope in the event “Something Expensive”.
• Fixed incorrect scopes in “The Legendary X” hunt event.
• Fixed court positions sort order property.
• Fixed gaining renown and prestige as house head for adventurers.
• Fixed hook checkbox in declare war interaction.
• The Tax Collector Tab no longer warns in cases where you actually have no untaxed Vassals.
• Men-At-Arms images in tooltips now maintain their aspect ratio.
• Fixed the Co-Co-Co-Co-Co-Co-Co… when forming an alliance with your Co-Ruler.
• Choose Favorite Child and Remove Favorite Child now appears for the appropriate people (your children!)
• The markers on the Scheme progress bar now have the correctly associated tooltip.
• The event “The Last Day” always uses a blade instead of a blunt weapon for an assassination attempt.
• Grand Wedding promise is broken and penalties applied if declaring war on promised wedding target.
• Fixed hunt activity ending for landless characters when selecting to not pay for rights to hunt.
• Fixed event cameras in An Attempt on My Life event.
• Fixed Too Slow Joust Event from firing when for characters not participating in the Joust.
• Managed “A Moment Alone” weightings to avoid the event spamming.
• Fixed mismatching event effects for landless characters in What’s the Point? Event.
• Grand Wedding: Into the Night will now show the correct tooltip % chance when overhearing the servants.
• Shortened descriptions for a few overly long events from Landless Adventurer Schemes.
• Removed the name Gargamel from the French Culture List.
• Fixed lessee targeting interactions, which prevented revoking holy order locations
• The Tree Automata now stands on a tall pedestal, rather than a short one, in the throne room.
• Fixed recessive genetic traits not being passed on as they should.
• Fixed the "No valid successor" icons being incorrect on game start until the title screen is opened
• Fixed certain Danger Events not actually having any effects. For example; it’s now actually dangerous to travel in deserts as you risk dehydration.
• Fixed it not being possible to grant certain counties with temple holdings
• Fixed Negative Percentage modifiers affecting monthly piety in reverse if they were negative
• Fixed an OOS caused by vassal contract levels.
• Fixed an OOS caused by army names.
• Fixed a crash relating to top lieges when loading certain older save files.
• Fixed a rare crash related to icons on the map.
• Added several new categories and options to the Barbershop, which should allow you to mix & match more items, access previously unavailable veils, and also enables the removal of spectacles/veils/face masks if desired.
• Added a dotted outline to hovered locations when selecting a new destination to travel to with your adventurer camp
• Polished the interaction panel. Added new icons for sway and murder scheme. Adjusted which icons are displayed when looking at game concepts for sway, murder, personal scheme.
• Interaction category colors have been tweaked and Favorite icon has been added.
• Your units on the map no longer show the rally point banner, but your Coat of Arms instead. The rally point banner wasn’t very useful, and we thought it more immersive to see your CoA.
• The Discovered Secret Schemes section of the Intrigue Panel has been fixed.
• Added new icons for Character Interactions.
• Fix to event header backgrounds being too contrasty making it hard to read the text.
• Added colours to travel delay/progress tooltips.
• Admin characters will now be warned when standing to lose their primary titles, and when invested characters don't stand to be appointed.
• Added simple breakdown for Legend Spread chance when hovering provinces in Legend view mode.
• Made it so that Appointment succession laws show up in the UI for administrative realms.
• Added portrait of the ward in the educator death message.
• The "Petition Liege" decision is no longer categorized as a Major Decision.
• The "Become Adventurer" decision is no longer categorized as a Major Decision.
• Grand Activities are no longer, by default, set to notify you when they become available.
• Added a "Commanded by Ruler" indicator to the Army Map Icon.
• Adjusted margins on regular tooltips to be more balanced.
• Corrected tooltip anchors in the Character View.
• Delayed Reactive advice for many features.
• Fixed missing mention of administrative government in Royal Court Reactive Advice.
• Added Current Situation Entry for if you can form a Hybrid Culture.
• Added Scheme Odds to items in the Character Interaction Menu and renamed Scheme Odds to Predicted Scheme Difficulty.
• Added Inheritable Traits filter to Character Finder.
• Made Change Succession Law panel properly display full description.
• Fixed incorrect description for how to add Artifacts to the Cabinet of Curiosities Manor Upgrade Slot.
• Scheme Phase Length is now mostly expressed in months.
• Added information if a Scheme is Personal, Hostile or Political to the Character Interaction Menu.
• Replaced the big text box about your effect from being on your Liege's Council with an icon with a tooltip.
• Fixed the Customize Route window having its Apply button covered by another interface.
• The auto-invite agents setting for schemes now persists between games.
• Renamed various Character Interactions relating to Administrative Government, House Banners and Struggles to be more consistent.
• Added foldable groups to activities view and grouped unavailable activities together.
• Province tooltip now better displays terrain and shows tiered title information in a cleaner way.
• Removed the Administrative Category in the Character Interaction Menu in favor of an Appointment Category and using already existing categories.
• The Character Interaction Menu now scrolls if you have lots of interactions added by mods.
• Character Interaction Categories now adapt their name to the target, i.e. if they are your Liege, Vassal, Governor, etc.
• Removed the Clan Category in the Character Interaction Menu in favor using already existing categories.
• Fixed bug where UI would have warnings about untaxed jurisdictions even when said jurisdictions had no Taxpayers.
• Fixed bug where using the Reset option in the Current Situation menu also reset finished Reactive Advice.
• Added colors to each category in the Character Interaction Menu.
• You can now mark Character Interactions as favorite, making them appear in a special spot in the Character Interaction Menu.
• Court Position Type tooltip now show requirements instead of showing a courtier's fulfillment of the requirements.
• Added new message for scheme advantages 5/10/15/20 threshold met.
• Added new message for non-dynasty courtier coming of age in your court.
• Added the "Reclaim Troops" button directly to the main interface in the military view, making it a lot easier to take back your troops when borrowed by other governors.
• Added the missing "+" sign on the Create Men-at-Arms Regiment button for title MaAs.
• Added list of all DLCs owned by the host once you join or start a multiplayer lobby.
• Added number of Artifact Claims on buttons that open the Artifact Claim List.
• Added History Log to Message Settings.
• Fixed the Player Outliner entries overflowing if names were too long, added a tooltip stating the full player name in case it’s too long to fit.
• If you can unlock a capstone trait in a Lifestyle, the perk icon will now have a pulsating glow to indicate that it's clickable.
• Toast titles will no longer use dark colors on a dark background, making them more readable.
• Declare war panel adjusted to fit more languages in complex casus belli.
• Fixed hitboxes on the domicile building list.
• Fixed overflow on popup window message.
• Toasts do not block windows under it anymore.
• Incoming diplomatic interactions will now use the correct text colors on the paper background, making game concepts readable.
• The Ruler Designer will no longer try to convince you that you need Ironman to unlock Achievements.
• Updated the description on the fifth Bureaucracy legacy perk, to reflect the changes made to "Order Mass Arrests".
• Reduced the amount of interaction buttons for Prisoners, Administrative Governors and your Liege in Administrative Government in favor of a popout menu
• Added access to religious interactions with your Head of Faith in the Faith View
• Replaced Reactive Advice for forming a Hybrid Culture with an entry in Current Situation, so it can reappear multiple times for each opportunity.
• The selected building now closes when you start construction
• Restricted notifications regarding new Guests arriving at your court to only neighboring title claimants.
• Added Important Actions suggestions for when you can elevate a child to co-ruler.
• Main HUD: Added the Scales of power level on the button for Power Sharing, showing the current level you have unlocked
• Character View: The Power sharing Icon now shows up on your Liege if the selected character is power sharing with them
• Character View and tooltip: For characters with no special relation to you, it will say that they are the Diarch of someone. Although other relations still take precedence sometimes
• Fixed bug where there was a "-1" step at the end of the scales of power progressbar
• Special Buildings are now visible when using the Economy Map Mode in the Lobby
• Added an Important Action for when you can elevate a child to co-ruler
• The Courtiers list will now show a text saying ‘No Guardian’ so you can easily see who you should assign guardian too while browsing children in your court.
• Added sort and filter options for children’s guardian status in the Courtiers window
• Fixed numerous bugs that caused unwanted behavior such as unit ‘dancing’, getting stuck, and being passive (it can still happen, but should be significantly reduced in frequency)
• Made the defending side in wars prioritize defending the war goal more if they’re feeling outnumbered.
• Subunit stacks will now abandon peripheral sieges if a lack of Siege Weapons would delay the main unit stack for too long. This removes the behavior where an AI could spend months sieging a holding without using their Siege Weapons.
• Unless needed, the AI will no longer respond with all nearby troops when one of their units gets attacked if they are active in a siege, reducing the chance for the AI to break sieges that they are about to win.
• Fixed the defending AI war coordinator never being able to pick the offensive stance.
• When merging two unit stacks, the AI will now prioritize moving stacks that aren’t actively sieging. This should make them abandon advanced sieges less often (if both stacks are sieging, the one with the least progressed siege will move).
• When spreading out units into surrounding provinces, AI will no longer select provinces that would trigger a hit of hostile attrition.
• The AI will no longer try to re-route via another province to avoid a bad supply situation if the next province on path is the target province. This should reduce instances of AI stacks moving around in circles when close to their intended target.
• The AI will no longer try to re-route via another province to avoid a bad supply situation if that would trigger a hit of hostile attrition.
• Peripheral unit stacks will now move into the target province if the main sieging unit has too few soldiers to beat the garrison and carry on the siege alone.
• Made the AI more hesitant to pursue enemy units the less war score it can gain from battles. The closer they are to the cap of warscore from battles, the more inclined they will be to siege holdings rather than hunt enemy units and pursue battles.
• If the AI is close to victory in a war and has ongoing sieges it can gain war score from, they will now prioritize keeping those sieges.
• If the AI is close to victory in a war and they can gain war score from battles, they will prioritize hunting enemy units more strongly.
• In a Great Holy War the attacking AI will first gather all units at a gathering point before starting to move towards the war target. This should make the AI go towards the GHW area in a more organized fashion.
• In a Great Holy War, after gathering its units, the attacking AI will try to find a good staging point in friendly or neutral territory close to the war target where all units will meet up before commencing the attack. This should make the AI force more capable, avoiding things such as disembarkment advantage penalties.
• Made the AI more tolerant of low supply limits during great holy wars, where they'll allow themselves to be over supply cap for unit stacks by roughly twice the normal supply limit.
• Made the AI ignore hostile attrition hits in Great Holy Wars when moving towards the goal area. This should hopefully make the AI no longer sail around Arabia to get to Jerusalem during Great Holy Wars.
Game Balance
• Enabled Primogeniture and Ultimogeniture for independent administrative rulers. This should provide options in the late game, allowing rulers to switch away from Acclamation.
• Rebalanced several aspects of the Clan Government:
• Removed the 'Not Allied with Liege' opinion penalty for non-Powerful Vassals
• Secondary Spouses no longer trigger Vassal Stance or Legitimacy penalties
• Changing your primary spouse via interaction now does trigger Vassal Stance and Legitimacy penalties
• The AI will now want the best sum of all skills spouse to be their primary, unless they are lowborn
• Vassals can now be assigned as Tax Collectors, although at a lower aptitude (similar to Court Positions)
• Buffed all Tax Decrees
• Basic Taxes are now +20% Tax / +20% Levies
• Zakat is now +40% Tax / +20% Levies
• Jizya is now +100% Tax
• Ghazi is now +10% Tax / 0% Levies
• Ghazi now can Raid
• War Income mult has been replaced with Zealot Opinion +1
• Vassal bonuses have been changed:
• Piety mult % -> Flat Piety +0.5
• War income 5% -> 10%
• County Control Growth + 0.25
• Army Siege +15%
• Raid Speed +15%
• ai_zeal + 50
• ai_energy +25
• ai_war_chance + 100%
• ai_war_cooldown -50%
Deqhan is now a better 'Basic Taxes'
• +35% Tax / +35% Levies
• Removed prestige penalty, added Legitimacy gain +1%
• The AI will use more Deqhan decrees
Maguh +0% Tax
• Vassal now gains:
• Capital Dev +0.1
• Holding/Building Gold Cost -10%
• opinion_of_liege +15
Muqata +0% Tax / +0% Levies
• Vassal Gains:
• county opinion +10
• epidemic resistance + 10
• danger -5
Restricted all tax collector events so they only happen to AI tax collectors
Updated Tax Collector GUI to be more intriguing
The AI will now be more inclined to use the Promote Culture Council Task under certain circumstances:
Central Germanic heritage cultures within the HRE will now want to promote in Sorbian-culture counties
Very small cultures will want to grow (below 10 counties)
'Imperious' cultures (cultures with a powerful culture head, realm of 30+ counties and King+ tier) will want to grow to a decent size (35 counties, about the size of French at 1066 start)
Smaller (<5 counties) divergent/hybrid cultures with no existing culture head are more likely to be promoted by other cultures
The AI is now unwilling to promote over Basque culture if it's <=5 counties
Egalitarian or Xenophobic cultures will be more unlikely to promote
The gold required for the AI to start developing counties has been reduced from 3 years of income to 2 years of income
The gold required for the ai to start promoting culture has been lowered from 5 years of income to 3 years of income
Made border disputes usable against counts.
Made the triggers on the Promote scheme less restrictive.
You can now build Elephant Pens in jungles outside India if the culture in the County has the Lords of the Elephant Tradition.
The Ancient Miners cultural tradition correctly enables quarry construction in any terrain for counties with the tradition's culture.
Rebalanced event "The Seed Merchant", reducing the overall stress gains and lowering the amount of gold paid.
Succeeding with the Inspection activity as an administrative governor will now provide some Governor trait experience.
Changed Orti Iniga from a courter to a prisoner of Qurtubah, discouraging him from converting to Islam.
Monastic characters and members of holy orders will no longer be designated as Great Holy War beneficiaries.
Updated the Acclamation succession law scoring with the following: house members of the emperor now have their score affected by the popular opinion in the capital. Making it easier for popular emperors to keep the throne within their house.
Reduced the chance for the AI to castrate their close family members.
Updated several candidate score gains for the Appointment succession law to no longer be based on Governor Efficiency. The impact of it was not enough to really be noticeable. Increased the base values slightly as a result.
Independent admin rulers wanting to become feudal no longer have to be emperors.
Vassals with a very high opinion of you will no longer join the rebel side in title revocation revolts.
Revised the range of potential characters for which you will receive notifications regarding extramarital fornication.
It's now possible to accidentally sire children by visiting brothels.
Replaced the Syncretic Folk Traditions doctrine for Kuzarites so they no longer get a +60 opinion of themselves.
Opened up the possibility for kingdom tier administrative vassals to create and join independence factions. This should give you an easier way to splinter off into your own administrative realm. Made AI admin vassals slightly less likely to join independence factions.
One of the options in the activity event "The Guest Speaker" will no longer stack stress on top of stress.
Set up starting truces between King Salamon of Hungary and his cousins.
Rebalanced Haunted Manor travel event outcomes slightly.
The Wet Nurse now also triggers events for your grandchildren and great-grandchildren if they're in your court.
You can now search for a Wet Nurse even if you have no children at court.
Using the interaction to change the primary spouse will now trigger lowborn marriage penalties if you're switching from a noble to a lowborn spouse.
Slightly debuffed the positive modifiers from the event A Greater Armada.
Added the Purchase Truce interaction to the Astute Diplomats cultural tradition.
Added the Military Assistance interaction to the Swords for Hire cultural tradition.
The Military Assistance interaction now requires the target to be either at least equal tier or have a larger realm than the offering party, and emperors may no longer take it.
Added a new CB 'Seize Peripheral Duchy' that allows a non-Admin realm to take a duchy off an Admin realm, presuming said duchy is located outside the Admin realms De Jure area. This CB has 3x the Siege and Battle warscore for the attacker, and 3x the ticking warscore.
Tribal holdings are now valid to hold for Theocracies, preventing issues where heads of faith would turn tribal.
Being King+ is now an alternative criteria to prestige/piety levels for duchy-level holy wars/conquests; this should make larger realms start fewer inconsequential wars.
You are now allowed to use the isolate/seclude decisions when a plague is next to your capital.
Added a cooldown of 5 years on the Order Mass Arrests interaction, to prevent potential exploits by arresting several houses at the same time.
Stopped the AI from demanding artifacts from you, unless they are stronger than you or a higher tier than you
The "No End Date" Game Rule will no longer block achievement from being earned. Hunt as long as you like!
User Modding
• It’s now possible to script and trigger ‘War Stances’ for the AI to use. In the base game only ‘Balanced Offensive’ and ‘Balanced Defensive’ are used (alongside some special ones for Great Holy Wars).
• Added trigger 'months_from_game_start'.
• Added trigger 'participated_wars'.
• Added current_raised_military_strength trigger to character scope.
• The reroute_to_home effect has been removed and replaced with a return_home effect in character scope, which acts the same if the character has a current travel plan or forces a new travel plan home if not.
• The start_travel_plan effect now has a can_cancel_planning parameter that, if set to false, forces a human player to follow through on starting to travel to the destination
• Added defines for max points per skill.
• Add debug info in portrait tooltip for DNA accessories.
• Add debug info for holding building key and description.
• Remove wide gap in known languages tooltip.
• Corrected typo in text in "Eminent Eunuch" event.
• Corrected lowercase letter at start in sentence in the "Pillar of the Community" event.
• The event "Rites of Passage: The Cleansing" will no longer reference the wrong gender in text.
• The Lifestyle section of the tutorial states the right number of lifestyles if the player has Wandering Nobles enabled.
• Corrected broken localization in "Incoming Legitimist Payment" toast.
• Tooltips for the achievements "Birthright" and "Mio Cid" now display correctly when in-game.
• Tooltip for court_events.3100 now mentions the scheme modifier being added to the initiated scheme.
• Corrected description of effects in "Ebb and Flow" modifier tooltip.
• Modifying the Administration of your Theme as a vassal now displays the correct cooldown countdown.
• Added localization for rare instances where an interaction may be temporarily blocked due to being in a special event chain.
• Fixed localization for learning a language in the past tense.
• Added missing string for judaism_opinion.
• Updated text for hosting Feasts to be in line with other activities.
• Corrected a tooltip issue for the cooldown after choosing to Recruit a Chief Eunuch.
• Your memory of completing the Hajj by moving your capital to Mecca will now correctly name Mecca.
• Slightly shortened the text in the event "Till the Bitter End" to better fit the window.
• Renamed the barony of Arun to the more terrestrially appropriate Arundel.
• Fixed broken loc in Hunt event for Participants with the “Slay Beast” Intent.
• Fixed missing location name in “Shedding This Mortal Coil” event.
• Fixed tooltip with reason why vassal cannot be granted to Liege.
• Fixed loc in activity event where Host dies.
• Fixed incorrect flavor title in “Loyalty or Fear” for female landless.
• Adjusted age for the lover of Antso IV of Navarra.
• Gave Přemysl the Ploughman his historical nickname.
• Changed the default name of Olavinlinna to a more historically appropriate Savo.
• Corrected birth date & added mother to Bernard Aton IV de Trencavel.
• Infante Sancho of Portugal will now be married to his historical spouse in 1178.
• Corrected the Vermandois dynasty to a Robertine house.
• Resurrected Basil the Macedonian's brother and delivered his father to his eternal rest.
• Removed the ahistorical Hunchbacked trait from Roger Borsa, Robert Guiscard's son.
• Changed Conan I of Brittany's name to Konan for consistency, and created a name equivalency between Conan and Konan.
• Made the future Canute VI of Denmark one year older to start as an adult (it's ambiguous enough to work) and slightly adjusted his traits.
• Renamed the historical Přemysl Otakar I from Přemysl to Otakar, as he is more commonly remembered. Also changed his underaged wife to betrothed.
• Assigned the Devoted trait to Kaiser Heinrich IV's sisters, Adelaide and Beatrix, the historical princess-abbesses of Quedlinburg.
• Slightly adjusted the age of Pope Alexander II and set Matilda of Tuscany as friends with her mother.
• Slightly revised the traits of Gottfried the Bearded and his wife, and set his wife as a friend of the pope.
• Saladin can now speak Kurdish and Turkish.
• Filled in the history of the kings of Sweden between 1066 and 1178.
• Minor corrections to the Ediz and Yaghlakar family trees.
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