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영어 회화방 Can you live without getting married and not having kids? (옮겨온 것)
거서리 추천 0 조회 99 15.10.19 01:49 댓글 6
게시글 본문내용
  • 15.10.19 04:14

    첫댓글 글 쓴사람은 결혼하지 않고 자식을 갖지 않는 것을 자랑으로 여기는 것 같습니다.
    그래서 sex with condoms의 결과로 kids-free의 삶을 즐긴다고 자랑하고 있는데 뭔가를 착각하고 있습니다.
    해 본 사람은 잘 알지만 섹스는 장화끼지 않고 해야 제맛이 납니다.
    성병과 에이즈가 두려워 길거리 여성과 관계를 가질때는 부득이 장화를 신지만 쾌감이 좋지 않습니다.
    애를 낳고 길러보면 그 즐거움이 뭐라는 것도 압니다. 족보에 자손의 이름이 오르면 비로소 어른된 기분을 느낍니다.
    자식때문에 희로애락을 겪기도 하지만 그것이 바로 삶의 재미 아닌가요?

  • 15.10.19 04:14

    The philosopher in Germany had already told us
    you would regret one way or the other way,
    whatever you get married and remain as single .
    Sometimes, we would like to feel good as free ,when in single
    and also the otherway,
    we would be lonesome, if your family would not be comfortable .
    Eventually , the happiness would be dependent on our thinking / decision on our mind .
    Of course , without freedom on our mind ,
    we are unable to enjoy our happiness .

  • 15.10.19 04:36

    It seems that I may agree everybody' free philosophy, but on a special topic, l try to understand other revert comment.

  • 15.10.19 11:34

    I heard that Amercian people think no need to be married to have a child.
    So one-third of babies are born to unmarried.
    A recent servey conducted by 보건복지부 also found that only 13% of unmarried women said they considered marriage 'essential'.
    Most people say families with married and families not married are feel pity each other.
    Babies is too the same.
    So I think that's correct on both counts.
    If it is you who are responsible for your life~~!
    ☞결혼을 해도~ 안해도/
    ☞아이를 가져도~안가져도/
    ☞둘다 후회하게 된다~~^^

  • 15.10.19 11:38

    Marriage is a question that to be or not to be..

  • 15.10.19 11:54

    Did you see the news on TV today?
    Our government announced that young couples are received more benefits for having their kids.
    So I hope It they do.
