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<2018.Feb.09 입트영 : Online Courses >
Talk about how people make use of online courses in Korea.
Throughout the world, there is probably no place where online courses are as advanced as they are in Korea. First
of all, Korea’s wired and wireless internet speeds are the world fastest. The conditions are ripe for people to watch streaming
videos in real time, so there are many online courses. From language studies and work skills to hobbies and
sports. There are endless topics that can be studied online. Even middle school
and high school students often watch internet lectures to study for school.
Internet courses often play and important role in
college prep. Also, many job seekers use
internet courses to obtain certifications or improve language test scores in
the job market. In a word, everyone in Korea is accustomed to online courses.
Throughout [out에 강세] the world : 전세계 적으로
conditions are ripe하면 여건이 좋다. Ripe : 과일이 잘 익었을 때 사용하는 단어인데,
(in) real time :
College prep : 대학 입시 test prep : 시험 준비 preparation 줄인말
Certificate= certification
In a word: 한 마디로
*Online course : 온라인 강좌
Students often receive discounts for online courses.
Thanks to an online course, I was able to improve my score.
*conditions are ripe : 여건이 좋다
If you are considering a purchase, conditions are ripe right now.
It was too cold in the winter, but now the conditions are right.
*language studies : 어학
Language studies are a popular topic for online courses.
Many students and office workers feel stress due to language
*play an important role : 중요한 역할을 하다
Timing plays an important role in relationships.
It seems like a small part, but it plays an important role.
*college prep : 대학 입시준비 test prep이라는 말을
많이 씀
Parents often speak with college prep experts.
<Expression of the day>
- Why do you look so tired these days?
- I’ve been studying for an important test. It’s really hard.
- You should take an online course. It helped me a lot.
- Thanks for the tip. I will try
that. 좋은 정보 고마워.
1. Studying for exams is a big part of college prep.
2. There are many study group for language studies.
3. Practice played an important role in my success.
4. I learned how to speck Spanish through an online courses.