Part 1
1. B) He's dipping a brush into a can of paint.
2. A) Some backpacks have being placed on the floor.
3. D) One of the women is assembling a box.
4. A) Some people are carrying boat paddles.
5. C) A woman is purchasing something from a vendor.
6. C) A picnic area is covered by a roof.
Part 2
7. A) Roberto is.
8. C) Let's print it
9. C) Because it's being renovated
10. B) In about an hour
11. A) Mr. Lee usually leaves early on Tuesdays.
12. A) I'm not very hungry.
13. C) Later today
14. B) Mostly science fiction
15. B) Yes, I took care of it yesterday.
16. A) On the fifth floor
17. A) I'll do that immediately.
18. B) Because the truck broke down
19. A) I just moved to this city
20. B) No, they're assigned automatically.
21. C) That's great news.
22. A) Yes, if it's not too expensive.
23. A) It hasn't been published yet.
24. A) One with customer information
25. A) A service person just left.
26. B) It's not on sale anymore.
27. A) Did you check the Web site?
28. B) All our equipment was upgraded last year.
29. C) We've hired our own driver for the client's visit.
30. B) The deadline is still a week away.
31. C) I just joined the team.
Part 3
32. D) locate ~ 비즈니스
33. A) recently 오픈한 곳이다.
34. C) sample ~ coffe
35. B) photo 찍어줘서 고마워
36. B) move 해외로
37. A) popular
38. D) Hair salon
39. C) presentation
40. D) add extra service
41. B) catering company
42. A) spend ~ certain ~ money
43. B) speak ~ receptionist
44. D) lost item에 대해 물어봄
45. C) missed 페이먼트
46. B) business ~ closed 얼리
47. B) 글루
48. D) placing order
49. A) customer account가 없다.
50. D) 피지션
51. A) software program
52. B) get some 써플라이즈
53. A) 비즈니스 합병
54. C) 전문화된 techonlogy
55. A) direct 파운데이션
56. C) film
57. B) indicate ~ interest를 표출 중.
58. A) send document
59. C) 쎄일즈펄슨
60. B) 세이프티 레이팅
61. C) test 드라이브
62. C) 피싱 에어리어
63. A) training을 못 배웠다.
64. D) binder 정보가 있다.
65. A) public library
66. C) (6월)써머브리즈
67. A) 업데이트된 스케줄
68. C) space is 리미티드
69. B) 소셜 미디어에 posting
70. A) a43 (좌측 앞)
Part 4
71. D) 붸리드 menu
72. D) 게임룸
73. C) 이 광고를 mention하세요. 라디오 스테이션
74. B) 그로잉 프랜츠
75. D) 리프뤠시먼트
76. D) photo들을 업로드해주세요
77. C) 스포츠 arena
78. C) facility door 스태프
79. D) ensure ~ 게스트 ~ seated ~
80. A) 퍼블리싱
81. C) event not reauire ~ large ~ time commitment
82. C) celebrity
83. D) 옵저버터리(Observer)
84. A) rail line에 가깝다
85. C) entering a code
86. A) 소프트웨어 개발자
87. B) express 컨썬
88. C) add ~ 프로덕션 features
89. B) 언유주얼 좝스
90. C) correct ~ date
91. D) 퍼즐 디자이너
92. D) airport를 expansion한다.
93. C) public 반응은 매우 negative했다.
94. A) economic 데이터
95. C) 2700m(blue 트뤠일)
96. C) view
97. D) water bottle
98. D) social media platform
99. B) 세번째 막대기(march 3월)
100. A) 직원을 더 hiring
Part 5
101. A) you
102. B) with
103. B) arrive
104. D) access
105. A) popular
106. A) attend
107. B) assembly
108. B) politely
109. B) organized
110. C) cover
111. D) from
112. C) reminder
113. C) but
114. D) reopening
115. A) reduced
116. C) recruiting
117. A) specializes
118. C) commendation
119. A) Since
120. C) accurately
121. A) request
122. D) precisely
123. D) However
124. A) selection
125. C) thoroughly
126. B) within
127. D) while
128. B) Despite
129. B) those
130. B) lingering
Part 6
131. A) welcome
132. A) contains
133. B) neighbors
134. A) 저희의 advertisers들을 payronize하시는 것이 also 됩니다.
135. B) in addition to
136. A) topics
137. A) account에 simply log in ~ selection
138. C) are delivered (information)
139. D) registering
140. D) through
141. A) meals
142. A) preferences를 표시해주세요.
143. B) 우리 프로그램이 tailored 되어있습니다.(fitness와 건강 goal을 위해)
144. D) participation
145. D) improves
146. D) enjoyable
Part 7
147. A) in a park
148. C) prohibited activities
149. C) 도서관 컴퓨터로 print documents 가능하다.
150. A) print station에서 access document하기 위해서
151. A) to confirm an appointment
152. D) proposed time is satisfactory
153. B) printing and framing photographs
154. A) by chatting online
155. C) properties (= assets)
156. B) negotiating licending fees
157. D) organizing digital images
158. C) a mobile payment company
159. D) higher transaction fees will be charged
160. D) [4]
161. C) a bathroom remodeling service
162. C) matches (= coordinates with)
163. A) fast installation
164. A) to draw attention to colleague's work(동료의 성과)
165. B) she was temporarily out of office
166. D) software development
167. C) client의 inquiries에 대해 적절히 respond했다.
168. B) she didn't complete a return
169. C) it connected Ms.C with a person
170. D) 커스터머 서비스
171. A) she no longer needs assistance
172. B) 동시에 mulitple tasks를 handle할 수 있는 능력
173. D) 오피스 매니저
174. D) a list of reference
175. B) [2]
176. C) ~ works at ~ library
177. B) 커피
178. D) at 3:00 pm
179. D) one of the first 30 customers
180. C) ~ opens late in the morning
181. A) travel agent
182. D) leaves ~ 2월 16일
183. C) no time for sightseeing
184. A) Flight 213(제일 첫번째)
185. B) ~ satisfied with standard single room
186. C) ~ provide details ~ job applicant
187. D) ~ hired to repalce Ms.P
188. B) ~ festival attendance will be ~ last
189. C) ~ will be held ~ various locations
190. A) ~ awarded the first ~ prize
191. C) to advertise 회사의 베네핏
192. D) 다양한 industries
193. D) 운전면허증
194. A) manages a Na~ Sports ~ store
195. B) applied for ~ in person
196. C) furniture leasing
197. D) delivered within on week of signing ~
198. B) 20 precent
199. C) verify pickup information
200. D) 465 달러