Earthly Life and Spirit World (Part 2) - 023 Chapter 1. The Kingdom Of God Section 1. Understanding The Kingdom Of God
5) Fondness Of The Body For Hell - 9
In the spiritual world, when you cannot correspond to the power of love, a strong reaction comes against you. Nobody tells you to go to hell. Do you understand?
Therefore, the Bible says, "Love your enemy!" True love has influence on the enemy. If you overcome the first, second, third, and fourth difficult situation centering on love, the enemy will disappear. Because love has such great power, Jesus also said, "Love your enemy!"
Christians today think "enemy" refers to an individual enemy, but there is no enemy before God.
Then, who is the enemy? The enemy is the one who violates the law of love, which has infinite value. Who is Satan before God? Satan is an adulterer before God. That is a very tragic and sad fact.
True Father is called a heretic because he disclosed what he recognized in the spiritual world. People say Rev. Moon is the king of heresy who is trying to destroy Christianity.
They are wishing that Rev. Moon would die. However, while True Father is still alive, some of them have already died. Why is this so? It is because of the Will of God. True Father still has a lot of things to do. (121-173)