The Navy's diminutive switcher stands guard over a verrrry interesting load. In the background is the decommissioned USS Independence (CVA-62). Concensus seems to be that this is a shipping and insertion tube for Trident missiles.
소속 및 차종 : United States Navy GE 65 Ton USN 6500606
촬영일자 및 장소 : August 20, 2009 Bremerton, Washington, USA Puget Sound Naval Shipyard

This little switcher is still serving it's country. Started out in 1942 and still going, while the USS Independence (CVA-62) has come and gone (1958-1998).
소속 및 차종 : United States Navy GE 65-Tonner USNX 65-00599
촬영일자 및 장소 : August 26, 2008 Bremerton, Washington, USA Puget Sound Naval Shipyard

As seen from the flying bridge of the Oliver Hazard Perry-class USS McClusky (FFG 41). Built at the San Pedro Todd Shipyard, which closed in 1988, it was commissioned Dec. 10, 1983, in Long Beach. It is 453 feet long, displaces 4,100 tons fully loaded and can hit speeds in excess of 30 knots - 34 miles per hour. Meanwhile, the little GE on the land side of Anaheim Bay is 80 tons, and was built in 1953. I'd like to take a chance here to thank the US Navy for allowing the general public in to see this fascinating operation this weekend.
소속 및 차종 : United States Navy GE 80-ton USNX 65-00359
촬영일자 및 장소 : September 07, 2008 Seal Beach, California, USA Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station

Taken during a tour of FFG 41 USS McClusky, the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station train sits on display at the station's Liberty Gate alongside Anaheim Bay. This location is usually off-limits to the general public and the train cannot be photographed without permission, except on special occasions. 80-tonner USNX 65-00359 is an April 1953 product of General Electric. This area was originally Anaheim Landing, a small resort, and then Bay City, and finally Seal Beach. The Weapons Station was put here during World War II.
소속 및 차종 : United States Navy GE 80-ton USNX 65-00359
촬영일자 및 장소 : September 06, 2008 Seal Beach, California, USA Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station
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