Part 1
1. A) There are beverages available inside a tent.
2. D) He's studying a sign next to a walkway.
3. C) She's sorting through paper files.
4. C) A man is working next to a stack of boxes.
5. B) One of the men is writing on a poster board.
6. C) Lane markings have been painted on a roadway.
Part 2
7. B) On your desk
8. A) The security officer downstairs
9. A) Yes, he's planning it.
10. C) Aren't they delicious?
11. C) By Tuesday at the latest
12. B) No, it's next week.
13. C) Yes, I bought some there yesterday.
14. C) Let's finish our work
15. A) What's your budget?
16. B) I'll reserve a taxi.
17. B) No, I scheduled it for after lunch.
18. C) I'll have time after my meeting.
19. B) Every 15 minutes
20. C) Because it is raining
21. A) Ok, thanks for letting me know
22. C) A couple of our staff members are vegetarians.
23. B) Over $50,000
24. B) I haven't seen her today.
25. B) There's a lot of information to include.
26. A) I'll make sure the room is set up.
27. B) Yes, I'd appreciate that.
28. B) I called them already.
29. A) I'd love to use public transportation to get to work.
30. B) I don't want to move.
31. B) Matthew promised he'd join a conference call.
Part 3
32. D) 복사하기
33. B) 최근에 purchased
34. B) train station
35. C) 시계 수리 clock repair shop
36. A) 이사하기
37. C) a date
38. D) advertising 작업
39. D) video 업로드
40. B) logo 잘 보이게 하기
41. A) 인턴쉽
42. B) 아쿠아리움
43. C) 리뷰 a list
44. C) new director ~ appointed
45. A) 장비 개선
46. C) press conference
47. B) many orders 받음
48. D) hire 직원들
49. C) delivery service
50. C) 호텔 직원
51. B) missing 아이템
52. A) 주소 알려주기
53. D) 컨설턴트 recommendation
54. C) 제안에 대한 의구심 doubtful ~ suggestion
55. B) 디자이너
56. B) computer program
57. A) visiting website
58. D) 너를 도와주기에는 시간이 없다 available
59. B) 콘서트홀
60. C) request ~ 여분의 preparation time을 더 요청하려고
61. A) 크루에게 알리기 update
62. B) phase 2
63. A) 업무가 너무 느려요.
64. D) 이메일 보내기
65. B) agenda full
66. A) 고객 설문 결과
67. D) 9달러
68. B) 인테리어 디자이너
69. A) step 1
70. D) cost estimate
Part 4
71. A) 매니저
72. D) 프로그램 도움 많이 됨.
73. A) 자료검토
74. D) share story
75. A) 짧게 해라 short
76. B) 홀리데이
77. D) 오픈 행사
78. A) 신규고객 유치
79. B) 입어보고 싶다면 try on
80. A) lead 워크숍
81. C) planing mistake를 설명하기 위해서
82. C) 인터뷰
83. D) 직원 지각 late
84. A) tickets ~ ready.
85. C) 라이트 하우스의 역사
86. D) wallpaper
87. C) 디자인의 creativity
88. C) 그 design은 필요 없다
89. D) 엔지니어
90. C) electric ships
91. A) 스케쥴 변경
92. C) 의회 멤버들
93. A) disrepair의 상태다
94. B) justify a cost
95. B) 더 많은 고객을 유치하기 위해
96. B) 핸드백
97. D) food가 제공될 것이다.
98. C) 구매 tips을 알려준다.
99. D) [4]
100. D) mobile application
Part 5
101. B) beside
102. A) qualified
103. D) supplies
104. B) satisfied
105. D) widely
106. A) launch
107. C) lively
108. C) briefly
109. A) By
110. C) constructive
111. A) considerably
112. C) Weakness
113. D) even if
114. C) strongly
115. B) balance
116. A) he
117. C) harbor
118. C) widely
119. D) when
120. D) have been returned
121. C) surprised
122. A) during
123. D) health
124. A) so that
125. A) installation
126. B) most common
127. C) commence
128. B) those
129. D) will debut
130. D) impartial
Part 6
131. A) are
132. C) Bus drivers are ~~ necessary ~~
133. D) competitive
134. B) In addition
135. B) For instance
136. C) information
137. A) regarding
138. C) Fortunately, most web browsers allow ~~~
139. C) within
140. A) Let us help you ~~ these objectives.
141. A) space
142. D) previous
143. A) Once there
144. C) that
145. D) We are confident that the transition will be a smooth one.
146. D) congratulate
Part 7
147. C) purchased in many colors.
148. B) coffee beans
149. C) species of trees can be found
150. D) he works with conservation groups
151. D) a good candidate라고 생각함.
152. A) he has known Ms.M~~~ for a long time
153. D) staff meeting ~~~ summarize
154. B) gain more customers quickly
155. B) first wind farm이 될 것이다.
156. A) lower cost
157. D) [4]
158. A) it will begin on June 16
159. D) more candidates will participate
160. D) on Saturdays
161. C) colleague's success 알리기 위해서
162. B) participants를 위해 event를 열 것이다.
163. D) she will be in LA
164. C) a boostore
165. D) both struggles when they first opened
166. B) gain
167. D) another garden center을 open할 것이다.
168. A) promote ~ innovative device
169. C) connect ~ online system
170. B) 다음 주 이후 demonstration 스케줄을 잡기 위해
171. C) [3]
172. D) coordinate a work schedule
173. A) a private house
174. C) 보통 3일 이내에 work complete
175. B) early Friday morning.
176. B) leads
177. B) It is staffed mainly by volunteers.
178. C) 커뮤니티 멤버들에게 deliver books
179. B) application status
180. C) 2주 이내에 연락할 것이다.
181. A) entrance
182. A) essential
183. C) 박물관을 더 inviting하게 만들기를 원한다
184. D) on display in July
185. C) membership cost가 인하될 것이다.
186. D) several months 미리 예약하는 것
187. A) touring 영국
188. D) 해당 날짜에 ~ no longer ~ tour
189. A) hires individual and group acts
190. B) Performers must end their act by 10PM
191. B) submitting ~~~ registration 10월 말 전에
192. C) Mr. Samuel
193. C) conference sponsor의 메세지로 환영 인사를 한다.
194. A) 아시아 지사 ~ in existence for ~ two years
195. B) 자신이 살고 있는 도시의 conference
196. B) marchinery repair 요청하기 위해
197. A) ouside company
198. D) line manager
199. D) Haver Industry
200. C) 477