Part 1
1. C) They’re chatting at work.
2. A) She’s watering a potted plant.
3. B) A worker is using a machine to move some boxes.
4. A) Some people are meeting in an office space.
5. D) Clothing is displayed outside on racks.
6. B) Some tires are stacked against a building.
Part 2
7. B) I'd be happy to
8. B) He'll be here tomorrow.
9. A) On the loading dock
10. B) As soon as it's finished
11. C) The same type
12. C) Yes, let's reach out to her
13. C) No, I have a conflict at that time.
14. A) The one on Green Street
15. C) I can help you with that.
16. B) I got a recommendation from a friend.
17. C) Yes, they seemed to find it helpful.
18. B) Okay, do you have a plan?
19. A) Let me look at the schedule
20. A) It hasn't been announced yet.
21. B) Thanks, but I know how to do it.
22. C) Because they're redesigning the format
23. C) It is a bit warm in here.
24. B) Don't you live next to a florist shop?
25. C) Then, let's wait and look at the Web site
26. C) The game was cancelled.
27. A) There are so many good options.
28. C) It's only a small discount.
29. A) This is our busiest quarter.
30. A) I'll pay for our lunch.
31. C) I heard the traffic is heavy this morning.
Part 3
32. B) 티켓 창구 직원
33. D) go on excursion
34. C) restaurant를 방문해라
35. B) moving company
36. A) estimate를 제공하기 위해
37. C) 주소
38. C) Human Resources
39. A) 리서치 작업
40. D) 계약서
41. C) 가구
42. A) supplier
43. B) concerned ~ quality
44. D) vacation
45. A) 테니스
46. C) discount
47. B) 영업 sales
48. D) client meeting 일정이 잡혀있어서
49. C) make a reservation
50. A) recycling 회사
51. B) match Competitors 경쟁사 가격과 매치해줘
52. C) deliver ~ materials
53. A) athletic shose
54. B) mistaken assumption에 대해 correct
55. B) decreased가격이 낮아짐
56. C) 건설
57. D) 경쟁업체가 더 faster하게 해줄 수 있다.
58. B) 리서치를 더 conduct해봐라
59. D) conduct ~ 직원 survey
60. C) agree ~ proposed renovation
61. C) dentist appointment
62. C) 좋은 고객 서비스
63. D) sunflower
64. A) landscaper하고 meeting이 있다.
65. A) 식당
66. D) 다운타운 district
67. B) introducing ~ bicycle 딜리버리
68. B) museum 직원들
69. B) egyptian jug
70. A) does not have ~ storage
Part 4
71. B) solar panel
72. D) 날씨가 안 좋아서
73. C) speaking ~ representative 직원
74. B) help maintaining trails
75. B) post ~ website
76. D) pass out waivers
77. C) performing 아트 센터
78. D) insulated walls ~ absorb sound
79. A) 대부분 sold out
80. D) airline
81. C) 라운지 access가 된다.
82. A) 확인 번호
83. A) food
84. D) 이 공간은 충분하게 크지 않다 not big
85. B) visit ~ museum
86. A) aviation 항공
87. B) 성공적인 training program
88. A) watch ~ video
89. C) 가구회사
90. B) removal of unwanted 가구
91. D) more space가 필요하다
92. B) 역 확장 공사 expansion
93. A) reassurance
94. A) 인터뷰
95. A) 자전거 대회
96. C) repair bridge
97. B) Rose St.
98. D) finance
99. A) Stage1
100. A) 영업시간 변경
Part 5
101. C) and
102. A) bottle
103. D) famous
104. B) shortly
105. A) project
106. A) her
107. D) daily
108. A) copies
109. A) after
110. D) advanced
111. B) basis
112. A) only
113. C) Despite
114. B) using
115. B) primary
116. D) responsible
117. A) extended
118. B) either
119. B) within
120. A) acts
121. C) until
122. D) continuously
123. C) among
124. D) to be forgotten
125. B) absorb
126. C) whose
127. B) diligently
128. A) mechanism
129. C) adaptable
130. B) rather
Part 6
131. A) role
132. A) There
133. C) He will be joining us on January 12.
134. C) has been
135. D) as
136. C) They communicate with their team regularly to keep them informed.
137. B) will learn
138. C) Participants
139. B) innovative
140. A) However, marketing is not our strength.
141. B) promoting
142. D) opportunity
143. A) Lengthier articles are sometimes considered as well.
144. C) Before you do
145. A) We
146. B) drafts
Part 7
147. C) to attract people who want to promote their businesses
148. C) weekly publication
149. A) request ~ meeting
150. D) provide ~ landscaping ideas
151. B) people ~ outdoor activities.
152. D) guests can prepare food
153. D) 포커스 그룹 미팅
154. B) not interrupted.
155. C) A beverage manufacture
156. D) ingredient가 unavailable
157. D) 12월
158. C) too frequently하게 malfuncation을 해
159. A) converting 비디오
160. B) [2]
161. B) inform ~ employees ~ company program
162. B) steel production에 involved 되어있다
163. D) 회사에서 열린다 take place
164. B) appropriate (=
165. D) providing guidelines ~ specific jobs
166. B) procedure
167. D) training 스케줄표를 받기 위해서
168. A) it gets cold enough to snow
169. C) division director한테 그 문제점을 notify
170. D) 임금 협상
171. B) [2]
172. D) content developer
173. A) 바이오 테크 캐피털
174. C) Ms. La ~~~
175. B) not need revision.
176. C) items ~ not be delivered.
177. B) concretizer
178. C) complete
179. D) 지점이 여러 개이다.
180. B) $359
181. A) different for each country.
182. C) initial meeting동안에 set up된다.
183. D) questionnaire이 제대로 received되었는지 unsure하다
184. B) Mr. W~~~
185. C) operations를 expand할 계획을 가지고 있다
186. C) for free
187. D) international company
188. C) 회사의 역사에 대해서 알아 보려고
189. A) 6개월 동안 fee를 내지 않아도 된다.
190. B) describe ~ managing funds
191. A) 7시 전에는 아침을 안 준다
192. D) 30일 이내에 receipts를 제출해야 한다.
193. C) 산타 클라라에서 열렸다.
194. C) Santa Clara
195. D) 20년 넘게 영업을 해왔다.
196. D) spoken to each other previously
197. A) It takes a lot of time
198. D) Step 4
199. C) preferred time에 가르치지 못 한다.
200. B) Notify ~ unable to use a reservation