안녕하세요- 저는 이미 어학연수를 마치고 한국으로 돌아온 학생입니다. 10개월간의 짧지만 길었던 벤쿠버에서의 생활을 마치고 돌아왔는데 제가 거기서 저의 8개월을 함께 했던 선생님을 소개시켜드리고싶어서요;
뭐 다른건일단 모르겠고 모든 영어의 기초는 발음이라고 생각합니다. 저도 그렇게 배웠고 발음을 하나하나 배워가면서 영어가 친숙해지고 귀에 들리기시작했던거같아요
밑에 글은 엊그제 저랑 이메일을 주고받던 Marilyn이 표현했던 한국사람들 영어 공부 문제점을 그대로 옮겨놔봤어요.
으으으음. 뭐 이튜터를 떠나서 영어를 배우려고 오셨다면 정말 활동적으로 여기저기서 많이 겪어보세요 정말 돌아다니면서 피부로배우는 영어가 오래가는거같네요
선생님 이름음 Marilyn(메를린)이고여
일주일에 월~금요일까지 매일3시간씩 하실분을 찾고잇어요. 저도 이런저런 튜터를 해보았지만 일주일에 두세번에서는 별로 도움이안되더라고요,
더자세한사항은 메일주세요(twince33@hotmail.com) 아니면
메를린 이메일주소도 남겨놓을테니 직접물어보셔도되요 ----------------> mladateng@gmail.com
참고로 전 메를린이 부탁해서 글남겨주는거고요; 미리 어학연수다녀온 사람으로써 물어보고싶으신거잇으면 메일로 물어보셔도되요~
아 070전화기나 뭐 아무거나 전화로 주셔도되고여 한국시간 잘봐주세요 ㅋㅋ
010-2093-7508 장동환(JD) (실명까지 올린관계로 뭐 광고같은거진짜 아니고여 ㅡ,ㅡ; 궁금한거물어보세요 ~~~
Thanks JD,
Lee is holding up well but we don't know if it is serious or not yet. Right now he is walking about one kilometre per hour and using a cane to help support him as he walks because he is having a difficult time breathing as well. So at this time, we are still waiting for the doctors to tell us what is wrong with him.
He is frustrated right now because his voice is paralyzed and he cannot torture students right now and have them call him an S.O.B.. KKK
Part of the problem we have noticed is that most Korean students focus on grammar and conversation ESL classes not pronunciation until six months later when they become frustrated that many English people cannot understand them. Only then do they try to get pronunciation training which is unfortunate as they don't really have enough time to learn.
Remember your trip through the Rockies with your three companions and you had to do all the talking for the group especially the situation where the one guy asked the waitress for service and you had to re-ask her for him. You might want to mention that in the advertisement. It is just a thought.
You were the smart person. You studied your pronunciations hard, almost from the time you came to Canada, even while going to ESL, conversation club, and listening classes. Your other advantage was to put yourself in a position where you only spoke English even with the Korean friends you made. That is very rare when it comes to try to explain the need to speak English as much as possible and refrain from speaking Korean.
It is unfortunate that more Korean students don't follow your example.
Is your internship finished now? What were you interning as?
Regards and take care,