A new Amnesty
International report says survivors tell of the
of tens of thousands
of political prisoners in
Syria. The report also estimates more than 17,000
people died or were killed in Syrian military prisons between March 2011 and
December 2015. An uprising against Syrian
President Bashar al-Assad began in 2011. This led to a civil war that
continues today. Charges in the report, called “It Breaks the Human,” were based
on interviews with 65 torture survivors. Most witnesses told Amnesty they had
seen at least one death while in prison. The Director of Amnesty International
for the Middle East and North Africa, Philip Luther, called the report a
“catalog of horror stories.” “For decades, Syrian government forces have used
torture as a means to crush their
opponents,” Luther said.
“Today, it is being carried
out as part of a systematic and widespread
attack directed
against anyone suspected of
the government in the civilian population and amounts to crimes against
humanity.” Syrian
authorities have denied
the charges.
* Amnesty International = 국제 사면 위원회/ tell of ~ = ~을 알리다[설명하다]/
torture = 고문; 고문과 같은 것/ tens of thousands of ~ = 수천 수만의, 수많은 ~/ political
prisoner = 정치[국사]범/ estimate = 추산[추정]하다/ uprising = 봉기, 반란, 폭동/ lead to ~ = ~로
이어지다/ means = 수단, 방법, 방도/ crush = (폭력으로) 진압[탄압]하다/ opponent = 반대자; 상대/ carry out
= ~을 수행[이행]하다/ systematic = 체계적인, 조직적인/ direct against[at] ~ = ~을 겨누다[향하게 하다]/
be suspected of ~ = ~의 의심을 받는/ oppose = 반대하다/ amount to ~ = ~와 마찬가지이다[~에 해당하다]
(합계가) ~에 이르다[달하다]/ humanity = 인류, 인간/ authorities = 당국, 관계자, 정부당국/ charge = 비난;
(경찰의) 기소, 고발
The report said that abuses increased at the
start of the Syrian uprising. “…Anyone perceived to oppose the
government is at risk
of arbitrary detention, torture and
other ill-treatment,
disappearance and death in
custody,” it said. Most detainees told Amnesty
they experienced torture and other ill-treatment during almost all
interrogations. The
torture described included beatings, electric shock,
psychological abuse and other methods. Amnesty Syria expert Claudia Scheufler
helped put the report
together. She said there is much more torture now than there
was in the past.
* abuse = 학대; 남용, 오용/ perceive =
~을 (~로) 여기다; 감지[인지]하다/ (be) at risk of ~ =~의 위험에 처한/ arbitrary = [행동・결정・법칙 등이]
임의적인, 제멋대로인; 전횡을 일삼는, 독단적인/ detention = (특히 유치장・교도소에서의) 구금[구류]/ ill-treatment =
학대, 혹사, 냉대/ enforced = 강제적인, 강요된/ in
custody = 구류되어, 감금되어/ detainee = 억류자/ interrogation = 심문, 질문; 의문/ electric shock
= 전기 충격/ put sth together = (이것저것을 모아) 만들다[준비하다]
Amnesty Report on Syrian Prisons Details ‘Catalog of Horror’ - WTS.mp3