In today’s passage, the disciples, who witnessed Jesus' resurrection, were overjoyed but still could not believe it fully. They were thankful and happy, yet it didn’t feel real to them. Then, the resurrected Jesus took a piece of grilled fish from them and ate it. The resurrected Jesus ate food, showing that He was indeed the real Jesus.
Jesus truly rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. He remains in heaven with His resurrected body and will return with that same body.
We must stand on Jesus’ side, starting now. To do so, we must bear the marks of Jesus’ death on our bodies. Just as Jesus died for us, we must die to our own selves, desires, and cravings for Him. Instead, we must let God’s Word and will come alive in our bodies.
Excerpt from the sermon by Pastor Lee, Jan 6, 2024.
Luke 24:36-43