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카페 프로필 이미지
사단법인 한배달
카페 게시글
자유게시판 스크랩 숫자 경 만 억 백 천 십이 뜻하는 것은? ten의 어원,千의 어원,萬의 어원
나비우스 추천 0 조회 154 18.04.04 01:03 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

10 十

10은 숫자의 마무리에 해당한다.



1. 노, 실, 끈 따위를 잡아매어 마디를 만들다. 

2. 어떤 일을 순서에 따라 마무리하다.



settle, finish, (formal) conclude, (informal) wrap up

의 어원 

① 노, 끈, 실같은 것으로 한가닥 또는 두가닥이상이 한 점에서 교차하면서 이루는 형태. 

② 한자어로는 매집(每緝), 결(結), 결자(結子)등으로 표기되었다


베트남어 th?p [十]발음 [텁]

deca, ten

덕 德 덕<-->덥 받침 ㄱ<-->ㅂ 호환

도오 일본어 10

틑-->트르-->틀-->튼-->텐 (ten 영어)



틑-->트르-->트흐-->th번데기-->습-->십 (한국어 한자발음)




즉 끝나는 수 이다.

tet-->ter 트르-->th번데기-->슬(권설음 중국어 十 10)

Chinese: "十" | Query method: Match substring
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *k(h)i?p
Meaning: ten
Chinese:  *g_ip ten.
Modern (Beijing) reading: shi?
Preclassic Old Chinese: gip
Classic Old Chinese: gip
Western Han Chinese: gj?p
Eastern Han Chinese: gj?p
Early Postclassic Chinese: gjip
Middle Postclassic Chinese: gjip
Late Postclassic Chinese: gjip
Middle Chinese: ??ip
English meaning : be ten
Russian meaning[s]: 1) десять; десятикратный; из десяти; 2) октябрь; 3) целиком, полностью, на 100%
Comments: For unaspirated *g- cf. Xiamen cap8, Chaozhou cap8, Fuzhou sek8.
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Number: 15
Chinese etymology: Chinese etymology
MC description : 深開三入緝襌
ZIHUI: 0577 0493
Beijing: s?i?_ 12
Jinan: s?i?_ 12
Xi'an: s?i?_ 12
Taiyuan: s?? 42
Hankou: si_ 12
Chengdu: si_ 12
Yangzhou: s?? 4
Suzhou: zo?? 42
Wenzhou: zai 42
Changsha: s?i?_ 4
Shuangfeng: s?i?_ 31
Nanchang: s?t 41
Meixian: s?p 42
Guangzhou: ?ap 42
Xiamen: sip 42 (lit.); cap 42
Chaozhou: cap 42
Fuzhou: sei? 42
Shanghai: za? 42
Zhongyuan yinyun: ?i 41
Radical: 24
Four-angle index: 2225
Karlgren code: 0686 a-d
Vietnamese reading: tha??p
Jianchuan Bai: c?2
Dali Bai: ci2
Bijiang Bai: ?er2
Burmese: kjip ten (in numbering of rational beings).
Lushai: KC *kIp.
Comments: Limbu gip-. Sh. 46; Ben. 19.

Proto-Dravidian : *teg-
Meaning : to be full, finished
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Eurasiatic: *t?VkV
Meaning: to be completed, exhausted
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *k?h?ei-
Proto-IE: *dg?hey-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to disappear, to die
Tokharian: ? A ktsets 'finished, perfect', B ktsaitse 'old (of age' (PT *ktsaitstse) (Adams 242 with doubts)
Old Indian: ks?in???ti, ks?in?o?ti, ks?ayati `to destroy, corrupt, ruin', ptc. ks?ita?-, ks??na?-, pass. ks??ya?te; ks?aya- m. `loss, waste, wane', ks?i?ti- f. `wane, ruin, destruction'
Avestan: gen. x?y? `Hinschwinden, Elend, Not', inf. x?ay? `um zu verderben'
Old Greek: phthi?n?, phthinu?th?, aor. phth??sai, att. phthi?sai?, ephti?m?n, phthi?meno-, e?phthithen, pf. med. e?phthitai?, va. phthito?- `hinschwinden, vergehen, umkommen' bzw. `verschwinden machen, verzehren, vernichten'; phtho?? f. `Schwindsucht', phthi?si-s `das Schwinden, Abnehmen, Auzehrung, Schwindsucht'
Latin: situs, -?s m. `Moder, Schmutz, Schimmel, Rost'; sitis, -is (acc. -im) f. `Durst'
Russ. meaning: исчезать, погибать
References: WP I 505 f
Altaic: *t`uki?
Proto-Altaic: *t`uki?
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to come to an end, be exhausted
Russian meaning: заканчиваться, истощаться
Turkic: *t?ke-
Proto-Turkic: *t?ke-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: to come to an end
Russian meaning: кончаться, истощаться
Old Turkic: t?ke- (Orkh., OUygh.)
Karakhanid: t?ke- (MKKBIM)
Turkish: t?ken-
Tatar: t?gen-
Middle Turkic: t?ken- (Sangl.)
Uzbek: tuga-, tugan-
Uighur: t?g?-
Sary-Yughur: t?ke-
Azerbaidzhan: t?k?n-
Turkmen: t?ken-
Khakassian: t?gel-
Shor: t?gen-
Oyrat: t?gen-
Halaj: tiken-
Yakut: t?ks?, t?g?s? 'enough, completely'
Kirghiz: t?g?n-
Kazakh: t?ges-
Balkar: t?gen-
Gagauz: t?ken-
Karaim: t?gen-, tigen-
Kumyk: t?gen-
Comments: VEWT 504, EDT 479, 484.
Mongolian: *t?g?s-
Proto-Mongolian: *t?g?s-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: to come to an end
Russian meaning: заканчиваться
Written Mongolian: t?g?s-, teg?s- (L 796)
Middle Mongolian: tuge- 'be quite enough', tegus 'completely' (SH)
Khalkha: t?gs?-
Buriat: t?gese-
Kalmuck: t?g?s-
Ordos: t?g?s-
Baoan: t?g?saŋ 'complete, full'
Comments: KW 406, MGCD 644.
Japanese: *tuku-
Proto-Japanese: *tuku-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 to come to an end, be exhausted 2 to exhaust
Russian meaning: 1 заканчивать(ся), истощать(ся) 2 истощать, исчерпывать
Old Japanese: tuku- 1, tukus- 2
Middle Japanese: tu?ku?- 1, tu?ku?s- 2
Tokyo: tsuki?-, tsu?ki- 1; tsuku?s- 2; tsukare- 'be tired, exhausted'
Kyoto: tsu?ki?- 1, tsu?ku?s- 2
Kagoshima: tsu?ki?-1, tsuku?s- 2
Comments: JLTT 773, 774. Accent is very diverse and hardly reconstructable in this root.
Comments: KW 406, Владимирцов 154, Poppe 57, Miller 1981, 863 (Turk.-Jpn.). Despite Щербак 1997, 160, not borrowed in Turk. < Mong. It seems worth mentioning Evk. dial. ti?ko- `to die (of exhaustion), starve' - which may, however, be a derivative of tik- `to fall'.
Kartvelian: *dagr-
Proto-Kartvelian: *dagr-
Nostratic: Nostratic
Russian meaning: умирать
English meaning: die
Svan: dagar-
Dravidian: *teg-
Eskimo-Aleut: *tuqu- (-t-)
Proto-Eskimo: *tuqu- (-t-)
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to die; to kill
Russian meaning: умирать; убивать
Proto-Yupik: *tuqu- (-t-)
Proto-Inupik: *tuqu- (-t-)
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 354
Chukchee-Kamchatkan: *tku- 'to come to an end'
References: ND 2287 *tap?ka 'attack, obstruct, prevent' (FP with quite dub. Turk., Sem.).
Proto-South Dravidian: *teg-
Proto-South Dravidian : *teg-
Meaning : to be full, complete
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Tamil : tekul? (tekul?v-, tekun?t?-), tevil? (tevil?v-, tevin?t?-), tevul? (tevul?v-, tevun?t?-)
Tamil meaning : to be full, increase, overflow
Tamil derivates : tekiz? (-v-, -nt-) to be full; tekul?am fullness, abundance; tekut?t?u (tekut?t?i-) to cloy, glut; tekit?t?u surfeit; tevit?t?u (tevit?t?i-) to become full, be sated, glutted, cloyed; n. loathing (as of food from satiety); tevvu (tevvi-) to fill; tikai (-v-, -nt-) to complete (intr.), come to an end
Malayalam : tikayuka
Malayalam meaning : to become full, complete, be fulfilled, finished
Malayalam derivates : tika fullness; tikaccaltikavu completion, satiety; tikekka to complete, fill up, fulfil; tivir_r_uka to force into a vessel, cram
Kannada : t?vu
Kannada meaning : to become full, abound, spread; fill (tr.)
Notes : Possibly two roots (forms like Kannada t?vu do not really fit in).
Number in DED : 3405
Proto-Telugu : *teg-
Proto-Telugu : *teg-
Meaning : (work) to be finished, ended
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Telugu (Krishnamurti) : tegu
Additional forms : Also (S?aŋk. K.) tegudala end, termination, completion
Number in DED : 3405

끝나다란 말은 영어의 terminate 끝내다 장사 끝낼때 뜨리미 할때 ter-의 변형음이 teg-이다.

Meaning : "finish" | Query method: Match substring
Total of 3 records
Proto-Dravidian : *t?r_-
Meaning : 1 to accomplish; to finish 2 to clear
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Proto-South Dravidian: *t?r_-
Proto-South Dravidian : *t?r_-
Meaning : clear; true, evident
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Tamil : t?r_u (t?r_i-)
Tamil meaning : to be accepted as true, be clarified, made clear as water, be strengthened, recover from swooning or intoxication, be thorough, accomplished, mature (as the mind), reach perfection, thrive as vegetation, be comforted, consoled, cheer up, be successful in examination, prove, result, amount to (as profit), trust, confide, believe in, decide; n. clearness, certainty
Tamil derivates : t?r_unar the learned, trustworthy persons; t?r_a thoroughly; t?r_al clearness, pure, clarified toddy, honey, clarified juice; t?r_in_ar tested or tried friends; t?r_in_avan_ person of experience, one well-versed in an art, an adept; t?r_r_u (t?r_r_i-) to make clear, convince, assure, relieve from doubt, know, understand, swear, take an oath, clear, clarify, refine, comfort, console, cure, give relief, communicate strength, nourish, cherish, invigorate, encourage; n. making clear, becoming clear; t?r_r_am certainty, assurance, determination, clearness, presence of mind, comfort, consolation, thriving, luxuriant growth; t?r_r_an_ person of true knowledge; t?r_r_?t?r_r_ut?r_u clearing-nut tree; t?r_r_?ŋ-kot?t?ai clearing nut; ter_r_al clear-sighted person; ter_r_-en_a clearly; ter_r_-en_avu certainty, clearness; t?t?t?ai clearness, transparency, clear water
Malayalam : t?r_uka
Malayalam meaning : to be strengthened, thrive, mend, recover, believe
Malayalam derivates : t?r_al clearness, thriving, certainty, thought, nectar; t?r_r_am firmness, faith, trust; t?r_r_uka to make strong; t?r_r_?maram Strychnos potatorum
Kannada : t?t?a, t?t?e
Kannada meaning : clearness, purity (as that of water, etc.)
Kannada derivates : t?ru to reach as the end; (the object) to be reached, be successful as in an examination; t?rgad?et?rugad?e success (in an examination); terpar_teppar_ to become conscious, recover one's senses, recover from fainting; animate; teppar_isut?eppar_isu to recover one's senses, become conscious, start up, awake
Kodagu : t??r- (t??ruv-, t??nd-)
Kodagu meaning : (man) becomes full-grown
Tulu : t?t?u?
Tulu meaning : pure, clear
Tulu derivates : t?rgad?e? settlement, conclusion, acquittal, passing (an examination)
Proto-Nilgiri : *t?r_-
Notes : Kannada and Tulu forms are dubious. All forms with -t?- are obviously borrowed from Telugu, since this is not a regular reflexation; forms with plain -r- are either dialectal or borrowed as well.
Number in DED : 3471
Proto-Telugu : *t?r_-/*t?t?-
Proto-Telugu : *t?r_-/*t?t?-
Meaning : clearness, purity, transparency, any clear liquid, the thin and clear upper stratum of a liquid, brightness, liveliness, cheerfulness; clear, pure, bright, lively, cheerful, plain, simple, clear, evident, manifest
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Telugu : t?t?a
Additional forms : Also [1] t?r_u, [2] t?ru to become clear or free from suspended matter, clarify, settle; recover from an illness, injury, shock, etc., convalesce; t?r_i c?cu to look steadily or earnestly, gaze; [1] t?r_ucu, [2] t?rcu to make clear, clarify, settle; t?r_ugad?a settlement, conclusion, completion, end; t?lu to be the outcome or result, be settled or decided, terminate, succeed, be successful; [1] teppir_ilu, [2] teppir_illu, [3] teppir_u to recover from an illness, injury, misfortune, shock, etc., convalesce or be convalescent
Number in DED : 3471
Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *t?r- (*-r_-)
Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *t?r- (*-r_-)
Meaning : to clear
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Kondekor Gadba : t?rsap- "to clear (as a liquid)"
Number in DED : 3471
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *t?r- (*-r_-)
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *t?r- (*-r_-)
Meaning : to finish
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Proto-Gondi : *t?r-
Proto-Dravidian : *t?r_-
Meaning : to be finished
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Proto-South Dravidian: *t?r-
Proto-South Dravidian : *t?r-
Meaning : to end
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Tamil : t?r (-v-, -nt-)
Tamil meaning : to end, vanish, be completed, finished, separate, leave, cause (as pain), go, proceed, be absent, die, perish, be used up, be settled (as a quarrel), become expert; leave, quit, solve
Tamil derivates : (-pp-, -tt-) to leave, quit, finish, complete, perfect, destroy, kill, cure, pay off (as debt), settle (dispute); t?rntavan_ accomplished man, expert; t?rpu finishing, concluding; t?rvu conclusion, end, removal, expiation, remedy; t?rvai conclusion, end, certainty, expiation, judgement; t?rmai absence, cessation; t?ra entirely, perfectly, absolutely; t?rkkam decision, positiveness, intelligent and attractive expression of face, perfection, completeness; t?rpp?n_ physician; t?rppu settlement, conclusion, completion, judgement; t?rm?n_i (-pp-, -tt-) to determine, resolve, decide, conclude, finish
Malayalam : t?ruka
Malayalam meaning : to be completed, perfected, be settled, be expiated, be finished, cease
Malayalam derivates : t?ra wholly; t?ru settlement, discharge of a claim upon land; t?rum?nam determination; t?rmma settlement, resolution; t?rkka to accomplish, conclude, make an end of, pay off, remove, remedy, settle, determine; t?rppikka to get made, get settled; t?rcca completion, end; t?rppu settlement, decree
Kannada : t?r (t?rd-), t?ru (t?ri-)
Kannada meaning : to be finished, end, be accomplished, be possible to be accomplished, be cured, die, be paid, be settled, decided
Kannada derivates : t?rat?ru conclusion, settlement, arrangement; beauty, manner; t?rame conclusion; t?rike conclusion, settlement; t?risu to finish, fulfil, settle, remove, pay off; t?rcu id., to cure, destroy; t?rukan?it?rkan?e end, state of being discharged, state of being settled; t?rpu settlement, decision; t?rum?nat?rm?na conclusion, settlement, decision
Kodagu : t??r- (t??ruv-, t??nd-)
Kodagu meaning : to be used up, (work) is finished
Kodagu derivates : (t??p-t??t-) to use up, finish
Tulu : t?runi
Tulu meaning : to be finished, settled, be able
Tulu derivates : t?rpunit?rp?vunit?risunit?ris?vunit?rs?vuni to finish, complete, settle, decide, pay off (debt); t?ra entire, whole; wholly, positively; t?rike? conclusion, end; t?ruvike?t?rvike?t?rum?na conclusion, settlement; t?relu? termination, conclusion; t?rpu settlement, decision; t?rgad?e? completion
Miscellaneous : KOR (M) t?d?d?? to fulfil
Number in DED : 3278
Proto-Telugu : *t?r_-
Proto-Telugu : *t?r_-
Meaning : to be finished, completed, concluded, be set right; n. beauty, manner, way; beautiful, shapely
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Telugu : t?ru
Telugu (Krishnamurti) : t?r?? "thoroughly"
Additional forms : Also [1] t?rucu, [2] t?rcu to finish, complete, end, set right, settle, decide, pay (debt), remove, put an end to, destroy, ruin; t?rugad?a completion, end; [1] t?rpari, [2] t?rupari judge; [1] t?rupu, [2] t?rpu settlement, decision, decree; t?r_u to be destroyed, be removed, got rid of, (K also) perish, end, be possible; t?r_ucu to destroy, remove, rid (one) of
Number in DED : 3278
Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *t?r- (*-r_-)
Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *t?r- (*-r_-)
Meaning : to be finished
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Kolami : t?r- (t?t?-) "(work, food, etc.) is finished"
Naikri : t?r-
Additional forms : Also Kolami t?rp- (t?ript-) to finish (work, food, etc.); Naikri t?rp- to finish
Number in DED : 3278
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *t?r_-
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *t?r_-
Meaning : to be finished
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Konda : t?r_- (-it-)
Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *t?r-
Proto-North Dravidian : *t?r-
Proto-North-Dravidian : *t?r-
Meaning : to lag behind; to go away
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Kurukh : tirn? "to lag behind, arrive late"
Malto : t?re "to go away, be off"
Additional forms : Also KUR t?rta??n? to delay (tr.); MLT t?rtre to remove.
Number in DED : 3278
Notes : Irregular *-r- in SDR.

Proto-Altaic: *?i?obe ( ~ *t-)
Meaning: ten
Russian meaning: десять
Tungus-Manchu: *?uba-n
Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *?uba-n
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: ten
Russian meaning: десять
Evenki: ??n
Even: ??n-nu?
Negidal: ??n
Spoken Manchu: ?uan (2744)
Literary Manchu: ?uwan
Jurchen: ?uwa (645)
Ulcha: ?u?wa(n)
Orok: ??n
Nanai: ?oa?
Oroch: ??(n)
Udighe: ??(n)
Solon: ???
Comments: ТМС 1, 248.
Japanese: *t?w?
Proto-Japanese: *t?w?
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: ten
Russian meaning: десять
Old Japanese: towo
Tokyo: t??
Kyoto: t??
Kagoshima: t??
Comments: JLTT 550. Original accent unclear, as in all numerals.
Comments: JOAL 84. A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.

인도계열의 대표언어들

구자라트어 Dasa

네팔어 Dasa

마라티어 Dah?

말라얄람어 patt

벵골어 Da?a

신할라어 dahaya

칸나다어 Hattu

텔루구어 Padi

펀자브어 Dasa

힌디어 das

100 百 어원


Proto-Dravidian : *pa?l-
Meaning : many
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Proto-South Dravidian: *pa?l-
Proto-South Dravidian : *pa?l-
Meaning : many
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Tamil : pala
Tamil meaning : many, several, diverse
Tamil derivates : palar many or several persons, assembly, society; pall?r many persons; pan_mai plurality, multitude; pal many (OTa., only in cpds., e. g. pal-k?lum many times, often, pan_-malai many hills; Zvelebil 1977)
Malayalam : pala
Malayalam meaning : many, several, various
Kannada : pala, palavu
Kannada meaning : much, many, several, various
Kannada derivates : palarpalambarpalavar several persons; palarme several times
Proto-Nilgiri : *pal[-i?] (?)
Notes : Unexplainable *-e- in PN.
Number in DED : 3987
Proto-Telugu : *pal-
Proto-Telugu : *pal-
Meaning : many, several, various, different
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Telugu : palu
Additional forms : Also [1] paluvuru, [2] paluvun?d?ru many persons
Number in DED : 3987
Proto-North Dravidian : *pal-
Proto-North-Dravidian : *pal-
Meaning : to be multiplied, be bred
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Malto : palware
Additional forms : Also Malto palwatre to breed, rear
Number in DED : 3987

만---->만 가득차다 먼 멀다

많다 에서 나왔음

Proto-Altaic: *mana
Nostratic: Nostratic
Eurasiatic: *m[o]nV
Meaning: many
Borean: Borean
Altaic: *mana
Uralic: *mone (*mune)
Number: 556
Proto: *mone (*mune)
> Nostratic: > Nostratic
English meaning: a certain quantity, many
German meaning: eine gewisse Quantit?t, viel
Finnish: moni (gen. monen), dial. muni 'mancher, -e(s)', monet 'viele, viel', monta (kertaa) 'vielmal' ( > Saam. N moad'de 'more than one, a couple, two')
Estonian: mo?ni (gen. mo?ne) 'mancher, einige'
Saam (Lapp): moana?k (pl.) (N) 'more than a couple, a good many', ma?nah (L) 'einige, ein Paar', muanas (Ko. Not.) 'einiger' ?
Udmurt (Votyak): kwa-mi?n (S), kwa-m??n (K), kwa-mi??n (G) 'dreißig', mi?nda (S), m??nda (K) 'eine gewisse Quantit?t habend', mi??nda (G) 'so viel wie'
Komi (Zyrian): ko-mi?n (S) 'dreißig', n?el?a-mi?n (S) 'vierzig', veti?-mi?n (S) 'f?nfzig', kvat?i?-mi?n (S), kvajti?-mi?n (V) 'sechzig', ki?-mi?n (S) 'wieviel?', mi?j-mi?nda (S), munda (P) 'wieviel?'
Mansi (Vogul): n?l-m?n (KU P), nali-man (So.) 'vierzig', ? ?t-p?n (K P), at-p?n (N) 'f?ŋfzig', kh??t-p?n (LM), χa?t-p?n (N) 'sechzig'
Hungarian: negy-ven 'vierzig', ?t-ven 'f?nfzig', hat-van 'sechzig' usw. ?
References: Ung-Perm Parallel
Dravidian: ? Tel. *men?d?- 'plenty, much; full' [2518]; *mand-
Proto-Dravidian : *mand-
Meaning : multitude; herd
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Proto-South Dravidian: *mand-ai
Proto-Telugu : *mand-
Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *mand-
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *mand-
References: МССНЯ 348; ND 1419 *ma/on?V 'many, much'. [Drav. *mand- 'herd' may belong to a different root: cf. Ugor. *m?nV 'herd; stallion' - perhaps further TM *meŋetu 'wild reindeer', and still further Eg. mnmn.t 'herd', Omot. *min- 'cow' - see in different ND roots: 1357 *ma?V 'ruminant' (TM), 1418 *mAn?V 'herd, gregarious animal' (SH, Ur., incorr. TM).
Meaning: many, big
Russian meaning: много, большой
Turkic: *ba?n?- ~ *bon?-
Proto-Turkic: *ba?n?- ~ *bon?-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: big, large
Russian meaning: большой
Chuvash: mъ?nъ?
Comments: Федотов 1, 349.
Mongolian: *mandu- / *mantu-
Proto-Mongolian: *mandu- / *mantu-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: big, large
Russian meaning: большой
Written Mongolian: mandu- (L 526) / mantu-
Middle Mongolian: mandu- 'to increase, develop' (SHHYt)
Khalkha: mandgar, mantaj
Buriat: mandagar, mantan, mantagar
Comments: Cf. also MMong. mene 'very' ( > Yak. m?ne 'very', see Ka?. VII 44, Stachowski 178).
Tungus-Manchu: *mani
Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *mani
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: crowd, flock, herd
Russian meaning: толпа, стая
Evenki: man
Negidal: man
Ulcha: mandu?
Orok: mandi?
Nanai: mandu?
Oroch: man?i
Udighe: mani
Comments: ТМС 1, 526.
Korean: *m?n(h)-
Proto-Korean: *m?n(h)-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: many
Russian meaning: много
Modern Korean: m?n- [m?nh-]
Middle Korean: m?n-ha??-
Comments: Nam 199, KED 578.
Japanese: *manai-
Proto-Japanese: *manai-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: many
Russian meaning: много, многочисленный
Old Japanese: mane-
Comments: Ozawa 27-28 (Jap-Mong.); МССНЯ 348, Martin 249, АПиПЯЯ 26, 276.
Proto-Altaic: *maru ( ~ -r?-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: heap, crowd, many
Russian meaning: толпа, куча, множество
Tungus-Manchu: *mar(b)u
Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *mar(b)u
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 heap 2 flock, herd
Russian meaning: 1 куча 2 стая, стадо
Evenki: murbu 1
Literary Manchu: maru 2
Ulcha: maru?(n) 2
Nanai: m?ro? 2
Comments: ТМС 1, 532, 558.
Korean: *muri, *mu?r
Proto-Korean: *muri, *mu?r
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 crowd, many 2 every
Russian meaning: 1 толпа, множество 2 каждый
Modern Korean: muri 1
Middle Korean: mu?r 2
Comments: Nam 223, KED 657.
Japanese: *m??r??, *mu?ra?
Proto-Japanese: *m??r??, *mu?ra?
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 all, every 2 crowd 3 mountain
Russian meaning: все, каждый
Old Japanese: m(w)oro, m(w)orom(w)oro 1, mura 2, mure 3
Middle Japanese: mo?ro?mo?ro? 1, mu?ra? 2
Tokyo: mo?romoro 1, mu?re 2
Kyoto: mo?ro?mo?ro? 1, mu?re? 2
Kagoshima: moromo?ro 1, mu?re 2
Hateruma: mu?ru? 1
Yonakuni: b??ru? 1
Comments: JLTT 485, 488.
Comments: Martin 229, Whitman 1985, 127, 194, 239, SKE 153, АПиПЯЯ 279. An Eastern isogloss. In MKor. cf. also m?r?s 'all, in general'. In Jpn. low tone would be expected; high tone here was probably induced by the similar *m??r- 'to heap up' (see under *mi?o?lo), which also influenced the vowel in *m??r??.

억---->억소리 나듯 놀라움 

허걱! 놀라는 소리 ㅎ탈락 어걱-->억

억수 --->굉장히 큰 수

비가 억수같이 온다.

억수로 빠르다.

온--->100을 뜻하는데 온 완전한 온전한

터키어 on 10 을 뜻함 완전한 수 온전한 할때 온 영어의 all 올-->온



천-->즈믄 트인 확 텬 트인 하늘처럼 넓게 트인 큰 수

엄청 큰 수라 그만큼 드문 수라는 이야기다.

드물다 활용형 드믄-->드문


트므-->틈-->츰-->츤(비음)-->천 (한자발음)

Proto-Altaic: *t`e?me ( ~ -o-)
Meaning: scarce, rare
Russian meaning: редкий
Tungus-Manchu: *temu-
Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *temu-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 in vain 2 barely, scarcely
Russian meaning: 1 напрасно 2 чуть, едва
Evenki: tomok?n 1
Ulcha: tembu 2
Comments: ТМС 2, 196, 233.
Korean: *t??m??r-
Proto-Korean: *t??m??r-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: rare
Russian meaning: редкий
Modern Korean: t?mul-
Middle Korean: t??m??r-
Comments: Nam 171, KED 526.
Japanese: *t??m??-
Proto-Japanese: *t??m(p)??-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: scarce, poor
Russian meaning: скудный, бедный
Old Japanese: tomo-si
Middle Japanese: to?mo?-si
Tokyo: toboshi?-, to?boshi-
Kyoto: to?bo?shi?-
Kagoshima: tobo?shi-
Comments: JLTT 842. Kagoshima and one of the Tokyo variants point to a variant with high tone in PJ.
Comments: Whitman 1985, 126, 218. An Eastern isogloss.

경-->큰 의 변형음
