The direction of light is always toward darkness. Grace and truth are also directed toward darkness. That is why God comes to the dark world—for sinners, the sick, and those wandering. Grace and truth, in a word, are love. From God’s love come grace and truth, and this grace and truth come to us through the Word. To follow the Word, to be a person of the Word, is to be a person of grace and truth.
The work of God’s servant is to testify about the light. This was also the mission of the prophets in the Old Testament. They did this so that people would believe in the light—so that they would believe in God.
The Word mentioned in verse 1 became flesh. The light became flesh. The Creator of this world, the Lord of this world, became flesh.
Excerpt from the sermon by Pastor Lee, Jan 10, 2024.
John 1:4-14